Celtic Tale "Cauldron of Poesy"

Example of a bronze Celtic Cauldron dating to between 300 and 100 BCE. Ritual cauldrons were made of copper or bronze and possibly could also be used as singing bowls besides being containers for fluids and incense. In ancient Welsh and Irish Gaelic texts they represented the generation of magical blessings from the motion powers (emotional and astrological).
The Welsh Gaelic word for Cauldron is "crochan." The /kr/ sound in the Celtic words indicates its word lineage different from Latin. The Welsh word comes from the Akkadian phrase K-R'-Ḫ-AN meaning "Involved with Shepherding of Hu's Considerations" where "considerations are focused emotions used in emotion magic. Hu was the life fluid transporting sun god. Thus, a Welsh magical cauldron was a magical tool used to support life.
The Irish Gaelic word for "cauldron" is "coire" It comes from the Akkadian phrase K'-IR-E meaning "Prodder of the astrological-powers so they can be ineffective." Irish cauldrons were also used to support life but in a different way. They were a magical tool which kept the powers of fate away.
Image from:https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/iron-age-celtic-cauldron-with-scroll-decoration-394-c-32e46b0a69

"Cauldron Of Poesy" Was Written in Druid Akkadian And Is A Debate About Astrology-Magic (The Powers of Fate)

(October 13, 2024) This tale was found copied within a book of law. It was given the title of "Caldron of Poesy" by its first translator. Its most authoritative translation comes from 1981 and was done by the scholar Liam Breatnach. All later and popular translations are based upon his work. He suggested this tale should be called "The Three Cauldrons of Poetry and Knowledge."

Liam Breatnach divided the tale into 16 paragraphs. Yet he could not translate the existing text so he "corrected" it which is a major sin in modern linguistics.  Liam Breatnach provided a translation of the main text which he calls a "restored" text. At least his article still provided the original text for comparison. Another problem with Liam Breatnach's "restored" translation is that it uneasily mixes Latin in with the Celtic known from later texts. This indicates the restoration is not even plausible.

Liam Breatnach and other Gaelic linguists date the tale to the end of the 800's CE although the law book in which is was found dates to 1539. This is reasonable because they cannot translate it properly and that is within the time period in which Runic Akkadian was still being written in northern Europe (for example, the Codex Runicus).

The English word "cauldron" comes from Latin calidarium meaning "hot bath," and from calidus meaning "warm, hot." 

The Welsh Gaelic word for Cauldron is "crochan." The /kr/ sound in the Celtic words indicates its word lineage different from Latin. The Welsh word comes from the Akkadian phrase K-R'-Ḫ-AN meaning "Involved with Shepherding of Hu's Considerations" where "considerations are focused emotions used in emotion magic. Hu was the life fluid transporting sun god. Thus, a Welsh magical cauldron was a magical tool used to support life.

The Irish Gaelic word for "cauldron" is "coire" It comes from the Akkadian phrase K'-IR-E meaning "Prodder of the astrological-powers so they can be ineffective." Irish cauldrons were also used to support life but in a different way. They were a magical tool which kept the powers of fate away.


Breatnach, Liam (1981) The Caldron of Poesy. Ériu, Vol. 32, pp. 45-93 (50 pages). Online at:  https://www.jstor.org/stable/30007454

Example of the Original Text As It Survives Today

The lettering looks modern because this surviving copy was written in 1539 yet each "word" is actually a Druid Akkadian sentence. The spaces between the words indicate sentence separations just like colons do in the Scandinavian Codex Runicus dating to 1190 CE. Notice the many glosses written between the lines.
Breatnach, Liam (1981) The Caldron of Poesy. Ériu, Vol. 32, pp. 45-93 (50 pages). Online at:  https://www.jstor.org/stable/30007454

Translation of Section 1 - Don't Be Afraid of the Astrological Powers (Supportive of Astrology Magic)

(October 5, 2024)

Original Text (Not "Restored" or "Corrected")

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text). 
  1. Mocoire  coir  goiriath  gor.  
  2. Ronir  dia  dam  aduilib  demrib,
  3. Dlicht  saer  saerus  broind  belra  beil  bruchtus  uad. 
  4. Osme amargen glungel. 
  5. Gair glas greliath.
  6. Gnim  mogoriath  crothaib  condelib.
  7. Indeithear  dathnadinand.
  8. airlither  dia  dogachdaen. 

