Palmyra Aegean-Hellenistic Plaque 250 BCE

All Dates Determined by Letter Styles. Letter charts and lexicon references here.

Palmyra Plaque Now at the Louvre, Number AO 18200. Online at:

Incorrectly Used Motion Powers Being Blamed for Drought 250 BCE

(March 3, 2024). The letter style of this text is Aegean Island Hellenistic which derives from the Aegean Island tradition. Yet this letter style retains some Aegean Island elements making it slightly older than what appears of the Rosetta Stone which is dated to 200 BCE. 

It is describing the functions of various divine powers. This text says:

  1. Nothing is coming from the pasture (astrological night sky).  (That) frustration is being manifested. Su is not causing death. Considerations (focused magical emotions) are causing the openings to be pushed away.
  2. Considerations (only) energize the openings. No astrological-powers are re-assigning the fresh-waters. The pasture is not affecting the prodding of the Revealer (Yahu)
  3. Life-Priests can supervise the fertility-fluids.  Openings are astrologically-powered in order to separate-out-the-unwanted.  That is causing the lack of the Reed-Boat's (Ayu) energy.
  4. Nourishments (offerings) can control the life-revelations.  Those are Yahu's (Y") emanations.  Nourishments can overrule emotion-owls.  That is because of nesting.
  5. Nourishments can control the life-revelations.  Those are Yahu's (Y") emanations.  Nourishments are the attendants (aids).  Life-manifestations are because of Yahu (Y')
  6. Nourishments can control the life-revelation's considerations.  Those are Yahu (Y") emanations. Nourishments are the threads of Alu.  Visibility (of life forms) is because of those divine powers. 
  7. Fertility-fluids are controlled by night-noises.  The Reveler is Yahu (Y').  Emanations are crafted by life-priests.  Revelation are opened by eagle-vultures.
  8. Shepherds (emotion magic crafters) are making chaotic the eagle-vultures. Fate-curses can be emanated by false evening-powers.  The life-manifestations are frustrated by the pasture.
  9. Those nourishments are revealed by Ayu  Nourishments can be opened by astrological-powers. Emanations are channeled by life-priests. The lack is due to (all) divine-powers.
  10. Those energize eagle-vultures. Considerations can open emanations.  Nourishments can be energized by Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu). Those are frustrated by the pasture.
  11. Emanations can be opened by magic.  (Yet) Magic can cause this nesting.  Emanations are energized by the Controllers. (Yet) That is frustrated by the pasture.
  12. Life-Manifestations can be made-visible.  Life-Manifestation's association with budding is due to the shepherds (motion magic crafters).
  13. The apparitions from Yahu (E') are opened by magic.  Emanations can be veiled.  Considerations (focused emotional thoughts) can fool the Revealer (Yahu).
  14. The nourishments from Ayu can be magically affected by emotion-owls.  Spiritual-forces can reveal emanations. Activity is opened by magic.
  15. The Shepherds' motion-powers are involved.  Their magic sets the foundation for Thu.  Open the revelations.

Previous Translation Attempt Accepted by the Louvre



Rosetta Stone at

(March 2, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. E  Ta'u.  UZu  Du.  Su  UGu  Ya.  ANu  Pu  Ma'u  U (Lev 73.1)
  2. ANu  Pu  Gu.  E  IRu  ENu  TeṬu.  Ta'u  Ne'u  Ya  Ka'u  Nu  (Lev 73.2) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nothing is coming from the pasture (astrological night sky).  (That) frustration is being manifested. Su is not causing death. Considerations (focused magical emotions) are causing the openings to be pushed away.
  2. Considerations energize the openings. No astrological-powers are re-assigning the fresh-water. The pasture is not emotionally-affecting the prodding of the Revealer (Yahu)

(March 2, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. ABu  EMu  Mu.  Pu  Le'u  ZaZu.  A  Lu  AMu  Gi.   (Lev 73.3)
  2. Bu  ARu  Nu.  A  Ya'u  ZuBu  PaLu  AKu.  A  Ba'u  U (Lev 73.4

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Life-Priests can supervise the fertility-fluids.  Openings are astrologically-powered in order to separate-out-the-unwanted.  That is causing the lack of the Reed-Boat's (Ayu) energy.
  2. Nourishments can control the life-revelations.  Those are Yahu (Y") emanations.  Nourishments can overrule emotion-owls.  That is because of nesting.

