Spiritual Subject Index of Codex Runicus

(June 6, 2024, Updated September 10, 2024)

Deities By Name

Deity Epithets

The personified grammatical form appears first while its power form is last.

Spiritual Powers

 Sources, Targets, and Mechanisms

Types of Priests and Magic-Crafters

These classifications mostly follow the Ancient Pagan Paradigm with its 3 layers of life powers: Shepherds (Bards), Weavers (Vates), and Priest-Parents (Druids). The motion powers are represented by one group called Seers.

Life-Power Priests

Motion Power Magic Crafters

(Shepherds, Bards, and Magi are just different words for the same sort of magic crafter)

Priests Involved With Both Divine Power Classes

Spiritual Places

Statue of Stabo (63 BC – 24 CE) in his hometown of modern-day Amasya, Turkiye.  He was the leading geographer of the era. He journeyed to Egypt and Kush, as far west as coastal Tuscany and as far south as Ethiopia in addition to his travels in Asia Minor and the time he spent in Rome. Travel throughout the Mediterranean and Near East, especially for scholarly purposes, was popular during this era and was facilitated by the relative peace enjoyed throughout the reign of Augustus (27 BC – AD 14). He moved to Rome in 44 BC, and stayed there, studying and writing, until at least 31 BC. In 29 BC, on his way to Corinth (where Augustus was at the time), he visited the island of Gyaros in the Aegean Sea. Around 25 BC, he sailed up the Nile until he reached Philae, after which point there is little record of his travels until AD 17. 
Online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Statue_of_Strabo_in_Amasia.jpg

Strabo on Druid Priestly Types

(August 13, 2024) Strabo, book 4, Chapter 4, Section 4

Amongst [the Gauls] there are generally three divisions of' men especially reverenced, the Bards, the Vates, and the Druids. The Bards composed and chanted hymns; the Vates occupied themselves with the sacrifices and the study of nature; while the Druids joined to the study of nature that of moral philosophy. The belief in the justice [of the Druids] is so great that the decision both of public and private disputes is referred to them; and they have before now, by their decision, prevented armies from engaging when drawn up in battle-array against each other. All cases of murder are particularly referred to them. 

When there is plenty of these they imagine there will likewise be a plentiful harvest. Both these and the others assert that the soul is indestructible, and likewise the world, but that sometimes fire and sometimes water have prevailed in making great changes.

Likely Origin of Words "Druid" and "Bard" as Akkadian Phrases

In summery, Bards nourish Awen (the emotional powers), Vates weave Awen, and Druids manifest and reveal the results to support life. These correspond to the 3 layers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm consisting of source powers, connective powers, and manifestation powers.


The Geography of Strabo. Literally translated, with notes, in three volumes. London. George Bell & Sons. 1903. Online at: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0239%3Abook%3D4%3Achapter%3D4%3Asection%3D4
