Rok Runestone Translation - Ödeshög Sweden 1100 CE (Rök 1:1)
For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts
Rok Runestone (600-1200 CE)
(July 20, 2023) The Rok Runestone seems to have been placed at a Druid Learning Grove near the end of its existence, that is, shortly before the land was converted to Christian use. It describes the weighing of evidence for and against certain spiritual propositions regarding a drought. This weighing of the evidence is a foreshadowing of the scientific revolution which flowered during the Enlightenment starting around 1650. The fact that these were written down suggests that this approach was considered to be novel and important by its participants.
The Rök runestone was repurposed as a construction stone for a medieval church outbuilding in the 12th Century. There it stayed until 1843 when a team of construction workers discovered that it had carvings on five sides, not just the one visible to the eye. At that time, workers made a sketch of what they could see of the stone before, once again, re-embedding the stone into the church wall. Only in 1862 was the stone finally removed and put on display in the open churchyard, where it remains today.
Below is a description of Runestone by Swedish Rune Data Base
Light fine-grained granite, 2.6 m high, 1.35 m wide (North-South) and 0.25-0.4 m thick. The stone is almost rectangular, with the upper short side about 30 cm sloping towards North, which means that the stone at the top is slightly pointed. Runic inscription is on all five side.
The stone stands under a shelter built in 1933. The inscription is difficult to interpret in its entirety. It consists of a narrative using multiple script styles. The perception of interpretation among today's researchers differs.
Swedish Rune Database Entry:
Translation Of Rok Runestone's Front Side
Core Text
- Starvation is caused by domination from the Observer (Su): +1 from the life-thread's (life-channel's) openings. Nourishment's life-threads are lacking Su. Those nourishment powers are lacking. -1 from life-manifestation involvement. -15 for
- nourishing that lack of Su. Enemies do not manifest the high-life-powers. The high-life-powers not being manifested. -1 from lacking the shedding of high-powers. Are not we prodding open the nourishments? +1 from those nourishments of that.
- +1 from lacking involvement with expectations. That involvement does not make an enemy of the life-threads. Water-transport can be activated by astrology-powers. Alu is motion-elevated by Su. -1 from Alu being energized by Su. Lack is being veiled by lack. -1 from that lack. -1 from enemies activating that lack. -1
- from manifesting lack. -1+1 from Alu being manifested by activity. Alu is energizing nothing. +1 from enemies expecting this lack. -1 from enemies expecting the constraints (fate). -1 from activating this lack. Spiritual-gifts are from lacking the veil's [word].
- Openings are causing lack of water-transport: -1+1 from the openings of the life-threads being opened by astrology-magic. The openings were not expected. +1 from expecting nothing. Nourishments were expected. Life-manifestations are lacking activation. -1 from lacking involvement. Expectations were opened by the constrainer (fate).
- Su is activating astrology-magic causing this lack: -1 from nothing celestially-healing the nourishments. Are not those lacking? Energy is activating expectations. Openings can be nourished by that. Su is not manifesting Hu. High-Motion-Powers are from Su.
- No threading: -1 from astrology-magic from Selu's (Selene) life-channel being involved in expelling expectations without emotion-owls activating them.
- No Threading: -1 from openings being nourished the veil. +1 from the emotionally-meek lacking {word].
Bottom Section
- Su is lacking life-channels. High-life-powers can be celestially healed by (Su's) involvement: -1 from astrology-magic making an enemy of life-manifestations. The Celestial-Healer (Selu) does not manifest those life-threads. +1 from not activating (and) from not energizing. -1 from
- nothing breaking-through the activation of the constrainer (fate): +1 from activating Su. The openings are nourished by activity. Those astrology-powers of Su are not lacking. The manifestation of the threads is lacking of Selu. -1 +1 for not being scarce. -1 for nourishing emotion-owls lacking those Su-powers. -1 for the openings.
Photo from:
Rok Runestone - Back Side
Top Text
- The administration by Su (dark new moon) is drying the filtrate: Passions (of emotion magic) are arousing nothing. Enemies of the high-life-powers are nourishing activity (motion powers). The drying is being nourished by astrology-magic. Don't be nourishing.
