Spiritual Energies

Traditional Chinese Qi sign which seems to represent wind over a heavenly body.
Minoan Gi sign (Linear A script) is similar to the top part of the Cuneiform Sumerian and Akkadian sign. It may also represent a star or heavenly body.
Sumerian Gi sign meaning breath, soul, spirit, energy. It might also mean bile because the liver was thought to be the intermediary between divine energy and emotional energy. It shows wind being gated above a feather.

Energy (Gi)

(updated October 6, 2024) Energy represents the concept of motion change.  In ancient Druid Akkadian runic texts this is written as Gi or Ge. This also seems to be the word's meaning in Sumerian. 

The far east has an identical concept which in the Chinese language is transliterated as Qi  or Ch'i (Wade-Giles), in Japanese as Ki,  and in Korean as Gi again. (https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Qi). 

This commonality suggests that this word goes way back to the hunter/gatherer/fisher humans who migrated along the coastlines. In contrast, Indo-European language seems to call this power of change  "wer" from which English gets the word "work."

In ancient Druid civilization Gi is analogous to wind and breath (spirit). It is the divine power which moves and assembles things as opposed to the power which grows of things. Akkadian “Gi” is the source of the English word “energy” via Greek energeia and late Latin energia. The word “energy” itself is a later Akkadian phrase Enu.Gi  meaning "reassignments of energy.”


New World Encyclopedia's entry for Qi. Online at: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Qi

This symbol of Awen derives from the drawings made by the 18th-19th century Druid revivalist, Iolo Morganwg. It represents three rays of light emanating from three points of light and symbolises, among other things, the triple nature of the Druid path, incorporating the paths of Bard, Ovate and Druid
The first recorded reference to Awen occurs in Nennius’ Historia Brittonum, a Latin text of circa 796 CE, based on earlier writings by the Welsh monk, Gildas. After referring to King Ida of Northumbria, who reigned from 547 to 559. Nennius says that:
  • "Then Talhearn Tad Awen won renown in poetry" 

The italicized words have always been assumed to be a proper name but that is incorrect. It is actually an Akkadian phrase meaning "Taliesin, sired by emotion-powers."
The word "Talhearn" seems to have become "Taliesin" in later Welsh bardic tales.
The 12th century poet, Llywarch ap Llywelyn (c.1173-1220), also known by his splendid Bardic name, Prydydd y Moch, the ‘Poet of the Pigs’ says:
  • "The Lord God will give me the sweet Awen, as from the cauldron of Ceridwen."

Image and historical summary from British Druid Order at: https://www.druidry.co.uk/awen-the-holy-spirit-of-druidry/

Emotional Energy Flow (Awen)

(October 6, 2024) Energy is the power of change.

The ancient Druid culture divided all powers of change into two classes, the life class and the motion class. Each had their own triad of gender balanced deities. The motion powers originated from either inner emotions which moved animals or astrological magic which moved the heavenly bodies of the night sky. 

Awu and A'u are the Akkadian words for "energy." The /n/ at the end of Awen means "revealed." So Awen is "energy revealed."  The word "Awen" is found in most runic texts with its first mention being in the Minoan Phaistos Disk dating to 1900 BCE.

Emotional energy motivates and inspires people and animals to act. According to the late Codex Runicus (1190 CE), before awen can have any affect on earth it must be authorized by the astrological powers during the setting of various heavenly bodies.

In modern Druidry its inspirational characteristics are found in the classic bardic tale of Taliesin as found in the Gaelic Book of Taliesin dating to the 1200's. Here awen is imparted to famous future poet Taliesin by a magical potion made in a cauldron by Ceridwen (Kerdwin). In these tales awen is always something received as a gift from the divine realm.

Amazingly, Gaelic scholars of the 1800's essentially hit upon the correct Akkadian meaning of Awen from its use in Gaelic texts. To quote the British Druid Order website:

"To discover what Awen is, we should first look at what the word means. The feminine noun,  Awen, has been variously translated as ‘inspiration’, ‘muse’, ‘genius’, or even ‘poetic frenzy’. According to a 19th century Welsh dictionary, the word itself is formed by combining the two words, aw, meaning ‘a fluid, a flowing’, and en, meaning ‘a living principle, a being, a spirit, essential’. So Awen may be rendered literally as ‘a fluid essence’, or ‘flowing spirit’."

Irish Gaelic Imbas

(October 8, 2024) 

Irish "Imbas" also seems to have been a Druid Akkadian phrase meaning "Emotion's nourishing of Celestial Healing."  from IM-B-AS.  Consequently, it is similar to Awen but not identical. Imbas treats emotions raised during an emotion magic ritual as an offering to strengthen divine healing.

