Some Modern Nature Pagan Symbols

Gateway Star surrounded by 6 dots
Top shows a Gateway Star surrounded by 6 dots which probably represent seeds although that is not certain (Olmsted personal photo 2019). 
Gateway Star surrounded by 6 fountains
This photo shows a different gateway star having fountains representing divinely generated fertility fluids spurting from it (Loffreda 1985)

Life Power Gateway Star

(July 3, 2022) The Gateway Star symbol is composed of two intertwined triangles. The triangle has been a symbol for a door or gateway since the first alphabet. It is one of the earliest representations of the letter "D" which originated from the Akkadian word "daltu" meaning "door." The Greek letter "delta" is also a triangle.​

The gateway star is the union of two doorways. The upside down triangle comes from the female pubic triangle which typically represents mother earth. The right-side up triangle represents the masculine Divine realm. Thus their union forms the gateway to the life-growth powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Yahweh belongs to this class. (contrast this to the Pentacle which is the gateway for the motion powers).

During the late 1600's the Gateway Star started to be placed on synagogue walls in Europe during a revival of Jewish mysticism. Only then did it start to be called the "Star of David" or "Shield of David" by those unaware of its mystic significance. In 1897, with the intertwining of its lines eliminated, it was chosen as the central symbol on a flag at the First Zionist Congress.

Network Knot Symbols (200 CE)

(July 3, 2022) These became the "Celtic Knots"

2-Ring Knots at Bignor Roman Villa in England

2-Ring Knots at Bignor Roman Villa in England (250 CE)

Knots are representations of the life network first appeared on the margins of the Roman empire starting in 200 CE. No such knots are seen at either Herculaneum or Pompeii when they were buried in volcanic ash (79 CE).
3-Ring and 2-Ring Knots at Aquileia Basilica Mosaic near Venice Italy

3-Ring and 2-Ring Knots at Aquileia Basilica Mosaic near Venice Italy (375 CE)

Aquileia Basilica Mosaic near Venice Italy showing a 3-ring knot in the middle. Its is dated to 375 CE. This basilica was funded by the new Christian Roman Emperors. 
Inserted into the mosaic after it was finished was a Latin memorial to the church's founder which reads "Blessed are you Theodore who with the help of God and the flock entrusted from the top you have completed all this work dedicated to the glory of God almighty."
3-Ring Knot on Synagogue Lintel in Capernaum Israel

3-Ring Knot on Synagogue Lintel in Capernaum Israel (375 CE)

Another 3-ring knot on the Capernaum synagogue lintel dating to 375 CE. After starting out as rather simple knots they soon became more complex and focused on the number 3. A simpler 3-cornered (not ringed) knot is today's triquetra.
(Olmsted personal photo 2019).


This symbol is the end product of the long lineage of connective knots and it first appears in Medieval Christian Ireland. A knot is connective because it is composed of one or two intertwined ropes. Here on rope forms a circle representing bounded infinity while the other one forms a triple pointed knot.

Crown Anemone Poppy

These flowers are found along the Mediterranean coastline. Its red color would have represented blood and so corresponded to the life-growth spiritual power. This is why red poppies are still used to remember fallen war veterans. This flower is found on the Great Whitcombe floor mosaic in England and on the walls of the Apostle Peter's house in Capernaum. The early Christians also adopted it to represent the blood of Christ before that role was taken over by the bigger red Lilly.

Whitcombe Floor Mosaic

Whitcombe Floor Mosaic in Britain. It dates to between 250 and 400 CE. The two handled wine drinking cup in the center is called a skyphos and which was passed around at dinner parties. The other images are the Crown Anemone, the 4-sided star-square representing earthly life-growth powers, and the 8-sided lucky star.
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Minor Symbols Adopted by Paganism Which Are Not Historically Accurate

Ronald Hutton is a well respected historian of modern and medieval Paganism. Here he goes into the history of some minor symbols used in the past by Pagans which turn out not to be Pagan after all.