Rune 33 Celtic/Christian Ruthwell Pillar in Scotland 500-600 CE

Best Ancient Cross in Europe

(July 14, 2024)  Quote from the Youtube description by WC21 (UK) Productions Ltd. Again, a cross was only placed later on this Druid pillar only later in its history:
Pevsner considered the Ruthwell Cross to be the best in Europe of its date. Along with the cross at Bewcastle - that we looked at in "Ancient Cross. Middle of Nowhere" - the runic cross at Ruthwell displays a level of skill and sophistication that surprises given the late 7th/early 8th Century date and remote location.  Both crosses are a long way from the heart of the Northumbrian kingdom.
As we investigate the Ruthwell Cross we consider these questions, as well as the troubled history of this iconic, early Christian monument. Inevitably this entails the Rev Henry Duncan - founder of the first ever community bank in the UK.
This video is entirely the idea of Mr. Phillip Schofield. (the Youtube warning seems to be because of a humorous missing hat trick played out in the video)

Translation of West Side Runic Text on Ruthwell Pillar in Runic (Druid) Akkadian

(July 16, 2024, This translation is justified at the bottom of this page). 

Christianity/Judaism and Druidry shared two deities, Yahu/Yahweh (mistranslated as "Lord" in the Bible) and Alu/Allah/'elohim (translated as "God" in the Bible. The letter ayin /'/ is a glottal stop when it is found in the middle of a word but is sounded as the letter "A" when it is used as the first letter of a word). The dual-use letter e/h at the end of a deity name indicates that the power of the deity instead of the personhood. The letter "M" indicates the plural so "Alohim" means "powers of Alu."

As a result of this commonalty, this text is promote Christianity by extending and promoting the powers of Yahu over all the other divine powers found in Druidry. The "fertility-fluids" found in the text are the life powers from Alu being distributed to earth via the life network which in Druidry trigger Yahu to manifest life. A drought is being blamed on something blocking this flow which is normally produced by the motion class of powers (astrological and emotions) represented by the dark new moon god Su. The text reads: 

  1. Lacking Su's moon-eyed-ones (astrology priests), we can inquire about the winnowing of boundary (the sky shell's connective powers).
  2. Fertility-fluids are not being affected by Su's ineffectiveness.
  3. Revealed form-manifestations are being blocked.
  4. The life-threads are being made indecisive by the liver (emotions).
  5. Energize those fertility-fluids for form-manifestations.
  6. Fertility-fluids are being similar to Su's Opener (god Thu).
  7. The astrological-powers are manifesting the fertility-fluids.
  8. That astrology-magic is not from Su.
  9. Fertility-fluids are being supervised by that filter.
  10. The channels for the fertility-fluids are being made ineffective by Su.
  11. Those are obligating Su's pit (Kate/Hekate).
  12. Astrology-magic is respecting the opening of the rainstorm's ineffectiveness.
  13. Nothing is foreshadowing opening the activation of the veil.
  14. Energy can emotionally-trigger the eagle-vultures to prostitute for the eyes-of-fate (planets and stars).
  15.  Celestial-healing is confusing the life-channel-opening by the eyes-of-fate.
  16. Devotion is not the same as opening those Su powers ("S" here is same as codex runicus).
  17. Revealing the collapse is being activated by redirection (of the fertility fluids).
  18. Watering those form-manifestations is opening the collapse.
  19. Astrology-magic will respect the fertility-fluids being energized by the nourishing of Yahu.

Photo of South Side of Ruthwell Pillar

(July 15, 2024) Rune text on south side Ruthwell Pillar. I just need a full quality photograph for a translation. Image is of Jesus having his feet washed by a "sinful woman" which is a parable about the Druid Law of Return. (Luke 36 -39). Consequently, it is an example of a teaching which Druids and Christians had in common.  The parable is:
36 Then one of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with him. And He went to the Pharisee’s house, and sat down to eat. 37 And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, 38 and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. 39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, “This Man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner"..... 44 Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47 Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” 
Photo from Wikimedia Commons at:

Photo of West Side of Ruthwell Pillar

(July 15, 2024) Rune text on the west side. The image is Druid showing nature within a life network. From Wikimedia Commons at:

Drawing West Side Rune Text

(July 15, 2024) Drawing from book: Alcuin of York, Lectures Delivered in the Cathedral Church of Bristol in 1907 and 1908 by George Forrest Browne. It is plate 12 facing page 297. Browne's drawing seems to be accurate but he provided a translation (below) based on incorrect and inconsistent letter assignments.

Translation of West Side Ruthwell Pillar 500-600 CE

(July 15, 2024) Similar in letter style to The Franks Casket from France (500 CE)

Translation in Akkadian (Rune Text )

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold). [ ] is the space for the image in the middle of the text lines.
  1. Lu Su INu QaRu PaNu ETu - Lacking Su's moon-eyed-ones (astrology priests), we can inquire about the winnowing of boundary (the sky shell's connective powers).
  2. Mu Yu [ ] Su E -  Fertility-fluids are not being affected [ ] by Su's ineffectiveness
  3. Du Nu [ ] Ṣeyu - Revealed form-manifestations [ ] are being blocked.
  4. Qu SaMu [ ] ḪeRu -  The life-threads are being made indecisive [ ] by the liver (emotions)
  5. Gu A [ ] Mu Du - Energize those [ ] fertility-fluids for form-manifestations
  6. Mu Šu [ ] Su Pu - Fertility-fluids are being similar to [ ] Su's Opener (god Thu)
  7. IRu [ ] Du Mu - The astrological-powers [ ] are manifesting the fertility-fluids
  8. A Tu [ ] Su E - That astrology-magic [ ] is not from Su
  9. Mu EMu [ ] A NaPu - Fertility-fluids are being supervised [ ] by that filter
  10. PaQu Mu [ ] EQu Su - The channels for the fertility-fluids [ ] are being made ineffective by Su
  11. ŠaMu A [ ] Su PiTu - Those are obligating [ ] Su's pit (Kate/Hekate)
  12. Tu ḪeYu Pu [ ] MuRu E - Astrology-magic is respecting the opening [ ] of the rainstorm's ineffectiveness
  13. E ITu Pu [ ] Ṣu APu -  Nothing is foreshadowing opening [ ] the activation of the veil
  14. Gi IMu Ru [ ] DiDu IGu - Energy can emotionally-trigger the eagle-vultures [ ] to prostitute for the eyes-of-fate (planets and stars)
  15.  'Su IŠu [ ] PaQ IGu - Celestial-healing is confusing [ ] the life-channel-opening by the eyes-of-fate
  16. TaPu Šu Ya [ ] M A - Devotion is not the same as [ ] opening those Su powers ("S" here is same as codex runicus)
  17. Nu QaPu [ ] Ṣu IWu -  Revealing the collapse [ ] is being activated by redirection (of the fertility fluids)
  18. MaMu A [ ] Du Pu QaPu - Watering those [ ] form-manifestations is opening the collapse
  19. Tu ḪeYu M [ ] Gu Bu YaHu - Astrology-magic will respect the fertility-fluids [ ] being energized by the nourishing of Yahu