Page 20 Codex Runicus
Page 20 of Codex Runicus.
Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters
Translation of Page 20
(August 15, 2024) Chapter 25 continues the discussing how the state-changing motion powers (emotional and astrological) are needed to activate the life powers. Chapter 26 discusses that support for the astrological powers is just as important as support for the emotional powers. Chapter 27 is claiming support for the emotion powers is still important but what is needed in their mutual involvement.
- The boundary's network-shaping cannot be the enemy of : change. : Open involvement. : Thu activates Alu. : The foundation's (earth's) forms-eternal cannot be the enemy of : water-transport (rain, etc.). : The Revealer (Kate) will be involved with those.
- Energy can be shown by : manifesting the changes of astrology-magic. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's changes. : Reveal the prodder's shedding of astrology-magic. : The things-given are not set by astrology-magic. :
- The Weavers (Vates) are not isolating the nourishments. : Reveal Alu's : lack of activity. : Astrology-magic can activate. : The Revealer of fertility-fluids (Asher) is not an enemy of spiritual-purification. : The zodiac-houses can make ineffective the nourishing of astrology-magic. :
- Reveal all-the-high-power's grinding. : Manifest the changes of Thu. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's changes. : Open involvements. Lack can nourish the zodiac-house's activities. : Nourish astrology-magic.
- The sky-shell's astrology-magic : is lacking the nourishments for warning of lack. : Disperse the grinding. : Open involvement. : Manifest astrology-magic. : The activation of scavenging is ineffective. : Manifest the changes.
- Astrology-magic : can gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's changes. : Revealing involvements can anger that. : Revelations can monitor the shepherd's/Bard's astrology-magic. : The lack of activity : is a manifestation of astrology-magic : for them.
- The eyes-of-fate's (stars and planets) omens : can set activity. : Revealing the prodders can shed astrology-magic. : Manifest astrology-magic's settings. : Cannot : the weavers (Vates) isolate enemies? : Manifest astrology magic. :
- Worry energizes nothing : which the weavers (Vates) can nourish. : Revealing involvements can anger that. : Involve Sirius in astrology-magic. : Manifest astrology-magic's activity. : The boundary's network-shaping is not the enemy. :
- Open involvements : Manifest astrology-magic's activity. : The foundation's (earth) revealed-forms are not the enemy. : The changes : can manifest astrology-magic. : These eyes-of-fate (stars and planets) can foreshadow. : (Chapter 26) The changes to astrology-magic : can manifest astrology-magic. :
- The dispersing resistance (of life powers) is not nourished by supporting the prodders (motion powers). : Open involvement. : Form-revelations can involve the eyes-of-fate (planets and stars). : Manifest the pasture (starry night sky). : Emotion-powers (Awen) : can reveal the involvements of : Yahu (YH).
- Blockages : will manifest lack. : Zodiac-house-powers cannot be due to nourishing astrology-magic. : Manifest astrology-magic. : Open involvement. : Worry energizes nothing. : Don't reveal the zodiac-houses. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals.
- Su's changes : are desired. : Revelations from Kate are shedding astrology-magic. : The revelations are an enemy : not. : The weavers (Vates) can isolate the enemies. : (Chapter 27) Nothing can divert : a lack of nourishments.
- Nourish the changes. : Nourish opening the offerings of astrology-magic. : Reduce nothing. : Drumming can energize the changes. : Involve the priest-parents in that. : Open the nourishments : of those diverting-powers.
- Manifest the changes. : Don't do astrology-magic. : Restraints on authorizations can make-stormy the offerings. : Drumming can energize the changes. : Diversions (of life powers) cannot be from the zodiac-houses activity. : Open involvement. :
(August 10, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - ETu DaRu YaBu Ya : TaRu : Pu Ku : Ṭu AL Ṣu : UŠu DaRu YaBu Ya : DaLu : Nu Ku A (Text 29.20.1)
- Gi A : Du TaRu Tu : ERu TaBu Su TaRu : Nu KaYu EṢu Tu : DaTu ReTu : Ya : (Text 29.20.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The boundary's network-shaping cannot be the enemy of : change. : Open involvement. : Thu activates Alu. : The foundation's (earth's) forms-eternal cannot be the enemy of : water-transport (rain, etc.). : The Form-Revealer (Asher) will be involved with those.
- Energy can be shown by : manifesting the changes of astrology-magic. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's changes. : Reveal the prodding's shed by astrology-magic. : The things-given are not set by astrology-magic. :
(August 10, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - UTu GaGu Ya Bu : Nu ALu : Lu Ṣu : Tu Ṣu : Nu Ma ZiKu YaBu Ya : BeTu E Bu Tu : (Text 29.20.3)
- Nu ILu ṬeNu : Du TaRu Tu : ERu TaBu Su TaRu : Pu Ku : Lu Bu BeTu Ṣu : Bu Tu (Text 29.20.4)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The Weavers (Vates) are not isolating the nourishments. : Reveal Alu's : lack of activity. : Astrology-magic can activate. : The Revealer of fertility-fluids is not an enemy of spiritual-purification. : The zodiac-houses can make ineffective the nourishing of astrology-magic. :
- Reveal all-the-high-power's grinding. : Manifest the state-changes of Thu. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's state-changers. : Open involvements. Lack can nourish the zodiac-house's activities : Nourish astrology-magic.