- -1 from activation of communion not involving Ayu. Don't be energizing, don't be nourishing. +1 from water transport's activation {allocating nothing}. Life-manifestations cannot be allocated. +1 [missing word?]
- (text is upside down indicating it disagrees with the above text) Lack of activity from Thu is being nourished by this. Selu's-eye (Su) is not the enemy: +1 from activated water-transport [the motion-powers}. +2 from motion-powers. + 3 from emanations.
Core Text
- Life-Manifestations are lacking activity: +1 from lacking involvement with Thu. Life-threads can be activated by that attunement. Nothing is being activated due to lacking astrology-magic. Thu's lack is not being allocated. +1 from activity. -1+1 from similar emotion-owl's.
- Nourishments are lacking: -1 from scarcity of Ayu. Activity is being veiled by the involvement of the Greaser (Selu, Selene). Nourishments are getting involved with Thu. Nourishments are lacking emotion-owls. -1 from activating those administration-powers . -1 from not activating prodding. -1+1 from Alu.
- Life-Manifestations not being removed by the involvement of high-motion-powers {the water-transporting activity}: +1 from lacking involvement of Thu. Life-Threads are manifesting Su's scarcity. Lack is from life-priests fighting astrology-magic. Alu is not Su. -1 from activity.
- These are not lacking: -1 from blocking the prodding. -1 from involving the life-priests in emotion-owl lack. -1+1 from lacking blockages of the gossamer-fabric (night sky's powers). +1 from not hoping for those nourishing-powers. Blockages are not from the high-motion-powers.
- Involvement of celestial-healing is lacking due to Ayu: The gossamer-fabric (night sky) can celestially-heal the lack of activity. Nothing involves the high-motion-powers. Celestial-Healing is nourished by hope. The lack of openings is being nourished by anger. The openings can be celestially healed by nourishments.
- -1 from no involvement of high-motion-powers. Celestial-Healing is opened by hope. Su is observing. Su is hopeful {those attunements are involving the Constrainer (Su)}. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Care is angering nothing. +1 from Thu.
- Not nourishing: -1 from astrology-magic's Selu life-channeling the anger of the high-life-powers. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Su's Thu is involved. Thu is energizing nothing. +1 from that not being nourished. -1 from not being devoted. +1 from detachment. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Astrology-magic is lacking Su's observations.
- +2 from those not being nourished. -1 from involving Thu. The swarmers are immersed in fighting. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Lack of [word] constrains. -1+1 from Thu not being nourished. -1 {is from nothing not affecting the activity}. -1 from filtrate (fertility-fluid) lack.
- (this short line is not readable)
Bottom Text (Different Coastal Rune Style)
- The contentedness of Sirius (the star) is blocking the obligations for the revelations (of life forms). Nourish Su. \|/ Disrespecting astrological-owls can manifest lack. Su can block death.
(The central image in this text is of a 9 armed candelabra. The seven arms typically represent the 7 heavens (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). In this case the last 2 probably represent the heavenly realms of the motion powers (stars) and life powers respectively.
Left Text (Different Coastal Rune Style)
- The similarity of divine-powers for water-transport energizes Su's drunkenness. Activation of the gatekeepers (owls) is being activated by drunkenness. Open the nourishments for water-transport with astrological-owls (directly). Emanations can (still) be energized by Su.
Photo taken in 2020 by Arkland via Wikimedia Commons at:
Rok Runestone: Left Side Ogham
The bottom part just repeats the words "anointed" 19 times. This is a reference to emotion/motion magic rituals in which scented oils are used. This is in contrast to life power rituals which use waters for cleansing and purification.Photo from Wikimedia Commons at:
Pagan nature based festivals honor the Divine through nature's annual cycle which modern Pagans call the "Wheel of the Year." The main historical sources used to develop these festivals during the modern Pagan revival were a 750 BCE poem in a medieval Irish commentary on the Psalter (Psalms) called Hibernica Minora and inferences made by Aiden Kelly based on old Pagan source material in 1974.
Swedish Rok Runestone: Left Side View With Celtic Ogham Markings Lists the Pagan Nature Festivals (1100 CE)
(December 13, 2024) The top part of the Celtic Ogham on this Swedish runestone lists the Pagan Nature festivals and provides the Viking interpretation of them.
