Minoan Linear A Temple Workshop Tags from Malia (1700 BCE)

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Eastern Minoan Crete. Malia is located in the upper center part of this map. It was destroyed by an earthquake around 1700 BCE which preserved a moment in time. This earthquake was not due to the volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini which has recently been dated to 1620 BCE (Höflmayer 2012).
Malia’s earliest palace-temple complex had an adjacent workshop area. Both were built starting around 1900 BCE in what is known as the Minoan First Temple Period or Proto-palatial Period which lasted until about 1700 when the earthquake destroyed most buildings. The new rebuilt temples were larger and in the style of Knossos suggesting that the city of Knossos now controlled the territory.


Höflmayer (2012) The Date of the Minoan Santorini Eruption: Quantifying the “Offset” Radiocarbon, volume 54, Issue 3-4. Cambridge University Press. Published online on July 18, 2016 at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/radiocarbon/article/date-of-the-minoan-santorini-eruption-quantifying-the-offset/F2FB5ECEE5D46FCF9272EA357364CCDF

The Minoan City of Malia

(July 11, 2022), The Minoans were a trading culture. This is certainly demonstrated by the trading texts found at Malia on the north coast of Crete. Most of the Linear A texts presented here were found in the workshop area adjacent to Malia’s first large temple/palace complex. The workshop area consisted of two large buildings of some importance as well as workshops, courts and paths linking the various parts of the area together. The workshops produced seals, pottery, ceramic ware, stone vases, and bronze goods. The workshops themselves seem to have been located on the second floor of the buildings which left the ground floor for living space and/or public trading.

These updated translations are based upon the 3rd edition of the Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon. Latest paper with full translation justification (but using the 2nd edition) is:

Olmsted, D.D. (December 16, 2021) Many Minoan Linear A Ritual Supply Texts Surrounding a Drought Translated in Alphabetic Akkadian (1700 BCE). DOI Permanent URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.17613/5xms-3m71. Online at: https://www.academia.edu/64764366/Many_Minoan_Linear_A_Ritual_Supply_Texts_Surrounding_a_Drought_Translated_in_Alphabetic_Akkadian_1700_BCE
Top image shows ash amounts in cm that fell from the Thera (Santorini) volcanic eruption in either 1562 BCE. Bottom image of Crete shows where tsunami evidence has been found prior to its discovery on Malia. The height of the Tsunami which hit Crete was probably around 5 meters (15 feet so it did not go far inland.
Image from: Lespez and all (July 29, 1921) Discovery of a Tsunami deposit from the Bronze Age Santorini eruption at Malia (Crete): impact, chronology, extension. Online at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-94859-1#Sec2

Thera Eruption in 1562 BCE Ended Minoan Trading Power and Allowed the Rise of Greeks and Phoenicians

(April 15, 2022) In 2021 the dating of the Thera eruption was resolved into two possibilities by Erlich, Regev, and Boaretto, (2021). They show that calibrated radio carbon dating for the event has two probability peaks, one at 1628 BCE and the other at 1567 BCE.

By 2023 a very significant dating methodology had matured which identified spikes of radioactive Carbon 14 in tree rings from solar flare events to anchor isolated tree ring data. These carbon 14 spikes are called Miyake events after the researcher, Fusa Miyake, who developed the procedure. This determined that the Thera eruption occurred in 1562 BCE.  


Erlich, Y., Regev, L., and Boaretto, E. (2021) Discovery of annual growth in a modern olive branch based on carbon isotopes and implications for the Bronze Age volcanic eruption of Santorini. Online at: https://www.pubfacts.com/detail/33436660/Discovery-of-annual-growth-in-a-modern-olive-branch-based-on-carbon-isotopes-and-implications-for-th
Price, Michael (13 April 2023) Marking time - Radiocarbon timestamps left in ancient tree rings by cosmic ray bombardments can date historical events with unprecedented precision. Science. Online at:  https://www.science.org/content/article/marking-time-cosmic-ray-storms-can-pin-precise-dates-history-ancient-egypt-vikings
Minoan workshop tag with inscriptions from Malia
Notice the hole for twine at the tip just like modern shipping tags. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)
Modern shipping tag
Modern shipping tag

Minoan Malia Tag 3 Side A for Shipping Items which Prevent Energy from Affecting Thread Connections (Minoan Text 1.3.1)

(July 11, 2022) It reads from point to flat (right to left):

Translation into Akkadian

(read point to base. Large letters on items, small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb in italic bold)
  1. Gi Pu Qi Ya |

Into English

  1. For emotional-energy to not affect thread-empowered openings |  ____

This tag describes some as yet unnamed items for use in rituals to inhibit the ability of the motion powers (energy, Gi) from affecting the life powers. Specifically, from inhibiting the flow of the fertility fluids in the threads (channels) which trigger the manifestation of life on earth.


