Sumerian Deity Signs
Life Source Deities
Image: Person with a mouth in the upper left. The chest is an open which must represent something.
Definition: (unknown). The sound assigned to this sign is the same as the Akkadian life source god ALu.
MUL (NIN.GAL) - goddess
Image: 3 stars
Definition: (noun) glowing-one, (verb) to shine, to glow, glowing-things (like constellations, planets, meteors) - might be a representation of the motion source goddess Selu/Selene
Image: chalice - left from Sippar Stone
Definitions: (noun) feared-ones, feared-place, underdome - the underdome is the home of dead souls and spirits. Its powers of place are represented by goddess Hekate in the Druid pantheon who is the "Lady of the Chalice." In Sumerian NIN.GAL means "lady of the chalice and has connotations as something feared, great, mysterious, and powerful.
Life Connective Deities
Image: sun with rays of heat (wavy) and light, more generally a glowing object
Definition: God AN - This is the Sumerian masculine connective power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm which represents the network which in turn is edited by his companion female power, INANNA. The power of AN is manifested as the sun with both heat and light rays. Sumerian texts call AN the "harvest-chief" and the "plant-grower." Previously, this cuneiform sign was assumed to be a star but that is incorrect based upon the latest text translations done to the scholar's standard.
AN (noun) SS 1.1, SS 1.2, SS 1.3, SX 1.1
BU (chaotic rain bringing storm god)
Image: Front view of a drooling or connective bull head
Definition: (noun) bull, chaotic rain storm deity, (verb) to rush around - bulls represented the chaos power of a thunder storm which brought rains. Drooling is a sign the bull is stressed and excitable (or has eaten something irritating). As a god, Sumerian texts call him the "fishing grounds."
ḪU (divine network editing bird)
Image: Side view of three layered Ancient Pagan Paradigm with middle layer being a control layer
Definition: divine-bird (like eagle-vulture) which edits the middle layer life network- as opposed to a normal bird represented by the word MUŠIN
INANNA (network goddess)
Image: Side view of the three layer Ancient Pagan Paradigm showing all layers as static. The control element is between the upper source layer and the middle connective layer (Hu) which represents goddess Inanna as the middle layer network editor.
Definition: Crescent moon goddess Inanna who is the editor of the middle layer network represented by the sun god Hu. She is Ayu in Mediterranean Akkadian.
Image: Female sign (SAL) over a cloth or net (TUG2)
Definition: (noun) queen, mistress, lady - "The Lady" by itself is an epithet for goddess INANNA
Life Manifestation Deities
BI (god)
Image: Bottom is a filled storage pot having a top neck having a boundary-crossing sign.
Definition: to reveal, to say (if animate object) - generally considered to be a word suffix for something doing the talking or revealing. "Revealer" is an epithet for the life manifestation god (Yahu in Akkadian).
DI (goddess)
Image: Side view of an interaction of 2 people in space
Definitions: (noun) judge, lawsuit, judgment, decision, verdict, (verb) to judge, decide, to conduct oneself, to go, to escape - Similar to word "divine." This is possibly an epithet for the life manifestation goddess who judges whether to let through the fertility fluids to trigger the life manifestation accomplished by Yahu)
Motion Source Deities
LAM (goddess)
Image: angled lines (wind) over a mixture of something
Definition: abundance, netherworld - associated with almond shells, Equivalent to Druid goddess Selene.
Motion Connective Deities
Image: A wing with feathers
Meaning: Cat-Bird - The middle layer motion power deity analogous to the Druid hermaphrodite deity Thu
- (Noun) cat-bird: SG 1.9
Motion Manifestation Deities
RU (EN.LIL) - Lord of Air
Image: flag on pole
Definition: (noun) wind, (verb) to blow, to be windy, to send on the wind - Possibly an epithet the motion manifestation god.
LIL2 (NIN.LIL) - Lady of Air
Image: 3-line wind sign (EŠ2) representing as the middle layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm within a 3-side shelter
Definition: (noun) inspiration, infection, (verb) to infect, to inspire, (adj) haunted - all the effects of motion powers.
Image: 3 horizontal lines which form the core of LIL2
Definition: (noun) wind, breath, spirit - epithet for LIL2