List of Viking Nature Festivals (Ogham Text 8)
The top part is a listing of the nature quarter festivals in Druid Akkadian (read from top to bottom). The first half of the year is a time of settling accounts while the second half is a time of feasting.
- ᚃ ᚇ = ṢaDu = Feasting
- ᚄ ᚈ = ŠeTu = Time
- ᚁ ᚈ = ReTu = Settlements. (Spring Equinox, Celtic Ostara, Easter)
- ᚃ ᚆ = ṢaḪu = Rendering
- ᚁ ᚈ = ReTu = Settlements. (Summer Solstice, Mid-Summer, Celtic Litha)
- ᚅ ᚈ = NaTu = Nature's
- ᚃ ᚆ = ṢaḪu = Rendering
- ᚃ ᚇ = ṢaDu = Feast. (Fall Equinox, Thanksgiving, Celtic Mabon,)
- ᚂ ᚇ = PaDu = Breeding
- ᚃ ᚇ = ṢaDu = Feast. (Winter Solstice, Celtic Yule, Christmas)
This means the 4 Nature Festivals can be summarized as:
- Spiritual Settlements - Ostara (After Yule): March 21, Spring Equinox
- Worldly Settlements - Mid-Summer (Litha): June 22, Summer Solstice
- Spiritual Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving (Before Yule): September 21, Autumn Equinox
- Worldly Thanksgiving - Yule, December 22, Winter Solstice
"Nature's rendering" references the successful growth of plant-life. It is nature giving-up the source of all food. In contrast "Breeding" reference the successful production of young animals for food.
Kelly Aiden Fills in the Celtic Names of the Pagan Festivals
(November 8, 2024) The rest of the nature festivals need to be inferred with some historical detective work. Subsequent investigations confirms these Pagan festivals were widely observed although called by different names. This was done by Aidan Kelly in 1974. He recalls his thought process in these blog entries:
Back in 1974, I was putting together a “Pagan-Craft” calendar—the first of its kind, as far as I know—listing the holidays, astrological aspects, and other stuff of interest to Pagans. We have Gaelic names for the four Celtic holidays. It offended my aesthetic sensibilities that there seemed to be no Pagan names for the summer solstice or the fall equinox equivalent to Yule or Beltane—so I decided to supply them.
The spring equinox was almost a nonissue. The Venerable Bede says that it was sacred to a Saxon Goddess, Ostara or Eostre, from whom we get the name “Easter,” which, almost everywhere else, is called something like “Pasch,” derived, of course, from Pesach.
Summer was also rather easy. The Saxon calendar described by Bede was lunisolar. It usually had 12 months, but in the third, fifth, and last month of an 8-year cycle, a 13th month was added to keep it (more or less) in sync with the solar years. The last and first months in the calendar were named Foreyule and Afteryule, respectively, and obviously framed the holiday of Yule. The sixth and seventh months were named Forelitha and Afterlitha; furthermore, when the thirteenth month was added, it went in between them, and the year was then called a Threelitha. Obviously, by analogy with Yule, the summer solstice must have been called Litha. (I later discovered that Tolkien had figured this out also.)
The Fall equinox Mabon name comes from the Welsh Mabinogion version of the common Pagan myth in which the underworld god causes life on earth to sleep until his love is returned. In most Pagan myths his love is kidnapped (or rescued) in the fall.
In the Mabinogion collection, the story of Mabon ap Modron (which translates as “Son of the Mother,” just as Kore simply meant “girl”), whom Gwydion rescues from the underworld, much as Theseus rescued Helen. It would have been aesthetically better to have found a Saxon name, but . . . so I picked “Mabon” as the name for the holiday in my calendar. It was not an arbitrary choice. I sent a copy of the calendar to Oberon (then still Tim), who liked these new names and began using them in Green Egg, whence they passed into the national Pagan vocabulary.
The phrase "Mabon ap Modron" used above is actually the Akkadian phrase "Mu-A-Ba'u-Nu APu Ma'u-Du-Re'u-Mu." Mabon means: "The fertility-fluids resulting from the nest's revelations" in which "fertility-fluids" are the life powers which flow through the lift network to trigger life on earth. Thus this festival is celebrating the favorable divine attention to life on earth, on other words, Thanksgiving.
