Lines-Vertical-Angled (not gates)
Image: Side view of a falling person or person on hans and knees
Definition: (noun) submission, (verb) to bow down, to submit, to succumb.
Image: A wing with feathers
Meaning: Cat-Bird - The middle layer motion power deity analogous to the Druid hermaphrodite deity Thu
- (Noun) cat-bird: SG 1.9
Image: Top shows gated enclosure having the wind (breath) sign inside. This enclosure is supported by legs on the earth plane. The left image is later than the right (from SA1)
Definition: mouth - "mouths" is an epithet for locusts"
Image: Seems to show strings blowing in the wind
Meaning: something like "wind"
- (Noun) wind: SG 1.5
Image: Wind affected pairing over battle Axe (ME) representing the powers
Definition: (unknown)
LAM (goddess)
Image: angled lines (wind) over a mixture of something
Definition: abundance, netherworld - associated with almond shells, Equivalent to Druid goddess Selene.
Image: Controller gate (long vertical line) controlling something having motion (angled lines, wind) and grain (vertical lines, life)
Definition: lord, lady, royalty - some one who control land and its resources
Image: mix of something on some land with motion powers (wind) at the top
Definition: cedar, to anoint with cedar oil - scented oils are used in motion powers rituals while waters of various kinds are used in life power rituals
Image: a V-shaped mass
Definition: (noun) silver, sacred-item, money (adj) silvery, holy, bright, pure - this is the color of the moon
Image: ?
Definition: ?
Image: ?
Definition: to break off?