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations  /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Ma'u-Ka'u-IRu-E   Ka'u-IRu   Ga'u-Ya- ReYu-A-Ṭu   Ga'u-Ru.  
  2. Re'u-Nu-IRu  Du-Ya-A  Du-AMu  ADu-UYu-LaYu-Bu  Du-EMu-ReYu-Bu,
  3. Du-Lu-Ya-Ḫu-Tu  Su-ARu  Su-ARu-UṢu  Bu-Re'u-INu-Du  Bu-LaRu  Bu-ILu  Bu-ReWu-ḪiTu-Su U ADu.
  4. AṢu-Mu-E  AMu-ARu-Gi-ENu  GaLu-UNu-Gi-ELu.
  5. Gu-IRu  GaLu-AṢu  GeRu-LaYu-A-Ṭu.
  6. GiNi-IMu  Ma'u-Ga'u-ReYu-A-Ṭu  Ku-Re'u-TaḪu-AYu-Bu  Ka'u-NaDu-ELu-YaBu.
  7. INu-Du-E-Ya-Ṭu-ARu   Du-A-ṬeNu-ADu-INu-ANu-Du.
  8. AYu-Ru-Lu-Ya-Ṭu-ERu  Du-Ya-A  Di'u-Gu-AḪu-Du-ANu. 

 Translation Into English

(Each "word" in the original text is an Akkadian phrase or whole sentence. )
  1. Pushing-away the prodding of the astrological-powers can be ineffective.  Prod the astrological-powers.  Don't break-through the shepherding for those Thu-powers.  Break-through the eagle-vultures. 
  2. Shepherds can reveal the astrological-powers.  Don't manifest those. Manifest the Reed-Boat (goddess Ayu). The Instigator (Thu) is cursing the laying-out of the nourishments. Manifest the Supervisor's (Su) shepherding for nourishments.
  3. Form-manifestations are not lacking Hu's astrology-magic. Su is in control. Su is controlling the Originator (god Alu).  Nourishments can be shepherded by the moon-eye's (Su) manifestations. Nourishments are being diverted.  Nourishments can be elevated. Nourishments can be shepherded by joining  Su and the Instigator (Thu).
  4. The expulsion of the fertility-fluids can become ineffective. The Reed-Boat (goddess Ayu) is being controlled by energy for reassignments.  Detachments are being cursed by the energy from the high-life-powers.
  5. Energize the astrological-powers. Detach the expulsions.  Aid the layout-plan of those Thu-powers
  6. Make consistent the emotions. Pushing can break-out the shepherding of those Thu-powers. Involvement can shepherd stuffing (life-network) with Ayu's nourishments.  Prod the shedding of the high-life-power's enemies.
  7. The Moon-Eye's (Su) manifestations is not making ineffective Thu's Control.  Manifestations of those grinding-powers can instigate the Moon-Eye's consideration of the manifestations.
  8.  Ayu's eagle-vultures are not lacking Thu's harboring.   Don't manifest those.  The divine-powers can energize the attendants (owls and eagle-vultures) for manifesting considerations (focused emotional thoughts used in emotion magic).

Translation of Section 2 - Enemies in the Near-Realm (Antagonistic Towards Astrology Magic)

(October 5, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text).
  1. dethoib. 
  2. istoib. 
  3. uastoib. 
  4. nemtsos.
  5. lethsos.
  6. lansos dohebir dunn denum do uath aupsaib ilib ollmarib. 
  7. moth.
  8. itoth
  9. itraeth inarnin iforsail indinendisail. 