Kelly, Aiden (September 21, 2017) About Naming Ostara, Litha, and Mabon (Personal recollection of his naming of the Pagan celestial festivals). Online at: Rok Runestone: Left Side View With Ogham Markings
Right Side Text
- Involvement (of life and motion) can expel lack: +1 from enemy expectations. +1 from fate-curses of attunements not being activated by the veil. Nothing is lacking activity (motion powers) for energizing the plowing. -1+1 from constraints not activating the shriveling. Su lacks emotion-owls.
Photo from:
Translation of Main Text On Front
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 28.1)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - EQu A LeQu ADu. +1 Qu Pu. Bu Qu Lu Su. A Bu Lu. -1 Du Ku. -1 10 (Text 28.1.1)
- Bu A Lu Su. IBu ELu Du Ya. ELu Du Ya. -1 Lu EṢu ELu. Yu KaYu Pu Bu. +1 A Bu A (Text 28.1.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Starvation is being caused by domination from the Observer (Su): +1 from life-thread's openings. Nourishment's Life-threads are lacking Su. Those nourishment powers are lacking. -1 from life-manifestation involvement. -15 from
- nourishing that lack of Su. Enemies do not manifest the high-life-powers. The high-life-powers not being manifested. -1 from lacking the shedding of high-powers. Are not we prodding open the nourishments? +1 from those nourishments of that.
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 28.1)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - +1 La Ku AQu. A Ku Qu YaBu Ya. DaLu Ṣu Tu. AL Su ILu. -1 ALu Gu Su L APu L. -1 A Lu. -1 YaBu Ṣ A Lu -1 (Text 28.1.3)
- Du Lu. -1+1 ALu Du Ṣu. ALu Gu E. +1 YaBu AQu A Lu. -1 YaBu AQu BeLu. -1 Ṣu A Lu. GiSu Lu APu ? (Text 28.1.4)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- +1 from lacking involvement with expectations. That involvement does not make an enemy of the life-threads. Water-bringing can be activated by astrology-powers. Alu is motion-elevated by Su. -1 from Alu being energized by Su. Lack is being veiled by lack. -1 from that lack. -1 from enemies activating that lack. -1
- from manifesting lack. -1+1 from Alu being manifested by activity. Alu is energizing nothing. +1 from enemies expecting this lack. -1 from enemies expecting the Constraints (fate). -1 from activating this lack. Spiritual-gifts are from lacking the veil's [word].
Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 28.1)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Pu Lu DaLu. -1+1 Pu Qu, Pu Tu. Pu AQu Ya. +1 AQu E. Bu AQu. Du Lu Ṣu. -1 Lu Ku. AQu Pu BeLu. (Text 28.1.5)
- Su Ṣu Tu A Lu. -1 E ASu Bu. Yu A Lu. Gi Ṣu AQu. Pu Bu A. Su Du Ya Hu. ILu Su A (Text 28.1.6)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Openings lacking water-transport: -1+1 from the openings of the life-threads being opened by astrology-magic. The openings were not expected. +1 from expecting nothing. Nourishments were expected. Life-manifestations are lacking activation. -1 from lacking involvement. Expectations were opened by the Constrainer (fate).
- Su is activating the astrology-magic causing this lack. -1 from nothing celestially-healing the nourishments. Are not those lacking? Energy is activating expectations. Openings can be nourished by that. Su is not manifesting Hu. High-Motion-Powers are from Su.
Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 28.1)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Qu Ya. -1 Tu SeLu IDu Ku AṢu AQu Lu AKu Ṣu A (Text 28.1.7)
- Qu Ya. -1 Pu Bu AP. +1 LK L ? (Text 28.1.8)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- No Threading: -1 for astrology-magic from Selu's (Selene) life-channel being involved in expelling expectations without emotion-owls activating them.
- No Threading:: -1 for openings being nourished the veil. +1 for the emotionally-meek lacking {word].
