Minoan Linear A Temple Supply Texts from Malia (1700 BCE)

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Map of Minoan Crete
Eastern Minoan Crete. Malia is located in the upper center part of this map. It was destroyed by an earthquake around 1700 BCE which preserved a moment in time. This earthquake was not due to the volcanic eruption on Thera which has recently been dated to 1620 BCE (Höflmayer 2012).
Malia’s earliest palace-temple complex had an adjacent workshop area. Both were built starting around 1900 BCE in what is known as the Minoan First Temple Period or Proto-palatial Period which lasted until about 1700 when the earthquake destroyed most buildings. The new rebuilt temples were larger and in the style of Knossos suggesting that the city of Knossos now controlled the territory.


Höflmayer (2012) The Date of the Minoan Santorini Eruption: Quantifying the “Offset” Radiocarbon, volume 54, Issue 3-4. Cambridge University Press. Published online on July 18, 2016 at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/radiocarbon/article/date-of-the-minoan-santorini-eruption-quantifying-the-offset/F2FB5ECEE5D46FCF9272EA357364CCDF

The Minoan City of Malia

(July 11, 2022), The Minoans were a trading culture. This is certainly demonstrated by the trading texts found at Malia on the north coast of Crete. Most of the Linear A texts presented here were found in the workshop area adjacent to Malia’s first large temple/palace complex. The workshop area consisted of two large buildings of some importance as well as workshops, courts and paths linking the various parts of the area together. The workshops produced seals, pottery, ceramic ware, stone vases, and bronze goods. The workshops themselves seem to have been located on the second floor of the buildings which left the ground floor for living space and/or public trading.

Archeological Text Source

Recueil des inscriptions en Linéaire A. 1. Tablettes éditées avant 1970.Godart, Louis and Olivier, Jean-Pierre, Études crétoises, 21, 1, 1976, © 1976 - 2022 École Française d'Athènes
French School at Athens at: https://cefael.efa.gr/site.phphttps://cefael.efa.gr/browse.php?site_id=1&bk=2
Minoan Linear A Tablet from Malia Stating that the Pastures Collapse
Linear A text is read left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 1 (Text Page 2 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=38

 Malia Tablet HT 1

(November 25, 2022, updated December 7, 2024)  What is interesting is that the items are listed according for whom they are for and not by item descriptions (like knife, bowl, etc). The /a/ word suffixes indicates the word is an actor in the sentence. The /i/ word suffix indicates either the item is owned or that it is a spiritual power.

Translation Using Akkadian (Med Text 3)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Ṣi Mu RēYû Qa Pu Ta’û 90
  2. -7. Qu Bu 70 [missing number]
  3. Qa Mû 70 Qa Qû Ṣā u ū’u
  4. 9 Pu Ri Qu Ya’u 5

In English

  1. For the activation-powers of the fertility-fluids shepherding the threaders opening the pasture (starry night sky) 90
  2. -7.  For threading the nourishments 70[ ].
  3. For the threaders of fertility-fluids 70. For the threaders threading the activity of Hu's astrology-owls
  4. 9. For opening the eagle-vulture-powers working threading Yahu (Ya') 5
Linear A text left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 16 (Text page 32 in Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=68

Malia Tablet HT 16

 (October 4, 2023, updated December 7, 2024

Translation Using Akkadian (Minoan Text 4)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Ṭiṭu  Šu  4 (Minoan 4.1)
  2. Tu  La  DaMi (Minoan 4.2)
  3. TaPa  ELu  Da (Minoan 4.3)
  4. U MuDu  Šu (Minoan 4.4)

In English

  1. For dust correspondences 4
  2. Astrology-magic can lack life-fluids. 
  3. Devotion can elevate the form-manifesters (Yahu and Asher)
  4.  and the Molder (Yahu) similarly.

Dust is the amorphous matter which which fills forms manifested by Yahu when triggered to do so by the spiritual fertility fluids.

Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for Both Magical Motion Powers and Life Powers
Linear A text left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Front side of Minoan Malia Tablet HT 6a (Text Page 12 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=48
Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for Both Magical Motion Powers and Life Powers
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Back of Minoan Malia Tablet HT 6. (Text Page 12 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=48

Malia Tablet HT 6

(November 25, 2023, updated December 7, 2024) 

Front of Tablet (Minoan Text 5.1)

Translation Using Akkadian

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Ṭu  ŠaWa  BaRa 
  2. Ši Ḫu 15 DBu  Ḫu
  3. 24  QNūNu  KZu
  4. 10.  UBŠa  Bi  2  Ṭu
  5. Šu  5  GaLû
  6. TuNaDu  Bu
  7. 22  GaLû  Ḫu  17  Gu

In English

  1. Thu is roasting the Seers. 
  2. For the activation-powers of Hu 15. For life-manifestations being nourished by Hu  
  3. 24. For life-threaders making-chaotic the involvement of emanations
  4. 10.  For the patrollers (planets) being similar to nourishing-powers 2. For Thu
  5. equalizing motion-activity 5. For detaching
  6. the foolishness of astrological-coercions manifesting nourishments
  7. 22. For detaching Hu 17 energies.

Back of Tablet (Minoan Text 5.2)

Translation in Akkadian

(read left to right. )
  1. Ṣa  Maû  A
  2. 3 BRaSYaKu
  3. Lu  YaYa 3 [ ]
  4. GTEku  60.  Mi
  5. Taû  3  Lu Wa Ku  30
  6. 5.  Ḫuhu  Lu  17

In English

  1. For the activators causing this drunkenness
  2. 3. For nourishments which are not being attacked 1.  For involvements
  3. which are lacking pain 3.  For [missing phrase]
  4. the energizers of astrology-magic being starved 60. For fertility-fluid-powers
  5. of the stuffing (network) 3. For lacking the curser's involvement  30
  6. 5. For the ejections which are lacking 17.
Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies to Eliminate Misery
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 12 (Text Page 24 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=60

Minoan Malia Tablet HT 12

(May 30, 2023, updated December 7, 2024) 

Translation Using Akkadian

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 6)  

  1. Zu  Su  WaŠe 10
  2. ḪīYa  5  Qi  5
  3. Ṣi  Si  ZaQa  1
  4. Šu Šu  30  ZīKu  Du
  5. 5 ŠaLu  3  Zi  1
  6. SINa  ḪuYa  50


  1. For emitting Su’s eviction-powers 10,
  2. for respect 5, for thread-powers (of the life network) 5.
  3. For activating Su's breathers (spirits) 1.
  4. For making similar the correspondences 30. For purifying the  life-manifestations 
  5. 5. For Salu (Selene) 3. For elimination-powers 1.
  6. For Su-empowering the Moon-Eye's self-respect 50.
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Front side of Malia Tablet HT 8 (Text Page 16 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=52
Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet HT 8 back (Text Page 16 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970)
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Back side of Malia Tablet HT 8 (Text Page 16 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=52

Malia Tablet HT 8

Front Side (Minoan Text 7.1)

(November 25, 2023, updated December 7, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. RKu  B1
  2. ____________________
  3. 5 HâPu  2  ZaHu
  4. Ya 1 Lu Dȗ Ṭu  Še Gu.
  5. ŠaḪu  Ya 1 DāRu Ḫu

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. For eagle-vultures getting involved with nourishing 1. 
  2. _____________________________________________________________
  3. 5 for physical-purifications. 2 for not rendering 
  4. 1 for the lack of life-manifestations for a conflicted Thu
  5. not catching-wind-powers. 1 for network-shaping Hu. 

