Coins from Judah 200 BCE - 67 CE

The lettering style of these coins is not the same as the Hebrew letters found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Akkadian and Hebrew texts seem to have been circulating at the same time. These coins exhibit a mixture of Akkadian phrases instead of some common phrase such as the Latin on U.S. coins.  At this time both Akkadian and Hebrew texts reversed the /s/ sound between Ṣ and Š as found in older Alphabetic Akkadian texts. This change is reflected in the shibboleth story of Judges 12:5-6.

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Weight Ball weighing 1 shekel having "S" sign showing origin of dollar sign
One shekel weight ball showing Alphabetic Akkadian "S" letter now displayed at the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum in Jerusalem. This letter would later be interpreted as the number 8. Online at:
Silver reale coin (Piece of 8) minted in 1758 in the then Spanish colony city of Lima, Peru which had silver mines. Notice the number 8 on the left image and the proto-dollar sign on the right. Silver came from mines in Peru and Bolivia which are some of the richest on earth. Bolivia’s Potosí mines alone produced over half of the world’s silver in the first 100 years of its existence. The region’s mines were so successful, the Spanish peso became the first global currency by the end of the 18th century. Image from:

One Shekel Weight from Jerusalem with Alphabetic Akkadian Letter "S" Looking Like Number 8

(Feb 23, 2023)  This 1 shekel weight was found in Jerusalem. Archaeologists date it to between 700 and 600 BCE. This number 8 looking "S" letter sign is not Israelite but derives from the Aegean Island and Etruscan traditions (its earliest example is from trading caravan graffiti at Wadi el-Hol in Egypt).  This letter seems to represent the Akkadian word "sakalu" meaning "a hoard" and "to acquire." From that comes the Biblical Hebrew word "shekel." It weights 11.38 grams.

This Alphabetic Akkadian letter is the source of the dollar sign ($) via the Spanish. When Spain underwent a coinage reform in 1497 CE, the dollar was introduced as Spain’s new unit of currency being valued at 8 reales. Its full name was "peso de ocho reales" or "weight of 8 reales"  or just "pieces (pesos) of 8." This shekel/dollar weighed 27 grams. This was the main coin of the British colonies which later became the United States. Yet the name for the "dollar" came from the coin used in the German states at the time called the "Thaler" or "Taler."

Translation in Akkadian 

(Read right to left. Capital letters on tablet. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. 1  S 

In English. 

  1. 1  S (with S meaning "Shekel")
Haim Giler whose paper this image is from saw the word Yahu (YH) in the top right 2 letters. This is incorrect but this is why he assumed this coin was from Judah. The signs for the letters I and E can be compared in the provenanced Judahite coins below.

Aegean Coin Found in Levant and Minted During a Drought (500 - 200 BCE) 

(Feb 17, 2023)


In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on tablet. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. EPu  Wa

In English

  1. Dryer of Misery

This coin's text style is Aegean island with a Maltese "U" dating it to between 500 and 200 BCE. The head on the front has Hathor style hair so it represents the connective life-power goddess Ayu. The lettered side shows a lion subduing a unicorn bull. The lion corresponds to the connective life-power god Hu who represents the sun while the bull corresponds to Ba'al as the chaotic rain storm god. This coin is non-provenanced appearing first in an antiquities market.


Gitler, Haim (2011 ) The Earliest Coin of Judah. In Israel Numismatic Research. Published by the Israel Numismatic Society, Volume 6

Silver Coins with "Same's (His) Energies" Label

Image is figure 8 of Zissu and Ganor (2009). This was found in an underground "basement system" in village southwest of Jerusalem called Horvat Ethri. Under the shallow soil in this region is a layer of limestone out of which basements were carved for storage and hiding during conflict. These became ever more complex as time went on. This coin was found in one such a basement labeled as system XIV.
This settlement was partly destroyed in the Jewish War against the Romans, (66–70 CE) and afterward abandoned for a short period. Remains of the conflagration—ashes on floors—were noticed mainly in the eastern wing of Unit T. It seems that if there was fighting, it took place at the eastern side ofthe settlement—the weakest point in the site’s natural defences. In the western wing of the settlement (Units K and U) no burnt level was observed. In this area the houses were abandoned during the Jewish War and never resettled.... 

Provenanced Roman-Jewish War Half-Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies"

(March 4, 2023) This is  coin was found in a proper archaeological excavation in Jerusalem (Zissu  and Ganor 2009). This allows all other coins having similar imagery to also be dated to this time period.

Chalice Side Translation (Levant 30.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on tablet. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1. Ša Gi (center label)
  2. aMu  Ya  HuŠNu  Lu

In English

  1. Same's (His) Energies: 
  2. Don't be paralyzed by anxiety from the Revealer's lack 

Pomegranate Side Translation (Levant 30.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on tablet. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1.  Ya  Bu  SŠa  Zu.  IKENu  Du.  Ṣu  Ša  E 

In English

  1. Are not nourishments from Su the same as emanations? The irrigated-field (life-network) is re-assigning the life-manifestations.  Activity is not the same.

Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt

This coin has a proposed Hebrew translation by Zissu and Ganor (2009) which is shown below. Our letter assignment differences are in red:

Top Side

Bottom Side

Jerusalem is spelled two ways in the Hebrew scriptures :

 רוּשָׁלַ֫םִ, יְרוּשָׁלַ֫יִם

These are YRUŠLM  and YRUŠLYM. The letters on this coin were deliberately miss-assigned to fit this name.

"Holy" in Hebrew is spelled a few ways but always with four letters such as קָדוֺשׁ  or  QDUŠ. Here letters were deliberately assigned to fit that word while others were ignored.