Translation of Front Bottom Horizontal Text
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian of Front Bottom Text (Rune Text 28.2)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Su Lu IDu. ILu ASu Ku. -1 Tu YaBu Du. ASu Qu A Du Ya. +1 Ṣu Ya, Gu Ya. -1 (Text 28.2.1)
- E Ga'u Ṣe BeLu. +1 Ṣu Su. Pu Bu Ṣu. A Tu Su Lu Ya. Du Qu Lu SeLu. -1 1 IṢu Ya. -1 Bu AKu Lu Su A. -1 Pu (Text 28.2.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Su lacking life-channels. High-life-powers can be celestially healed by (Su's) involvement: -1 from astrology-magic making an enemy of life-manifestations. The Celestial-Healer (Selu) does not manifest those life-threads. +1 from not activating (and) from not energizing. -1 from
- nothing breaking-through the activation of the constrainer (fate): +1 from activating Su. The openings are nourished by activity. Those astrology-powers of Su are not lacking. The manifestation of the threads is lacking of Selu. -1 +1 for not being scarce. -1 for nourishing emotion-owls lacking those Su-powers. -1 for the openings.
Right Side of Rok Runestone
Translation of Right Side in Akkadian (Rune Text 28.3)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Ku AṢu Lu. 1 YaBu AQu. 1 UYa LaGu Ṣu Ya APu. E Lu Ṣu Gu LuDu. -1+1 KaLu Ṣu Ya QaLu. Su IKu Lu (Text 28.3.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Involvement (of life and motion) can expel lack: +1 from enemy expectations. +1 from fate-curses of attunements not being activated by the veil. Nothing is lacking activity (motion powers) for energizing the plowing. -1+1 from constraints not activating the shriveling. Su lacks emotion-owls.
Back Top Horizontal Text
Translation of Top Horizontal Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.4)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - LeYu S EP ES. ḪaBu TaBu E. YaBu ELu Bu Ṣu. EPu Bu Tu. Bu Ya. (Text 28.4.1)
- -1 Ṣu SiPu Ku Ya AYu. Gu Ya Bu Ya. 1 DaLu Ṣu. 10 SaTu E. Du SaT Ya. -1
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The administration by Su is drying the filtrate: Passions (of emotion magic) are arousing nothing. Enemies of the high-life-powers are nourishing activity (motion powers). The drying is being nourished by astrology-magic. Don't be nourishing.
- -1 from activation of communion not involving Ayu. Don't be energizing, don't be nourishing. +1 from water transport's activation {allocating nothing}. Life-manifestations cannot be allocated. +1 [missing word?]
This line is written upside down when compared to the others. It is a counter statement to the anti-magic opinion of the previous 2 lines.
Translation of Top Horizontal Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.4)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Lu Ṣu Ṭu Bu A. IGu YaBu Ya. +1 DaLu Ṣu +10 ' '. +2 ' '. +3 Zu (Text 28.4.3)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Lack of activity from Thu is being nourished by this. Selu's-eye (bright moon) is not the enemy: +1 from activated water-transport [the motion-powers}. +2 from motion-powers. + 3 from emanations.
Back Core Text
Translation of Core Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.5)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Du Lu Ṣ. +1 Lu Ku Ṭu. Qu Ṣu A LaGu. E Ṣu Lu Tu. Ṭu Lu SaTu Y. +1 Ṣ. -1+1 IKu Ṣu (Text 28.5.1)
- Bu Lu. -1 IṢu AYu. Ṣu APu Ku IPu. Bu Ku Ṭu. Bu AKu Lu. -1 Ṣa A LeYa. -1 Ṣu Ya KaYu. -1 +1 ALu (Text 28.5.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Life-Manifestations are lacking activity: +1 from lacking involvement with Thu. Life-threads can be activated by that attunement. Nothing is being activated due to lacking astrology-magic. Thu's lack is not being allocated. +1 from activity. -1+1 from similar emotion-owl's.
- Nourishments are lacking: -1 from scarcity of Ayu. Activity is being veiled by the involvement of the Greaser (Selu, Selene). Nourishments are getting involved with Thu. Nourishments are lacking emotion-owls. -1 from activating those administration-powers . -1 from not activating prodding. -1+1 from Alu.
Translation of Core Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.5)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Du PiGu Ya Ku ILu. + DaLu Ṣu. +1 Lu Ku Ṭ. Qu Du Su IṢu. Lu ABu ṢaLu Tu. ALu Su Yu. -1 Ṣu (Text 28.5.3)
- A Lu Ya. -1 ṢeYu KaYu. -1 Ku ABu AKu Lu. -1+1 Lu ṢeYu BaṢu. +1 Ya AQu A Bu. ṢeYu E ILu. (Text 28.5.4)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Life-Manifestations not being removed by the involvement of high-motion-powers {the water-transporting activity}: +1 from lacking involvement of Thu. Life-Threads are manifesting Su's scarcity. Lack is from life-priests fighting astrology-magic. Alu is not Su. -1 from activity.