(August 11, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - EBu Tu : Lu Bu SaRu Lu : NaLu ṬeNu : Pu Ku : Du Tu : Ṣu PiGu E : Du TaRu (Text 29.20.5)
- Tu : ERu TaBu Su TaRu : Nu Ku AGu A : Nu ATu ReYu Tu : Lu Ṣu : Du Tu : A (Text 29.20.6)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The sky-shell's astrology-magic : is lacking the nourishments for warning of lack. : Disperse the grinding. : Open involvement. : Manifest astrology-magic. : The activation of scavenging is ineffective. : Manifest the changes.
- Astrology-magic : can gather-together the emotional-arousals of Su's changes. : Revealing involvements can anger that. : Revelations can monitor the shepherd's astrology-magic. : The lack of activity : is a manifestation of astrology-magic : for them.
(August 11, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - IGu ITu : ReTu Ṣu : Nu KaYu EṢu Tu : Du Tu ReTu : Y : UTu GaGu YaBu : Du Tu : (Text 29.20.7)
- ṢaPu Gu E : UTu Bu : Nu Ku AGu A : Ku ŠeRu Tu : Du Tu Ṣu : ETu DaRu YaBu Ya : (Text 29.20.8)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- The eyes-of-fate's omens : can set activity. : Revealing the prodders (Su and Sirius) can shed astrology-magic. : Manifest astrology-magic's settings. : Cannot : the weavers/vates isolate enemies? : Manifest astrology magic. :
- Worry energizes nothing : which the weavers/vates can nourish : Revealing involvements can anger that. : Involve Sirius' astrology-magic : Manifest astrology-magic's activity. : The boundary's network-shaping is not the enemy. :
(August 12, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - Pu Ku : Du Tu Ṣu : UŠu DaRu YaBu Ya : TaRu : Du Tu : A IGu ITu : TaRu Tu : Du Tu : (Text 29.20.9)
- NaLu WaNu MaNu KaYu Bu Ya : Pu Ku : Nu Ku IGu : Du TaWu : AWu : Nu Ku : YaEu (Text 29.20.10)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Open involvements : Manifest astrology-magic's activity. : The foundation's (earth) revealed-forms and not the enemy. : The state-changers : can manifest astrology-magic. : These eyes-of-fate can foreshadow. : The state-changer's astrology-magic : can manifest astrology-magic. :
- The dispersal's resistance (to the life/fertility fluids) is not nourished by support of the prodding : Open involvement : Revelations can involve the eyes-of-fate. : Manifest the pasture (starry night sky). : Motion/Emotion-powers (Awen) : can reveal the involvements of : Yahu (YH).
(August 12, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - ṢeYu : Du Lu : BeTu E Bu Tu : Du Tu : Pu Ku : ṢaPu Gu E : Nu Ya BeTu : ERu TaBu (Text 29.20.11)
- Su TaRu : LaLu : Nu Ku Tu EṢu Tu : Nu YaBu : Ya : UTu GaGu YaBu : E LaRu : Lu Bu (Text 29.20.12)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Blockages : will manifest lack. : Zodiac-house-powers cannot be due to nourishing astrology-magic. : Manifest astrology-magic. : Open involvements. : Worry is energizing nothing. : Don't reveal the zodiac-houses. : Gather-together the emotional-arousals.
- Su's state-changers : are being desired. : Revelations from Kate/Hekate are shedding astrology-magic. : The form-revelations are an enemy : not. : The weavers (vates) can isolate the enemies. : Nothing can divert : a lack of nourishments.
(August 13, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.
Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.20)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) - Bu TaRu : Bu Pu BiSu Tu : KaRu E : TeGu Gu TaRu : Ku ABu A : Pu Bu : A LaRu (Text 29.20.13)
- Du TaRu : Tu Ya : BeLu ReBu UMu BiSu : TeGu Gu TaRu : LaRu E BeTu Ṣu : Pu Ku : (Text 29.20.14)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Nourish the state-changes. : Nourish opening the offerings of astrology-magic. : Reduce nothing. : Drumming can energize the state-changes. : Involve the priest-parents in that. : Open the nourishments : of those diverting-powers.
- Manifest the state-changes : Don't do astrology-magic. : Restraints on emotional-authorizations can make-stormy the offerings. : Drumming can energize the state-changes. : Diversions (of life powers) cannot be from the zodiac-houses activity. : Open involvements. :