Because letters were deliberately left out and letters forced to fit words this is  a fraudulent translation.


Zissu, B. and Ganor, A. (2009) Horvat Ethri—A Jewish Village from the Second Temple Period and the Bar Kokhba Revolt in the Judean Foothills. JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES, VOL. LX, NO. 1, SPRING 2009. Online at:
Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label (Pomegranate Side)
Coin is unprovenanced. Letter assignments by Olmsted

Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label

(March 4, 2023)

Chalice Side Translation (Levant 31.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1. Ša  Gi (center label)
  2. Ša  Qu  Zu  IŠaRu  ALu (Horizontal line is a word divider)

In English

  1. Same's (His) Energies:
  2. The same threads are emanating the "righteousness of Alu" (God)

(When used alone the phrase "righteousness of Alu" is the word "Israel" meaning the "righteous-ones of Alu"

Pomegranate Side Translation (Levant 31.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1.  IRu  Sin  Še.  Lu  IKu  ERu  Da.  SŠa  E

In English

  1. Astrological-powers are the same as Su-powers.  The lack of irrigation is gathering-together (holding) the manifestations.  Su is not the same.
Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label (Pomegranate Side)
Israel Museum in Jerusalem Accession Number: 71.553Diam: 19 mm; Weight: 7.05 grams

Roman-Jewish War Half Shekel with "Same's (His) Energies" Label

(March 4, 2023)

Chalice Side Translation (Levant 48.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1. Ša  Gi (center label)
  2. ḪaMu  Ya  HuŠu  Nu  Lu

In English

  1. Same's (His) Energies:
  2. Don't be paralyzed by anxiety from the Revealer's lack 

Pomegranate Side Translation (Levant 48.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) (/š/ and /ṣ/ sounds reversed in Judah at this time when compared to all other Druid texts. This is reflected in the shibbólet (שִׁבֹּלֶת‎) story of Judges 12:5-6)
  1.   IRu  Sin  Ša.  Zu  IKu  E.  Nu  Du.  Su  Ša  E

In English

  1. Astrological-powers are the same as Su-powers.  Emanations are irrigating nothing.  The Revealer (Yahu) manifests-life.  Su is being similar to nothing.

Silver Half-Shekels with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label (Pomegranate Side)
Coin is unprovenanced. Letter assignments by Olmsted

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label

(Feb 22, 2023) The Akkadian pronoun Ša is gender neutral and is best translated as "Same's."

Chalice Side Translation (Lev 29.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Ša  Bu (center label)
  2. ḪaMu  Ya  ḪuŠu  Nu  Lu 

In English

  1. Same's (His) Nourishments:
  2. Don't be paralyzed by anxiety from the Revealer's lack  

Pomegranate Side Translation (Lev 29.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1.   IRu  Sin  ŠeZIKu  E.  TuDdu  SŠa  E

In English

  1. Astrological-powers are the same as Su-powers.  Emanations are irrigating nothing.  Acknowledge Su is activating nothing.
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label (Pomegranate Side)
From Israel Museum. Accession number: 71.91, Diam: 18 mm; Weight: 6.87 grams

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Same's (His) Nourishments" Label

(March 7, 2023) The Akkadian pronoun Ša is gender neutral and is best translated as "Same's."

Chalice Side Translation (Lev 50.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Ša  Bu (center label)
  2. ḪaMu  Ya  ḪuŠu  Nu  Lu 

In English

  1. Same's (His) Nourishments:
  2. Don't be paralyzed by anxiety from the Revealer's lack  

Pomegranate Side Translation (Lev 50.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1.  IRu  Su  Še.  Zu  IKu  ENDaSu  Ša  E  

In English

  1. Astrological-powers are the same as Su-powers.  Emanations are irrigating nothing. The Revealers budding-manifestations are not the same.

Silver Half Shekels with "Those Others" (Astrological Powers) Label

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label (Pomegranate Side)
Coin is unprovenanced.  Yet these Roman-Jewish war coins are prized by collectors. This is one of only two of the "this" shekels known. Traditionally this coin is considered from the first year of the revolt because of its central label of "A" on the chalice side.

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label

(Feb 17, 2023)

Chalice Side Translation (Lev 28.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. (center) A
  2. ŠRu Lu  IŠaRu  ELu (Horizontal line is a word divider)

In English

  1. Those-others:  
  2. The heavenly-choir is lacking righteousness from the high-one

Pomegranate Side Translation (Lev 28.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1.  IRu  Su  Še  Zu  Ku  UGu.  Pu  Ša  E (word for death "UGu" has letters reversed)

In English

  1. Astrological-powers of Su are activating emanations involved with death.  Openings (of life forms to manifest) are not the same.
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin in Israel Museum with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label (Chalice Side)
Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin in Israel Museum with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label (Pomegranate Side)
From Israel Museum. Diam: 18–19 mm; Weight: 6.86 grams, Accession number: 71.88. Onine at:

Roman-Jewish War Silver Half Shekel Coin in Israel Museum with "Those Others" (Death Powers) Label

(March 7, 2023)

Chalice Side Translation (Lev 49.1)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. A (center label)
  2. ḪaMu  Ya  ḪuŠu  Ru  Lu 

In English

  1. Those-others:
  2. Don't be paralyzed by anxiety from the Revealer's lack  

Pomegranate Side Translation (Lev 49.2)

In Akkadian

(Read right to left. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1.  IRu  Su  Še   LaKu.   Nu  Du  Šu  E

In English

  1. Astrological-powers of Su (full moon god) are the same as the weak-willed.  The Revealer's (Yahu) manifestations are not the same.