(March 2, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Bu  ARu  Nu.  A  Ya'u  Zu.  Bu  A  AḪu.  Du  Ya'u  U   (Lev 73.5)
  2. Bu  ARu  Nu  ANu.  A  Ya'u  Zu.  Bu  A  Qu  ALu.  ADu  A  Di'u  U (Lev 73.6

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nourishments can control the life-revelations.  Those are Yahu's (Y") emanations.  Nourishments are the attendants (aids).  Life-manifestations are because of Yahu (Y')
  2. Nourishments can control the life-revelation's considerations.  Those are Yahu's (Y") emanations. Nourishments are the threads of Alu.  Visibility (of life forms) is because of those divine powers. 

(March 2, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Mu  PaMu  ARu.  Nu  A  Ya'u.  Zu  ABu  UDu.  Nu  Pu  Ru    (Lev 73.7)
  2. Re'u  NuNu  Ru.  U'a  Zu  BaDu  RaGu.  Du  Ta'u  UZu (Lev 73.8

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Fertility-fluids are controlled by night-noises.  The Reveler is Yahu (Y').  Emanations are crafted by life-priests.  Revelation are opened by eagle-vultures.
  2. Shepherds (emotion magic crafters) are making chaotic the eagle-vultures. Fate-curses can be emanated by false evening-powers.  The life-manifestations are frustrated by the pasture.

(March 2, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Bu  A  Nu  AYu.  Bu  Pu  La'u.  Zu  ABu  IDu.  Lu  Di'u  U      (Lev 73.9)
  2. A  Gu  Ru.  ANu  Pu  Zu.  Bu  ARu  Gu.  A  Ta'u  UZu (Lev 73.10

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Those nourishments are revealed by Ayu  Nourishments can be opened by astrological-powers. Emanations are channeled by life-priests. The lack is due to (all) divine-powers.
  2. Those energize eagle-vultures. Considerations can open emanations.  Nourishments can be energized by Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu). Those are frustrated by the pasture.

(March 3, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Zu  Pu  Tu.  Tu  A  Ba'u.  Zu  Bu  ARu  Gu.   A  Ta'u  UZu       (Lev 73.11)
  2. Du  ADu.  Du  AZu  Ga'u  Re'u  U (Lev 73.12

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Emanations can be opened by astrology-magic.  (Yet) Astrology-magic can cause this nesting.  Emanations are energized by the Controllers. (Yet) That is frustrated by the pasture.
  2. Life-Manifestations can be made-visible.  Life-Manifestation's association with budding is due to the shepherds (motion magic crafters).

(March 3, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. WaPu  E'u  Tu  Pu.   Zu  APu.  ANu  TaṢu  Nu        (Lev 73.13)
  2. Bu  AYu  Tu  EKu.  NaṢu  Nu  Zu.  Ṣu  Tu  Pu (Lev 73.14

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The apparitions from Yahu (E') are opened by magic.  Emanations can be veiled.  Considerations (focused emotional thoughts) can fool the Revealer (Yahu).
  2. The nourishments from Ayu can be magically affected by emotion-owls.  Spiritual-forces can reveal emanations. Activity is opened by magic.

(March 3, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 18200.  Letter assignments by Olmsted.  

Translation in Akkadian (Lev 73)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. ReYu  A'u  Ku.  A  Tu  Ṭu  UŠu.  Pu  Nu     (Lev 73.15)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The Shepherds' motion-powers are involved.  Their magic sets the foundation for Thu.  Open the revelations.