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)

  1. Du-E-Ṭa'u-YaBu.
  2. IṢu-Ta'u-YaBu.
  3. WA-Ṣu-Ta'u-YaBu.
  4. Nu-EMu-Tu-Ṣe’u-Ṣu
  5. Lu-EṬu-Ṣe’u-Ṣu
  6. Lu-ANu-Ṣe’u-Ṣu  Di'u-E-EBu-IRu  Du-WaNu-Nu Du-ENu-UMu  Du-A  WA-Ṭu A-UPu-Su-YaBu ILu-YaBu ALu-LeMu-ARu-YaBu
  7. Ma'u Ṭu
  8. ITu Ṭu
  9. ITu-Ru-A-Ṭu  INu-ARu-Nu-I[1]  Yu-E'u- RaSu-ILu  INu-Du-Ya-Nu-ENu-Du-ISu-ILu

 Translation Into English

  1. Form-manifestations can make ineffective the near-realm's (mortal realm, physical realm) enemies.
  2. Make-scarce the near-realm's enemies.
  3. Curse the activity of the near-realm's enemies.
  4. Reveal the Supervisor's (Su) astrology-magic's blocking activity.
  5. Cause a lack in the darkness' blocking activity.
  6. The lack of considerations can block activity. The divine-realm can make ineffective the sky-shell's astrological-powers. Manifestations can resist the revelations. Manifestations can reassign the resistance. Manifest that. Curse Thu. Those winds/spirits of Su are the enemy. The high-powers are the enemy.  Alu's lack of fertility-fluids is under the control of the enemy.
  7. Push-away Thu.
  8. Over-shadow Thu.
  9. The over-shadowing of eagle-vultures is because of Thu. The Moon-eye (Su) can control the revelations of [uncertain].  Is not Yahu attacking the high-powers.  The Moon-Eye (Su) cannot manifest the revelations reassigning the manifestations of the Woman's (Selu/Selene) high-powers.

Translation of Section 3 - Use Emotion-Magic To Prod Life Form Manifestations (Supportive of Astrology Magic, Antagonistic Towards the Life Powers)

(October 6, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Slicht asinnither altmog mocoire.
  2. Aracain coire sofis sernar  dliged cachadana. 
  3. Diamoigit main. 
  4. Morus cachceird. 
  5. Coitcend. 
  6. Conutaing duine dan
  7. Cest ita bunadus inaircetail  induine inacurp.
  8. Famenmain asberat ar nidena incorp ni.
  9. Ge nanmain asberat araili bid.
  10. Acurp.

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. ṢaLu-Ya-Ḫu-Tu  AṢu-INu-Nu-Ya-Ṭu-ERu  A-Lu-Tu  Ma'u Gi   Ma'u-Ka'u-IRu-E 
  2. ARu-AKu-A-INu  Ka'u-IRu-E  Ṣe'u-E-ISu  Su-ERu-Nu-ARu  Du-Lu-IGu-EDu  Ku-AḪu-ADu-ANu-A
  3. Du-Ya-A-Ma'u-IGu-ITu  Mu-AYu-Nu
  4. Ma'u-Ru-U-Su  Ku-AḪu-Ku-IRu-Du
  5. Ka'u-ITu-Ku-ENu-Du
  6. Ka'u- Nu-UTu-AYu-NaGu  Du-U-INu-E  Du-ANu
  7. Ku-EṢu-Tu  ITu-A  Bu-UNu-ADu-USu  INu-A-Ya-RaKu-ETu-AYu-Lu  INu-Du-UYu-Nu-E  INu-AKu-URu-Pu.
  8. E-AMu-ENu-Mu-AYu-Nu  AṢu-Bu-ERu-A-Tu  A-Ru  Nu-IDu-ENu-A  INu-Ka'u-Ru-Pu  Nu Ya.
  9. Gu-E  Nu-ANu-Mu-AYu-Nu  AṢu-Bu-ERu-A-Tu  A-Ru-AYu-LeYu  Bu-IDu.
  10. A- KaYu-Ru-Pu.