Protective Life Energy Flow (Nwyfre)

(October 6, 2024)

Nwyfre in Welsh Gaelic means "sky."  It is supposedly attested in the poetry of Llywarch ap Llywelyn (1173 – 1220), a medieval Welsh bard who went by the name of Prydydd y Moch.  Llywarch ap Llywelyn was an important medieval Welsh poet. He is also known by his bardic name, "Prydydd y Moch" which in Welsh trandtion is interpreted as"poet of the pigs" although in "Moch" in Akkadian as M'-K means "Pushing of Involvement" as one who pushes for the integration of the two divine powers classes of life and motion.

Llywarch was a poet at the court of the kingdom of Gwynedd in the reigns of Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd and Llywelyn ab Iorwerth.

"Nwyfre" in Akkadian as N-UYa-ERu-E which means:

The goddess Kate/Hekate represents the dark underworld and night sky where souls reside until reincarnated. 

So Nwyfre in ancient Druid culture represented the concept of defending life from any dark forces.



Forum discussion at British Druid Order



Celeste L. Andrews (2019) What Did Cynddelw Know About the Old North?  Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 39-52 (14 pages)https://www.jstor.org/stable/45373693

Attunement Energy (Lagu, Greek Logos)

Attunements Connect

The energy of attunement flows back and forth between other objects in harmony with the source. Nothing changes without some sort of connection.

People Can Attune to Each Other

Yet Attunements Only Occur If Emotional Blockages are Removed

No complete works of Heraclitus exist today. All we have are quotes found in later texts such as:

(Heraclitus, quoted in Hippolytus, Refutation of all Heresies It is wise for those who listen not to me but to the Logos to agree that in Logos everything is one. (F10 in Waterfield, 2000)
(Heraclitus, quoted in Sextus Empiricus, Against Professors 7.133 4-7) And so one ought to follow what is common. Although the Logos is common, the majority of people live as though they had a private understanding. (F6 in Waterfield, 2000)
(Heraclitus, quoted in Sextus Empiricus, Against Professors 7.132) But this Logos which holds forever, people prove ignorant, not only before they hear it, but also once they have heard it. For although everything happens in accordance with Logos, they resemble those with no familiarity with it, even after they have become familiar with the kinds of accounts and events I discuss as I distinguish each thing according to its nature and explain its constitution. (F1 in Waterfield, 2000)

Logos Introduced Into The Greek Language By Heraclitus 500 BCE

(July 20, 2024) 

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus introduced the word logos into the Greek language within 30 years after the the Persian dominated  Achaemenid Empire empire conquered his home city of Ephesus in 522 BCE. 

Roman era Stoics believed attunement (logos) was one of the three characteristics of Divine mind along with nous (reasoning as the chaining together of facts) and ettistnun (knowledge of the facts). The dualist but still Stoic author Epictetus (c.50 – c.135 CE) and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 CE) wrote these:​

(Epictetus Discourses 2.8) God brings benefit but the good also brings benefit. I would seem therefore, that is where the true nature of God is to be found. There too will be that of the good. Then what is the nature of God? Flesh, in no way whatever. Land, in no way. Fame, in no way. He is nous (reasoning), ettistnun (knowledge), and logos (attunement). (Hard 2014)​
(Marcus Aurelius Book 4 of Meditations) Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web

Logos being part of the Divine mind is what allowed the author of the Gospel of John to write this:

(John 1:1) In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God (Theos), and the Logos was God (Theos). ​

Christian Biblical translators choose to translate "logos" as either “word” or “message.” This is completely wrong. First, using different words for the same underlying foreign word biases the translation. Second their word assignments do not match the word's usage in ancient texts.

The Apostle Paul used “logos” in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 Here Christian translators incorrectly translate it as "message" deliberately changing the word assignment from what they used in John to hide its real meaning:

(1 Corinthians 12:7-11, NIV) 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message (logos) of wisdom, to another a message (logos) of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

Substitute the word “attunement” for “message” to get a more accurate and spiritually meaningful translation.

Chakra Spiritual Framework Helps With Inner Emotion Attunement

(October 6, 2024) People are a mix of emotions, often not in tune with each other. This causes all sorts of problems as such people tend to be hypocritical and live their lives in emotional boxes.

The Chakra model from India is a mental framework to help achieve inner attunements. The word "chakra" means vortex as a blockage of smooth spiritual flows. It is also a cluster of those emotions into a power center. Such vortices are represented by a spirals which is identical to the Druid spirals found by archaeology which represents deities as clusters of spiritual powers.

The chakra spiral shown here is identical to the Druid Spiral.