- These are not lacking: -1 from blocking the prodding. -1 from involving the life-priests in emotion-owl lack. -1+1 from lacking blockages of the gossamer-fabric (night sky's powers). +1 from not hoping for those nourishing-powers. Blockages are not from the high-motion-powers.
Translation of Core Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.5)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Ku ASu Lu AYu. BaṢu ASu Lu Ṣu. E ILu Ku. ASu AQu Bu. Lu Pu Bu AGu. Pu ASu Bu. (Text 28.5.5)
- -1 E ILu Ku. ASu AQu Pu. Su ADu. Su AQu. 10 A LaGu Ku KaLu. -1 E Yu Qu. SeDu AGu E. +1 Ṭu (Text 28.5.6)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Involvement of celestial-healing is lacking due to Ayu: The gossamer-fabric (night sky) can celestially-heal the lack of activity. Nothing involves the high-motion-powers. Celestial-Healing is nourished by hope. The lack of openings is being nourished by anger. The openings can be celestially healed by nourishments.
- -1 from no involvement of high-motion-powers. Celestial-Healing is opened by hope. Su is observing. Su is hopeful {those attunements are involving the Constrainer (Su)}. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Care is angering nothing. +1 from Thu.
Translation of Core Text In Akkadian On Back (Rune Text 28.5)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Bu Ya. -1 Tu SeLu IDu AGu ELu. -1 E Ya Qu. Su Ṭu Ku. Ṭu Gu E. +1 A Bu Ya. -1 TaPu Ya. +1 GaLu. -1 E Ya Qu. Tu Lu Su ADu. (Text 28.5.7)
- +2 A Bu Ya. -1 Ku Ṭu. BaQu ṬaBu ṢaLu. -1 E Ya Qu. L ?S BL. -1+1 Ṭu Bu Ya. -1 +10 E Ṣu Ya -1 ESu Lu. (Text 28.5.8)
- (not readable)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Not nourishing: -1 from astrology-magic's Selu life-channeling the anger of the high-life-powers. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Su's Thu is involved. Thu is energizing nothing. +1 from that not being nourished. -1 from not being devoted. +1 from detachment. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Astrology-magic is lacking Su's observations.
- +2 from those not being nourished. -1 from involving Thu. The swarmers are immersed in fighting. -1 from nothing not affecting the threads. Lack of [word] constrains. -1+1 from Thu not being nourished. -1 {is from nothing not affecting the activity}. -1 from filtrate (fertility-fluid) lack.
- (this short line is not readable)
This text is in the Norwegian coastal letter style. The rest of the Rok Stone is in the inland Swedish style.
Translation of Back Left Side Text In Akkadian (Rune Text 28.6)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - Šu Di'u DaLu Su Še'u Gu. Ṣu BiBu Ṣu Še'u. Pu Bu DaLu Ḫu'u. Zu Gu Su (Text 28.6.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The similarity of divine-powers for water-transport energizes Su's drunkenness. Activation of the gatekeepers (owls) is being activated by drunkenness. Open the nourishments for water-transport with astrological-owls (directly). Emanations can (still) be energized by Su.
This text is upside down. The center has an unusual 9-arm candleabra. Normally they have 7 arms to represent the 7 heavens or planetary spheres like the Jewish Menorah. (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Nordic cosmology apparently adds 2 more spheres probably to represent the star sphere of the motion powers and the realm of the life powers. This text is in the Norwegian coastal letter style.
Translation of Back Bottom Text In Akkadian (Rune Text 28.7)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - ḪaDu ŠeRu Ṣe'u ŠaMu Nu. Bu Su \|/ DaṢu Ḫu'u Du Lu. Su Še'u GaṢu (Text 28.7.1) The first letter has a vertical scratch which has not been inked.
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The contentedness of Sirius (the star) is blocking the obligations for the revelations (of life forms). Nourish Su. \|/ Disrespecting astrological-owls can manifest lack. Su can block death.