Translation Into English

  1. Don't fight Hu's astrology-magic.  Expelling the moon-eye's (Su) revelations is not revealing Thu's harbor.  That is lacking astrology-magic.  Push-away the energy.  Pushing-away the prodder's (Thu and star Sirius) astrological-powers is not effective.
  2. Control the emotion-owls of those moon-eye-powers (Su).  Prodding the astrological-powers can be ineffective. Blockages are not due to scarcity.  Su's harbor can reveal the Controllers.  Form-manifestations can lack the eyes-of-fate's (planets and stars) motivation.  Involve the attendants (owls) with the instigation of those considerations.
  3. Don't manifest those pushing the eyes-of-fate's omens.  Fertility-fluids reveal Ayu.
  4. Push-away the eagle-vultures and Su. Involvement of the attendants (owls) can involve astrological-power's manifestations.
  5. To prod the omens involve the reassignments of manifestations.
  6. To prod the form-revelations weave Ayu's coastal-region (middle layer life network). The manifestations and the moon-eye (Su) can be ineffective. Manifest the considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic).
  7. Involvement can shed astrology-magic. Omens are a result of that. Nourishments (fertility-fluids) can resist the Instigator's (Thu) customary-behavior. The moon-eye (Su) is not a result of raking the boundary-powers Ayu lacks. The Moon-Eye can manifest fate-curses revealing nothing. The Moon-Eye's emotion-owls open the dawn.
  8. Not-one of the Reed-boat's (moon goddess Ayu) re-assignments reveals the fertility-fluids of Ayu.  Expulsions of the nourishments can harbor that astrology-magic.  Those become eagle-vultures.  Revelations are a result of channeling reassignments. The Moon-Eye can prod the eagle-vulture's openings, not reveal.
  9. Energizing is ineffective.  Form-revelations considerations reveal the fertility-fluids of Ayu.  Expulsions of the nourishments can harbor that astrology-magic. Those become the eagle-vultures of Ayu's plan. Nourish the life-channels.
  10. Those can prod the eagle-vulture's to open.

Translation of Section 4 - The Moon-Eye's (Su) Astrology-Magic (Antagonistic Towards Astrology Magic, Supportive of the Life Powers)

(October 10, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. In  tan  dofoglen  occunda  corpu.
  2. I.
  3. Oathair  no  senathair  olsodhain.
  4. Asfira  aratha  bunad.
  5. Inairchetail.
  6. Intsois icach  duine.
  7. Corptha.
  8. Acht  cachladuine  niadtuithi  ann.
  9. Alailiu atuidigh. (End of section 3 in Liam)
  10. Caite didiu bunad ind archetail -

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. INu  Tu-ANu  Di'u-E'u-GaLu-ENu  AKu-Ku-WaNu-Du-A  Ka'u-Ru-Pu U.
  2. Yu.
  3. A'u-A-Ṭu-Ayu-Ru  Ne'u  Su-ENu-A-Ṭu-AYu-Ru  ALu-Se'u-DḪ-AYu-Nu 
  4. AṢ-E-IRu-A  ARu-A-Ṭu-A  Bu-UNu-ADu.
  5. INu-AYu-ReḪu-ETu-AYu-Lu
  6. INu-Tu-Se'u-ISu  IKu-AḪu  DWu-INu-E
  7. Ka'u-Ru-Pu-Ṭu-A
  8. AḪu- Tu  Ku-A-ḪeLu-ADu-U-INu-E   Nu-Ya- ADu-Tu- U-ITu-ḪiYa  A-NuNu
  9. ALu-AYu-Lu-IWu  A-Tu-U-IDu-IGu-Ḫu
  10. Ku-AYu-Tu-E  Du-IDu- IWu  Bu-UNu-ADu  INu-Du  ARu-Ḫu-ETu-A-TeLu

