Gold Bracteate Pendants (400-800 CE)

Bracteates are a pendant style jewelry usually worn on a necklace.

Gold Bracteate Met Museum 400-600 CE

The image is that of the goddess Selu ("Powers of Selu" = Selene) riding a horse. Selu is the motion source and celestial light goddess (bright part of moon). This whole scene is one of motion.-Gallery 301 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Accession number: 2001:583.

Gold On Copper Bracteate Met Museum 200-500 CE

This shows an image of the sick sun (Hu). Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Not on display. Accession number: 17.192.22.

Gold Bracteate Found in 2020 in Denmark's central Jutland as part of the Vindelev Hoard. It was part of a buried treasure trove containing about a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of gold.  The text talks about Selu's eye which is the bright part of the moon as opposed to the masculine dark part which is represented by the god Su. Notice the Druid Spiral as her ear. Bracteates often have the swastika and torq symbols whose exact correspondences are still unknown although they might represent the sun (swastika) and new moon (torq) if they parallel the sun and new moon symbol seen in the earlier Undley bracteate below.

Online at:

The image on this bracteate shows the motion source and celestial light goddess Selu (Selene). Notice the Druid spiral as her ear. Online at:

Translation of Vindelev Hoard Bracteate From Denmark 536 CE

(June 28, 2023)  The text seems to be describing the troubles from the  536 CE climate catastrophe due to volcanic eruptions which produced a cold summer with resultant rain pattern changes leading to famines.

Translation in Akkadian (Rune Text 27)

(read left to right in the Greek style. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)
  1. IGu  Za'u  ḪaWu.  G[B]  Mu  RaZu  PiGu.  Ne'u  ReWu (Rune 27.1)
  2. Pa'u ... (Rune 27.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Selu's-eye howls at the Baker (Sun god Hu).  The cis[tern]'s fertility-fluids are being run-off by the removers (pigs). Show affection for the shepherds (emotion magic crafters).
  2. Network-birds ....


A good report on the finding of the hoard:

Another example of the fake history put out by nationalist academics soon after this bracteate was found:

Diameter: 2.30 centimeters.  Weight: 2.24 grams. Letter assignments by Olmsted. From British Museum. Museum number: 1984,1101.1. Online at:

(June 16, 2023) This text is a plea for avoiding a drought by using motion power magic to activate the fertility-fluids. It is claiming not enough rain is being made because the fertility-fluids needed to trigger it is not being pushed (activated) enough to get through the life network of Hu.

The imagery on this bracteate is a mix of Roman and Druid. The central image of the human is not the goddess Selu. It may be the sun god Hu.

Just under the chain ring is a Druid Spiral doublet. To the left of that is a symbol at bottom of this photo is the Roman symbol of the infants Romulus and Remous feeding at the teats of a wolf (milk is a fertility fluid as mentioned in the text). Between the two are images are the sun (god Hu, life power) and the dark new moon (god Su, astrological motion power) indicating this bracteate is about the integration of those two classes of spiritual powers. Notice the moon is similar to the eye in the helmeted figure which further supports the idea the concentric circles represent the new (dark) moon god Su. The new moon had the epithet of "observer" in Alphabetic Akkadian. 

Translation in Akkadian (Rune Text 11)

(read right to left in the traditional Druid direction as the bracteate is rotated counter clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)
  1. ŠaPu,  ŠaPu,  ŠaPu  ṢaPu. ŠaPu  Ṣu.  Mu  Ṣu  Ya (Rune 11.1)

In English

  1. Make-super, make-super, make-super the soaking. Make-super the activity-level.  Fertility-fluids are not being activated.

Copper Bracteate Met Museum 700-800 CE

Center image having the 3 concentric circles is is the new moon god Su who as the masculine source of motion powers represents the motions of the heavenly bodies and their seasonally defined winds. Above the new moon image is a sailing ship. The remaining images represent the winds.

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Not on display. Accession number: 17.192.22.

Gold Bracteate From Gotland Sweden With Druid Spirals 500-600 CE

Now at the British Museum, Museum number: 1921,1101.365. Online at: