Page 25 Codex Runicus

Page 25 of Codex Runicus.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Translation of Page 25

(September 9, 2024) Chapter 33 continues discussing the lack of nourishments (fertility fluids) from the life-powers due to a lack of involvement with the emotion/motion powers (Controllers).  Chapter 34 claims that the star Sirius can open such involvements. Sirius is a star and thus a motion powers but it is the companion to the rising and setting sun. Hence it is also called the dog star. Drumming was thought to activate its powers.

  1. Change  :  the fluid-transport.  :  Fighting is not involved.  :  Thu can liberate form-revelations.  :  The high-life-powers can manifest the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  by attuning (logos) activity.  :  Astrology-magic is not causing the drought.  :  
  2. Eagle-vultures  :  of Thu can be liberated.  :  Open involvement.  :  Emotional-arousals can be involved with the drought.  :  Thu can liberate form-revelations.  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) is not an enemy of spiritual-purification.  :  Don't do astrology-magic  :  for Thu.
  3. Attunements (logos) can be ineffective.  Seers can open manifestations of motion-changes.  :  Thu's astrology-magic can bless the motion-changes.  :  Emotional-arousals  :  can liberate the zodiac-houses' nourishments.  :  Thu's nourishments can be ineffective.
  4. Astrological-Powers  :  can manifest emotional-arousals.  :  Su can bud astrology-magic.  :  Exposure can manifest the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  Open involvement  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers  :  of the manifestations.
  5. Avoiding  :  drought can involve astrology-magic.  :  Thu's priest-parents  :  can discipline the prodders.  :  Fertility-fluids can be changed  :  with emotional-arousals.  :  The winged-ones can activate  :  Ayu's manifestations.
  6. Motion-Changes  :  are from liberating the nourishments from the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu and owls).  :  The earthly-life powers can be authorized.  :  The Revealer can have enemies.  :  Open involvement.  :  Thu can be an enemy of the Revealer.  :  Su likewise.  :
  7. Manifest astrology-magic  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) is not an enemy of spiritual-purification. :; (Chapter 34) Su's Sirius  :  with the lack of nourishments  :  can open involvement.  :  Thu's lack is not from motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking
  8. nourishments.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Nourish similar authorizations.  :  Open involvement.  :  Restrain the authorizations of emotional-arousals.  :  Sirius can be nourished  :  by the drumming which energizes motion-changes.  :
  9. Liberate Su's settings.  :  Gather-together love for diverting the boundary-powers.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  High-Life-Powers can be manifested by the Controllers (Su, Selu, Thu, owls).  :  Open involvements.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  and
  10. open the manifestations from the Controllers.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Seers can bud the changes.  :  Open Involvements.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) can astrologically-coerce the changes  :  in the manifestations.
  11. The lack  :  of changes  :  in the high-life-powers will manifest the Controllers.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.  :  Open involvement  :  The high-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.  :  Exposure will manifest them.
  12. Eagle-vultures  :  can expose the manifestations of the Controllers.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.   :  Exposure can manifest the changes  :  by opening similar-things.  :  Exposure can manifest astrology-magic.
  13. Eagle-vultures  :  can open involvements  :  [erased sentence]  :  Seers can open-up the manifestations of the changes.  :  Reveal those nourishment-powers.  :  Open involvement.  :  Nourish the eagle-vulture's openings.
  14. Manifest the changes.  :  Su can open-up activity for changes.  :  Reveal the fertility-fluids to astrologically-coerce the changes.  :  Reveal those nourishments.  :  Open involvement.  :  Reveal the fertility-fluids.

(September 6, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. TaRu  :  DaLu  :   ṢaLa Ku Ya  :  Ṭu LeBu Nu  :  ELu Du ARu  :  LaGu Ṣu  :  Tu E ṢeTu (Text 29.25.1)  
  2. Ru  :  Ṭu LeBu  :  Pu Ku  :  TaBu Ku ṢeTu  :  Ṭu LeBu Nu  :  Nu Mu ZiKu YaBu Ya  :  Tu Ya  :  Ṭu (Text 29.25.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Change  :  the fluid-transport.  :  The fighting is not involved.  :  Thu can liberate form-revelations.  :  The high-life-powers can manifest the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  by attuning (logos) activity.  :  Astrology-magic is not causing the drought.  :  
  2. Eagle-Vultures,  :  Thu can liberate.  :  Open involvement.  :  Emotional-arousals can be involved with the drought.  :  Thu can liberate form-revelations.  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) is not an enemy of spiritual-purification.  :  Don't do astrology-magic  :  for Thu.