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230
Minoan workshop tags with inscriptions from Malia
The center sign Nun (N) means "to reveal" when applied to inanimate objects. It has either sun rays or rain below it as an illustration of fertility fluid revelation. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230

Minoan Malia Tag 3 Side B for Shipping Ritual Knives for Revealing Things (Minoan Text 1.3.2)

(July 11, 2022) It reads from point to flat (right to left):

Translation into Akkadian

  1. ṣu nu ya | (3 knives) nu

Into English

  1. For activities which are not being revealed | (3 knives) for revealing.

This trade tag is a combination of text and pictures. These 3 athames (ritual knives) are being used in a ritual to cut through the fog of the material realm to reveal the spiritual realm. 

Minoan Athame now at the Heraklion Museum
Minoan Athame on display at the Heraklion Museum in Crete. It was found in a different work quarter called Mu at Malia.
Minoan workshop tags found in quarter M1. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag for Source Power Items

(July 11, 2022) These are read left to right.

Tag 1a Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.1.1)

  1. du

Into English

  1. For life-manifestations


Tag 1b Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.1.2)

Into English

  1. For Su (full moon motion power source)

One side of this tag  labels items for the life powers while the other side labels them for the motion powers.  This indicates these tags were reused.

Minoan workshop tags found in quarter M1. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag 2 for the Life Manifestation Powers

(August 13, 2022) These are read left to right.

Tag 2a Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.2.1)

Into English

  1. For the Opener (Asher,  Asherah) | for working with exposing \ 7


Tag 2b Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.2.2)

Into English

  1. For the Revealer (Yahu) | for working with openings \ 8 nourishments

One side of tag 2 labeled items for the Opener of invisible life form images (Asherah) while the other side labeled nourishments (amorphous matter) for the Revealer (Yahu) to fill those images.

Minoan workshop tags found in quarter M3. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag 317 for Items Involving the Drought

(August 13, 2022) These are read point to flat.

Tag 317 Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.4.1)

  1. epu

Into English

  1. For the drying 


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230
Minoan workshop tag found in quarter M3. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag 318 for Items to Aid the Revealer (Yahu, Yahweh)

(August 13, 2022) These are read point to flat.

Tag 318 Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.4.2)

[missing sign] ya nu 

Into English

  1. [missing word] not being affected by the Revealer


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230
Minoan workshop tag found in quarter M3. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Image from foldout 3 of Goldart and Poursat 1978)


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230

Minoan Malia Shipping Tag 319 for Items Aiding the Magic Crafters

(August 13, 2022) These are read point to flat. Being a double sided tag the items it mentions must be opposites in some way.

Tag 319A Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.4.3)

  1. pu aku

Into English

  1. For opening with emotion-owls

Emotion owls are the magic crafter familiars. "Opening" is referring to the enabling of Asher and Yahu to manifest life forms on earth. Fertility fluids must be unblocked in order to trigger their powers. So this side of the tag is for magical items which amplify the fertility fluid motions (activity) already being affected by the magic crafters.


Tag 319B Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.4.4)

  1. ṣu ya tu

Into English

  1. For activity not being affected magic crafters

 This side of the tag is for items which aid magic crafters in gaining some sort of influence over the flow rate of the fertility fluids.

Round Minoan tag at Heraklion Museum with Inscription
Round Tag displayed at Heraklion Museum in Crete. (Personal photo of Olmsted)

Round Temple Tag at Heraklion Museum (Minoan Text 1.5) - 1700 BCE

(August 13, 2022) Read left to right. This is not a workshop tag but seems to be a temple tag with a religious phrase. 

Translation into Akkadian

  1. Su Lu.  Ḫu Wa

Into English

  1. Su is lacking. Hu is miserable.

The full moon god Su is the motion source god and his motion powers are needed to push the fertility fluids through the life network represented by the visible sun god Hu. If the fertility fluids are sluggish then life forms do not get manifested making all the life powers miserable. 

Find location was not listed


Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=23&ce=oatbaqmb7gsvpv7saktgh9sd9dd7b3sr&sp=230