Translation Into English

  1. The Moon-Eye's (Su)  Astrology-magic considerations.  The divine-realm's Yahu (E') can detach the reassignments.  Emotion-owl involvement is a result of R resistance to its (his) form-manifestations. Prodding correlates with the eagle-vultures making-openings.
  2. Shouldn't we be.
  3. Emotionally-empowering  with those Thu-powers Ayu's eagle-vultures.  Showing-affection.  Su can reassign those Thu-powers to Ayu's eagle-vultures. Alu can inhibit the pressure on Ayu's revelations.
  4. Expulsions can make ineffective those astrological-powers.  The Controllers (Su, Selene) result in these Thu-powers. Nourish resistance to the Instigator (Thu).
  5. The Moon-Eye's (Su) Ayu can anoint the boundary-power's for Ayu's lack.
  6. The Moon-Eye's astrology-magic can inhibit the Woman (Selene). Irrigate the attendants (owls and eagle-vultures). Upsetting the Moon-Eye  is ineffective.
  7. Prodding the eagle-vultures can open these Thu-powers.
  8. Attend to astrology-magic.  Involving those healing-powers with the Instigator (Thu) and Moon-Eye (Su) is ineffective.  Don't reveal the Instigator's (Thu) astrology-magic and the omens of respect. Those are chaotic.
  9. Alu's Ayu can lack redirection.  Those astrology-magic-powers and life-channeling can fate Hu.
  10. The involvement of Ayu's astrology-magic is ineffective.  Manifestations of the life-channels can be redirected.  Nourish resistance to the Instigator (Thu). The Moon-Eye (Su) can be manifested. Control of Hu's boundary is a result of Mounded-One (Kate/Hekate)

Translation of Section 5 -  Involving the Owls and Eagle Vultures To Block the "Woman" (Supportive of Astrology Magic, Antagonistic Towards the Life Powers)

(October 12, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Cach sois olchenae ? Ni ansae; 
  2. Gainitir tri coiri i cach duiniu.
  3. I. 
  4. Coire goriath -
  5. Coire ermai -
  6. Coire sois. (end of section 4 in Liam)
  7. Coire coiriath,
  8. Coire goiriath isesidhe genither 

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Ku-AḪu  Ṣe'u-ISu  ALu-Ḫu-ENu-A-E  [1]N  ANu-Ṣu-A-E
  2. Gi-AYu-Nu-ITu-IRu  Tu-ReYu  Ka'u-IRu-E  Yu  Ku-AḪu  DaWu-INu-IWu
  3. Yu
  4. Ka'u-IRu-E  Ga'u-ReYu-A-Ṭu
  5. Ka'u-IRu-E  ERu-Mu-AYu
  6. Ka'u-IRu-e'u-ISu
  7. Ka'u-IRu-E  Ka'u-Ya- ReYu-A-Ṭu-ERu
  8. Ka'u-IRu-E  Ga'u-ReYu-A Ṭu  ISu-EŠu-IDu-Ḫu-E  Gi-ENu-IṬu-ERu 

Translation Into English

  1. Involve the attendants (owls and eagle vultures).  Block the Woman (Selu/Selene).  Alu's Hu can reassign those ineffective-powers.  [missing word] the revelations.  Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) can activate those ineffective-powers.
  2. Energize Ayu's revelations with omens from the astrological-powers.  Astrology-magic can be shepherded. Prodding the astrological-powers can be ineffective. Can't it? Involve the attendants (owls and eagle-vultures).  Upset the Moon-Eye's (Su) redirection
  3. Shouldn't we be:
  4. Prodding the astrological-powers to be ineffective.  Break-through the shepherding of those Thu-powers.
  5. Prodding the astrological-powers to be ineffective.  Harbor the fertility-fluids from Ayu.
  6. Prodding the astrological-powers to be ineffective.  Block the Woman (Ayu). 
  7. Prodding the astrological-powers to be ineffective.  Don't involve the shepherding of those Thu-powers.
  8. Prodding the astrological-powers to be ineffective.  Break-through the shepherding of those Thu-powers. The Woman (Ayu) can confuse the life-channels of an ineffective Hu.  Energy can reassign the sticky [uncertain word].  

