Page 19 Codex Runicus

Page 19 of Codex Runicus.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Translation of Page 19

(August 8, 2024) Chapter 23 discusses how openings though the boundary between the divine and mortal realm normally done by the life powers can be aided by astrology-magic. In turn as discussed in chapter 24, the life powers represented by Alu can enhance the emotion/motion powers by properly allocating the flows the life/fertility fluids (the motion powers cause their movement). Chapter 25 assigns the role of fixing (setting) the changes done by the emotion and life powers to the astrological powers.

  1. Involve the same  :  zodiac-houses.  :  Life can be manifested.  :  Open Involvements.  :  Nourishing the openings will energize the boundary.  :;  (Chapter 23) The Revealer (Kate) can make scarce the changes.  :  Nourish the openings with offerings of astrology-magic.  :  Open involvements.  :  
  2. Involve the priest-parents with astrology-magic.  :  Disperse and weave the nourishments.  :  Restrain the authorizations.  :  Energize the oozing.  :  Open involvements.  :  Su's conductor (Sirius)  :  can lack gating.
  3. Lacking any activity (motion),  :  the things-given will be set.  :  Activity can be disciplined by astrology-magic.  :  The things-given are revealed.  :  Su can bud astrology-magic  :  for making-diversions in the boundary.  :  (Such) attunements (logos) are similar  :  to Thu.
  4. Attune for the shedding.  :  Ayu can manifest changes from Thu's enemies.  :  The changes  :  are not energized by the boundary's eagle-vultures.  :  Reveal Alu.  :  Involve the priest-parents in this.  :  
  5. The diversions in the boundary  :  can reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Nourish the openings offering emotional-arousal's revelations.  :  The things-given can activate the drought's :  changes.  :  The settings will activate  :  that.
  6. So  :  inhibit the settings.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Open involvements  :  Nourish the openings energizing the boundary.  :  Liberate the nourishing of the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu) :  to free-up the drivers.  :
  7. The Constrainer (Su) can nourish Kate.  :  Activate the eyes-of-fate (stars and planets).  :  The setting can fight astrology-magic.  :  The life-realm can make ineffective astrology-magic.  :  Reveal the emotion powers (Awen).  :  Energize the opening of involvements :  for changing astrology-magic.  :
  8. (Chapter 24) ALu can drive the changes.  :  Proper-allocations can energize astrology-magic.  :  Emotion-powers (Awen) can free-up the drivers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  Reveal Alu's :  desire.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  : 
  9. Fate-curses  :  can constrain the isolated-space's (underworld's) astrology-magic.  :  The boundary is not an enemy of network-shaping.  :  Astrology-magic can isolate the changes.  :  The foundation (earth) is not an enemy of revealed-forms.  :  Open involvements.  :
  10. Reveal the emotion-power's fate-curses.  :  Involve it's settings.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Alu can set  :  the things-given (invisible eternal forms)  :  The zodiac-houses can astrologically-coerce  :  Ayu.
  11. Activating these  :  changes  :  can cause lack in the isolated-space's (underworld's) emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Ayu can energize omens.  :  Ayu can activate astrology-magic.  Activate the eyes-of-fate (heavenly bodies).  :  Thu can emotionally-arouse Su's astrology-magic.  :
  12. (Chapter 25) Astrology-magic can set  :  the things-given.  :  Reveal the supports which are not nourishing the prodding.  :  Open involvement.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Reveal love of the boundary's manifestations of the settings.  :  
  13. Open involvement.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Reveal love of of the foundation's (earth's)  manifestations of the settings.  :  Open involvement.  :  Reveal the prodding by Su.  :  Manifest the pasture's (night sky's)  :  emotion-powers (Awen).  :
  14. Reveal the prodding which is shedding astrology-magic.  :  Manifest the harmony of the changes.  :  Reveal the prodding shedding astrology-magic.  :  Reveal the constraints on energy.  :  Thu activates Alu.  :

(August 3, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ku Šu  :  BeTu  :  ḪeRe Du  :  Pu Ku  :  Bu Pu Gu ETu  :;  Nu IṢu TaRu  :  Bu Pu BeSu Tu   :  Pu Ku  : (Text 29.19.1)  
  2. Ku ABu Tu  :  NaLu U UTu Bu  :  BeLu RaBu Gu ŠeNu  Pu Ku  :  Su ŠeRu  : Lu BiBu (Text 29.19.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Involve the same  :  zodiac-houses.  :  Life can be manifested.  :  Open Involvement.  :  Nourishing the openings will energize the boundary.  :;  The Revealer can make scarce the changes.  :  Nourish the openings with offerings of astrology-magic. :  Open involvement.  :  
  2. Involve the priest-parents with astrology-magic.  :  Disperse and weave the nourishments.  :  Restrain the emotional-authorizations.  :  Energize the oozing.  :  Open involvements.  :  Su's Sirius  :  can lack gating.