(September 6, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. LaGu E    BaRu Pu Du TaRu  :  Ṭu Tu GaSu TaRu  :  TaBu  :  LeBu BeTu Bu  :  Ṭu Bu E (Text 29.25.3)  
  2. IRu  :  Du TaBu  :  Su ŠeDu Tu  :  WaPu Du ARu  :  Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  ELu Du ARu  :  Du (Text 29.25.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Attunements can be ineffective.  Seers can open manifestations of motion-changes.  :  Thu's astrology-magic can bless the motion-changes.  :  Emotional-arousals  :  can liberate the zodiac-houses' nourishments.  :  Thu's nourishments can be ineffective.
  2. Astrological-Powers  :  can manifest emotional-arousals.  :  Su can bud astrology-magic.  :  Exposure can manifest the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  Open involvement  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the control  :   of the manifestations.

(September 7, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Lu  :  ṢeTu Ku Tu  :  Ṭu ABu  :  TuKu KaYu  :  Mu TaRu  :  TaBu  :  GaPu Ṣu  :  AYu Du (Text 29.25.5)  
  2. TaRu  :   LeBu Bu ARu  :  BeŠu RaBu  :  Nu YaBu  :  Pu Ku  :  Ṭu YaBu Nu  :  Su Šu (Text 29.25.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Avoiding  :  drought can involve astrology-magic.  :  Thu's priest-parents  :  can discipline the prodders.  :  Fertility-fluids can be changed  :  with emotional-arousals.  :  The winged-ones can activate  :  Ayu's manifestations.
  2. Motion-Changes  :  are from liberating the nourishments from the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu and owls).  :  The earthly-life powers can be authorized.  :  The Revealer (Asher) can have enemies.  :  Open involvement.  :  Thu can be an enemy of the Revealer.  :  Su is similar.  :

(September 7, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Du Tu  :  Nu Mu ZiKu YaBu Ya  :;  Su ŠeRu  :  U Lu Bu  :  Pu Ku  :   Ṭu Lu E TaRu  :  Ṭu Lu (Text 29.25.7)  
  2. Bu  :  Tu Ya  :  Bu Šu RaBu  :  Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  BeLu RaBu TaBu  :  ŠeRu Bu  :  TeGu Gu TaRu  : (Text 29.25.8)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Manifest astrology-magic  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) is not an enemy of spiritual-purification. :;  Su's Sirius  :  with the lack of nourishments  :  can open involvement.  :  Thu's lack is not from motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking
  2. nourishments.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Nourish similar authorizations.  :  Open involvement.  :  Restrain the authorizations of emotional-arousals.  :  Sirius can be nourished  :  by the drumming which energizes motion-changes.  :

(September 8, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. LeBu Su ReTu  :  ERu LiWa LaRu ETu  :  Tu Ya  :  ELu Du ARu  :  Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  U (Text 29.25.9)  
  2. Pu Du ARu  :  Tu Ya  :  BaRu ŠeDu TaRu  :  Pu Ku  :  Tu Ya  :  Nu Mu NaṢu TaRu  :  Du (Text 29.25.10)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Liberate Su's settings.  :  Gather-together the Lovers (Hu and Ayu?) for diverting the boundary-powers.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  High-Life-Powers can be manifested by the Controllers (Su, Selu, Thu, owls).  :  Open involvements.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  and
  2. open the manifestations of the Controllers.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Seers can bud the changes.  :  Open Involvements.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) can astrologically coerce the changes  :  in the manifestations.

(September 8, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Lu  :  TaRu  :  ELu Du ARu  :  ELu  Du ARu  :  Pu Ku  :  ELu Du ARu  :  WaPu Du A (Text 29.25.11)  
  2. Ru  :  WaPu Du ARu  :  ELu Du ARu  :  WaPu Du TaRu  :  Pu Šu  :  WaPu Du Tu   (Text 29.25.12)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The lack  :  of changes  :  in the high-life-powers will manifest the Controllers.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.  :  Open involvement  :  The high-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.  :  Exposure will manifest them.
  2. Eagle-vultures  :  can expose the manifestations of the Controllers.  :  High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers.   :  Exposure can manifest the changes  :  by opening similar-things.  :  Exposure can manifest astrology-magic.

(September 8, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.25)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ru  :  Pu Ku  : [erased sentence]  :  BaRu Pu Du TaRu  :  Nu A Bu  :  Pu Ku  :  Bu Ru Pu (Text 29.25.13)  
  2. Du TaRu  :  Su Pu Ṣu TaRu  :  Nu Mu NaṢu TaRu  :  Nu A Bu  :  Pu Ku  :  Nu Mu (Text 29.25.14)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Eagle-vultures  :  can open involvements  :  [erased sentence]  :  Seers can open-up the manifestations of the changes.  :  Reveal those nourishment-powers.  :  Open involvement.  :  Nourish the eagle-vulture's openings.
  2. Manifest the changes.  :  Su can open-up the activation for changes.  :  Reveal the fertility-fluids to astrologically coerce the changes.  :  Reveal those nourishments.  :  Open involvement.  :  Reveal the fertility-fluids.