Translation of Section 6The Divine Powers (Antagonistic Towards Astrology Magic, Supportive of the Life Powers)

(October 13, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Foen induine focetoir isas foghailter soos 
  2. Do dainib inoghoiti (end of section 5 in Liam)
  3. Coire erma im. 
  4. Iarmobi moaighid iseiside isesi genither 

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. E'u-ENu  INu-DaVu-INu-E  E'u-Ku-E-Ta'u-IRu  IṢu-A-Su  E'u-Gu-Ḫu-AYu-Lu-Tu-ERu  Ṣe'u-A-Su
  2. Di'u  Du-AYu-Nu-YaBu  INu-AGu-Ḫu'u-ITu-Ya
  3. Ka'u-IRu-E  ERu-Mu-A  IMu
  4. Yu-ARu-Ma'u-Bu-Ya  Ma'u-AYu-Gu-Ḫu-IDu  IṢu-E-ISu-IDu-E  IṢu-ESu-Ya  Gi-ENu-IṬu-ERu

Translation Into English

  1. Yahu (E') can reassign. The Moon-Eye (Su) can upset the Revealer's (Kate/Hekate) ineffectiveness. Yahu's (E') involvement is not due to the pasture's (star filled night sky) astrological-powers. Make-scarce those Su-powers. Yahu (E') can energize Hu's Ayu which lacks astrology-magic's harbor.  Block those Su-powers. 
  2. The Divine-Powers:  Manifestations of Ayu can reveal the enemy. The Moon-Eye's (Su) anger at the astrological-owls is not foreshadowed.
  3. Prodding the astrological-powers can be ineffective. Harbor their fertility-fluids. Use emotional-triggering.
  4. Shouldn't we be controlling the pushing-away of the non-nourishments?  Pushing-away Ayu can energize Hu's life-channels.  Scarcity is not due to the woman's (Ayu) ineffective life-channels. Scarcity is not from sieving. Energy should be reassigned to the sticky-ones' harbor (rain producing sky).   

Translation of Section 7 -  The Divine Powers (Supportive of Astrology Magic, Antagonistic Towards the Life Powers)

(October 14, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Do taeib induine (end of section 6 in Liam)
  2. Coiri sois isesidhe genither forbeolu isas fodailter soes gachadana *olcena cinmotha aircedal* (end of section 7 in Liam.)
  3. Coire erma 

(Section between * was placed between the lines with indications it was supposed to be inserted into the text)

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations: /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Di'u  Tu-A-Ya-Bu  INu-Davu-INu-E
  2. Ka'u-IRu-Ya  Ṣe'u-ISu  ISu-ESu-IDu-Ḫu-E  Gi-ENu-IṬu-ERu  E'u-RaBu-E'u-LiWu  ISu-Au  E'u-Du-AYu-LeTu-ERu  Ṣe'u-ESu  Gu-AḪu-ADu-ANu-A  *AL-Ku-ENu-A  Ku-INu-Ma'u-Ṭu-A  AYu-RaKu-EDu-ALu *
  3. Ka'u-IRu-E  ERu-Mu-A  

Translation Into English

  1. The Divine-powers:  Astrology-magic is not due to nourishing. The Moon-Eye (Su) can get upset over the Moon-Eye's ineffectiveness.
  2. Prodding does not astrologically-empower.  Block the Woman (Ayu). The Woman can sieve the life-channels making Hu ineffective. Energy can reassign the stickiness of the harbor (rain producing sky). Yahu (E') can be authorized by Yahu's love. The Woman can be expelled. Yahu (E') is manifesting Ayu's splitting-off of the harbor. Block the Woman (Ayu). Energize the attendants of the Instigator (owls) with considerations (focused emotions) for that. '*Alu can get involved with those reassignments. Involve the Moon-Eye (Su) to push-away Thu from that.  Ayu can rake the motivations of Alu. *
  3. Prodding the astrological-powers can be ineffective. Harbor the fertility-fluids for that. 

Translation of Section 8 -  The Divine Powers (Antagonistic Towards Astrology Magic, Supportive of the Life Powers)

(October 15, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Do gachladuine isforbeolu ata ann inaes. 
  2. Doeis bairdne.

