Winged INANNA Locking-Out Non-Spiritual People (2200 BCE)

Now at the Oriental Museum at the University of Chicago. Registration Number: A27903, Accession Number: 2953. Nothing else known.

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Lexicon used for this translation: About This Early-Sign Sumerian Lexicon  


SX 6.1 and 6.2


  1. ? MU KUG  (text SX 6.1)
  2. ? GUL (text SX 6.2)

English Translation

  1. [missing word] are making silvery words
  2. [missing word] are becoming detached

SX 6.3


  1. ? LA  SU4.GAL  NU  X19 (text SX 6.3)

English Translation

  1. Wealthy [missing word] are not growing-fearful of the channeler (INANNA)

SX 6.4 and 6.5


  1. AN  NIN  IŠ  X22  E2  NUN  XC9 (text SX 6.4)
  2. A NA  (text SX 6.5)

English Translation 

  1. AN and the Lady are locking-out those separated from the temple who elevate ground-things (material things)
  2. Move-towards spiritual-connections