(August 4, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Lu Ṣu  :  DaTu ReTu  :  Ṣu TuKu Tu  :  DaTu Nu  :  Su ŠeDu Tu  :  LaRu ETu  :  LaGu Šu  :  Ṭu (Text 29.19.3)  
  2. LaGu EṢu  :  AYu Du TaRu Ṭu YaBu  :  TaRu  :  Gu Ya ETu Ru  :  Nu ALu :  Ku ABu A  : (Text 29.19.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Lacking activity (motion powers),  :  the things-given are set.  :  Activity can be disciplined by astrology-magic.  :  The things-given are revealed.  :  Su can bud astrology-magic  :  for making-diversions in the boundary.  :  (Such) attunements are similar  :  to Thu.
  2. Attune for the shedding.  :  Ayu can manifest state-changes from Thu's enemies.  :  The state-changes  :  are not energized by the boundary's eagle-vultures.  :  Reveal Alu.  :  Involve the priest-parents in this.  :  

(August 4, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. LaRu ETu  :  Nu AWu  :  Bu Pu BeSu TaBu Nu  :  DaTu Ṣu ṢeTu  :  TaRu  :  ReTu Ṣu  :  A (Text 29.19.5)  
  2. U  :  KaŠu ReTu  :  IPu ReDu  :  Pu Ku  :  Bu Pu Gi ETu  :  LeBu Bu ARu  :  IPu ReDu  : (Text 29.19.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The diversions in the boundary  :  can reveal the emotion-powers.  :  Nourish the openings offering emotional-arousal's revelations.  :  The things-given can activate the drought's :  state-changes.  :  The setting will activate  :  that.
  2. And  :  inhibit the setting.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Open involvements  :  Nourish the openings energizing the boundary.  :  Liberate the nourishing of the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu) :  to free-up the drivers.  :

(August 6, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. KaLu Bu KaTu  :  Ṣu IGu  :  ReTu  ṢaLu Tu  :  ṢeRu E Tu  :  Nu AWu  :  Gu Pu Ku  :  TaRu Tu  : (Text 29.19.7)  
  2. ALu ReDu TaRu  :  SaTu Gu Tu  :  AWu  :  IPu ReDu  :  Nu ALu  :  LaLu  :  Nu AWu  : (Text 29.19.8)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The Constrainer (Su) can nourish Kate/Hekate.  :  Activate the eyes-of-fate (heavenly bodies).  :  The setting can fight astrology-magic.  :  The life-realm can make ineffective astrology-magic.  :  Reveal the emotion powers.  :  Energize the opening of involvements.  :  Change-the-state of astrology-magic.  :
  2. ALu can drive the state-changes.  :  Proper-allocations can energize astrology-magic.  :  Emotion powers can free-up the drivers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  Reveal Alu's :  desire.  :  Reveal the emotion/motion powers.  : 

(August 6, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. UYu  :  KaLu GaGu Tu  :  ETu DaRu YaBu Ya  :  Tu GaGu TaRu  :  UŠu DaRu YaBu Ya  :  Pu Ku  : (Text 29.19.9)  
  2. Nu AWu UYu  :  Ku Šu ReTu  :  IPu ReDu  :  ALu ReTu  :  DaTu  :  BeTu NaṢu  :  AYu (Text 29.19.10)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Fate-curses  :  can constrain the isolated-space's (mortal space) astrology-magic.  :  The boundary is not an enemy of network-shaping.  :  Astrology-magic can isolate the state-changes.  :  The foundation (earth) is not an enemy of revealed-forms.  :  Open involvements.  :
  2. Reveal the emotion-power's fate-curses.  :  Involve it's settings.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Alu can set  :  the things-given (invisible eternal forms)  :  The zodiac-houses can astrologically-coerce  :  Ayu.

(August 7, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ṣu A  :  TaRu  :  Lu GaGu AWu  :  AYu Gu ITu  :  AYu  Ṣu Tu  :  Ṣu IGu  :  Ṭu TaBu Su Tu  : (Text 29.19.11)  
  2. Tu ReTu  :  DaTu  :  Nu MaNu KaYu Bu Ya  :  Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  Nu LiWu ETu Du ReTu  : (Text 29.19.12)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activating these  :  state-changers  :  can cause lack in the isolated-space's (mortal space) emotion-powers.  :  Ayu can energize omens  :  Ayu can activate astrology-magic.  Activate the eyes-of-fate (heavenly bodies).  :  Thu can emotionally-arouse Su's astrology-magic.  :
  2. Astrology-magic can set  :  the things-given.  :  Reveal the supports which are not nourishing the prodding.  :  Open involvements.  :  Don't craft astrology-magic.  :  Reveal love of the boundary's manifestations of the settings.  :  

(August 7, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.19)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  Nu LiWu UŠu Du ReTu  :  Pu  Ku  :  Nu KaYu Su  :  Du TaWu  :  AWu  : (Text 29.19.13)  
  2. Nu KaYu EṢu Tu  :  Du LuṬu TaRu  :  Nu KaYu EṢu Tu  :  Nu KaLu Gi  :  Ṭu ALu Ṣu  : (Text 29.19.14)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Open involvements.  :  Don't craft astrology-magic.  :  Reveal love of of the foundation's (earth's)  manifestations of the settings.  :  Open involvements  :  Reveal the prodding by Su.  :  Manifest the pasture's (night sky's)  :  emotion-powers.  :
  2. Reveal the prodding which is shedding astrology-magic.  :  Manifest the harmony of the state-changes.  :  Reveal the prodding shedding astrology-magic.  :  Reveal the constraints on energy.  :  Thu activates Alu.  :