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations: /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Di'u  Gi-AḪu-Lu-ADu-U-INu-E  ISu-E'u-RaBu-E'u-LiWu  A-Tu-A  A-NuNu  INu-AṢu
  2. Di'u-ISu  Bu-AYu-Ru-DaNu-E

Translation Into English

  1. Divine-powers: The energy of attendants (owl) lacks the instigator (Thu) and the Moon-Eye is ineffective. Confusing Yahu can authorize Yahu's love. These astrology-powers are doing that. They are chaotic. The moon-eye can be expelled.
  2. The divine-powers are becoming confused.  Nourish Ayu's eagle-vultures to judge ineffectiveness.

Translation of Section 9Eagle-Vultures Are To Blame (Supportive of Astrology Magic, Antagonistic Towards the Life Powers)

(October 15, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Rann isfaen ata aninsrothaib sofis.
  2. Aire conaire didiu nidena
  3. Cach oenere dihad isforabeolu ata coimrerma and conidnimpaith bron no ailte. (end of section 8 in Liam)
  4. Ceist cislir fodhlai fil forsan mbron imidhsui' ni i.
  5. iiii. 
  6. Eolcaire. 
  7. Cumha.
  8. Broin eoit ailithre ardia.

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations: /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Ru-ANu-Nu  IŠu-E-ANu  A Tu A  ANu-INu-Su-Re'u-TaḪu-AYu-Bu Ṣe'u-E-ISu
  2. Ayu-Ru-E  Ka'u-Nu-AYu-Ru-E  Du-IDu-IWu  Nu-IDu-ENu-A
  3. Ku-AḪu  A'e-ENu-ERu-E  Du-Ya-Ḫu-ADu  ISu-E'u-Ru-A-Bu-E'-LiWu  A-Tu-A  Ka'u-IMu-Ru-ERu-Mu-A  ANu-Du  Ka'u-Nu-IDu-Nu-IMu-Pu-AYu-TaḪu  Bu-Re'u-Nu  Ne'u  AYu-Lu-Tu-E 
  4. Ku-ISu-Tu  Ku-ISu-Lu-IRu  E'u-Du-ḪeLu-AYu  E-ILu  E'u-ReṢu-ANu  MaBu-Re'u-Nu  IMu-IDu-ḪeSu-UYu  Nu-YaYa
  5. ||||
  6. E'u-Lu-Ku-AYu-Ru-E
  7. Ku-UMu-Ḫu-A
  8. Bu-Re'u-INu  E'u-ITu  AYu-Lu-IṬu-Ru-E  ARu-Du-Ya-A

Translation Into English

  1. Eagle-vultures reveal considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic).  Confusion is not due to considerations. These astrology-powers are doing that. Considerations for the Moon-Eye Su can shepherd the stuffing (life network) for Ayu's nourishments. Blockages are not due to the Woman (Ayu).
  2. Ayu's eagle-vultures are ineffective.  Prodding the revelations of Ayu's eagle-vultures is ineffective.  The manifestations of the life-channels are being redirected. Revealing the redirection can reassign them.
  3. Involve the attendants (owls and eagle-vultures). Emotion-powers (Awen) can reassign the ineffective harboring (rain making in the sky shell).  Don't manifest Hu with the Instigator (Thu).  The scarcity of Yahu's (E') eagle-vultures is a result of nourishing Yahu's love. These astrology-powers are doing that. The prodding of emotionally-triggered eagle-vultures is harboring those fertility-fluids.  Considerations are being manifested. Prodding the revelations of the life-channels can reveal the emotions opened by Ayu's stuffing (life network). Nourish the shepherd's revelations. Show affection. Ayu is lacking effective astrology-magic.
  4. Involve the Woman (Ayu) with astrology-magic. Involve the Woman with the lack of astrological-powers.  Yahu (E') can manifest the healing of Ayu. Make ineffective the high-powers. Yahu's life-powers can be considered. Mobilize the shepherding of the revelations. Emotional-triggering of the life-channels can cover the fate-curse.  Reveal the pain.
  5. 4
  6. Yahu is lacking involvement with Ayu's ineffective eagle-vultures.
  7. Involve the storm-powers with its Hu
  8. Nourishments can be shepherd by the Moon-Eye (Su).  Yahu can be foreshadowed.  Ayu can lack stickiness with ineffective eagle-vultures.  The Controllers (Su and Selene) don't manifest those-things.

Translation of Section 10The Woman Ayu (Antagonistic Towards Astrology Magic, Supportive of the Life Powers)

(October 17, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Is medhon aratairberat. 
  2. Ina cethraso ciasanechtar foferthar (end of section 9 in Liam)
  3. Atat 

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations: /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. ISu Mu-EDu-Ḫu'u-Nu  ARu-A-Tu-AYu-RaBu-ERu-A-Tu
  2. INu-A  Ku-EṬu-Ru-A-Ṣe'u  KaYu-ASu-ANu-EḪu-Tu-ARu  E'u-E-ERu-Ṭu-ARu
  3. ATu-A-Tu  

Translation Into English

  1. The Woman (Ayu):  Fertility-fluids are being motivated by the astrological-owl's revelations. The Controllers of those are astrologically-empowering Ayu to authorize the harboring of those astrological-powers.
  2. The Moon-Eye (Su) is the result. Involving darkness with the eagle-vultures is resulting in blockages.  Prodding the expulsions with considerations is shouting-out astrology-magic's control. Yahu (E') is not made ineffective by harboring Tu's control.
  3. Monitor those astrological-powers. 

Translation of Section 11 -  The Divine-Realm (Supportive of Astrology Magic, Antagonistic Towards the Life Powers)

(October 17, 2024)

Original Text (Not Restored or Corrected)

(As transliterated by Liam Breatnach with lines separated by the dots and commas found in the original text. The letters in italics are hard to identify with certainty in the original text)
  1. Do dafodail forfailte oniumpaither incoinsofis.
  2. I. 
  3. Failte deodha failte daena. (end of section 10 in Liam)
  4. Infailte daena atat ceithre fodlai forsuide.
  5. i. 
  6. luth eoit futhachta failte
  7. slane nemimniche.
  8. imbet bruit bidh cofeca induine forbairne.
  9. failte

Equivalent Druid Akkadian Words

(Verbs in italic-bold, Large letters in text while small letters are inferred inner vowels. The vowel combinations: /ae/ is /a/ ;  /ei/ is /i/. That is, they are not diphthongs although they seem to be slightly different vowel sounds.)
  1. Di'u  Du-A-E'u-Du-AYu-Lu  E'u-E-AYu-LeTu-E  ANu-Ya-UMu-Pu-A-IṬu-ERu  INu-Ka'u-INu-Ṣe'u-E-IS
  2. Yu
  3. E-AYu-LeTu-E  Du-E'u-DaḪu-A  E-AYu-LeTu-E  Du-A-ENu-A
  4. INu-E-AYu-LT-E  Du-ANu-A  ATu-A-Tu  Ku-IṬu-Ru-E  E'u-Ṣu-UYu-Du-E.
  5. Yu.
  6. L-UṬ  E'-IT  E-UṬ-AḪ-T-A  E-AY-LT-E

Translation Into English

  1. The divine-realm.  Manifestations are a result of Yahu's (E') manifestation of Ayu's lack. Yahu (E') is making ineffective Ayu's ineffective splitting (of life network links). Don't consider making stormy the openings of those sticky-powers of the harbor. The Moon-Eye (Su) can prod the Moon-Eye's blockages due to the Woman (Ayu)
  2. Shouldn't we be:
  3. Making ineffective Ayu's ineffective splitting? Manifesting Yahu's pressure on that? Making ineffective Ayu's ineffective splitting? Manifesting those reassignments from that?
  4. The Moon-Eye is making ineffective Ayu's ineffective splitting.  Manifestations can consider those. Monitor those astrological-powers. Involvement makes ineffective the stickiness for the eagle-vultures. Yahu's activity has been fate-cursed by ineffective manifestations.