Back Side (Minoan Text 7.2)

Translation in Akkadian

(read left to right)
  1. Gi  Ya  Qa 10  Ḫu
  2. Ṭu  RâSu  1  Gu  Šu  3
  3. Ki  Ru  2  ZYa  Ku
  4. GLeMYa.  RLu
  5. Qa  Ya  Ba'u  Gi

In English

  1. For not energizing the threaders (eagle-vultures) 10. For Hu
  2. attacking Thu 1.  For energizing the same 3.
  3. For Involving eagle-vultures 2.  Don't emanate involvements.
  4. Energy is not deficient. Eagle-vultures are lacking.
  5. Don't thread the nest's (life network) energy.
Minoan Linear A Text  Listing Supplies for Correcting Problems with Astrological Powers
Heraklion Museum tablet 5 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum 5 

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024) 

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 8) 

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Wa BēTu Ši Šāu Gi Qu
  2. 16 Ga Mu Qu 40 Ḫi 9
  3. Ku Qu 16 Qa Ga 5
  4. Ya 3 Du Gu Še Qu 5
  5. [ ] 5 Ga Yâ Si Tū Zi
  6. [ ]Qu 12 Qu 13 a Ku
  7. Qu 20 Qu 3

In English

  1. For cursing the house (astrological powers) being similar to wind's energy for the life-threads
  2. 16. For energizing the fertility-fluid's threads/channels 40. For powers-of-Hu 9.
  3. For involving the threads 16. For the threader's energizers 5
  4. not 3. For life-manifestations energizing correspondences for the life-threads 5.
  5. For [missing word] 5. For not energizing the Su-empowered astrology-magic for emanations (light, heat, rain)  3.
  6. for [destroyed word] 12. For threading 13. For Hu's involvement
  7. with the life-threads 20. For threading 3.
Minoan Linear A Text Listing Supplies for Coordinating the Spiritual Powers
Heraklion Museum tablet 2 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum Tablet 2 

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024)  

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 9)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Pā MaLī u 20 Qu Da
  2. 5 ḪaQa Qa Rȗ 7
  3. QuTu E u iTu u DaLa 11
  4. EḪu u 1 Šāu Ya 1 Wa Ku
  5. Tu 1 Ku Bu Ya 1 ETû 6

In English

  1. For the Opening counter-balancing-powers of Thu 20. For the life-threads of the Manifester (Yahu)
  2. 5. For mixing the threader eagle-vultures 7.
  3. For ending the ineffectiveness of Hu hitting Thu's water-transporters 11. 
  4. For shouting-out at Hu 1. For not catching the wind 1. For curses involving
  5. astrology-magic 1. For involvements not nourishing 1. For the boundary 6.

Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for the Life Powers of Hu
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7a as it appears on page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970). https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=50
Minoan Linear A Malia Tablet HT 7b (Text Page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970)
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7b (Text Page 14 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970).  https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=50

Malia Tablet HT 7

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024)

Front of Tablet (Minoan Text 10.1)

Translation in Akkadian

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. i Su Li
  2. Ya Zi Ḫu 3
  3. Qu Ba Ḫu 4
  4. Bu NaSû 1 Wa Ya
  5. Tu Še Si 1

In English

  1. For activating Selu's/Selene's powers
  2. not the emanation-powers (light, heat, rain) of Hu 3
  3. For threading the nourishers of Hu 4.
  4. For nourishing the distant-ones (night sky powers) 1 For not cursing
  5. astrology-magic for equalizing the Su-powers 1.

Back of Tablet (Minoan Text 10.2)

Translation in Akkadian

  1. Di SiBi 1
  2. Wa Zi Pu 2

In English

  1. For manifesting the power of alcoholic drinks 1
  2. For cursing the emanation-powers of the openings (through the sky-shell 2

Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for the Life Powers of Hu
Linear A text side 1 of Minoan Malia Tablet HT 7 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. Olmsted personal photo (2019)
Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Supplies for the Life Network Editing and Full Moon Motion Powers
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 17 (Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970). https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=5ct868cepjs9oaktt2abb14lp8hon73l&sp=70

Malia Tablet HT 17 

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024)  

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 11) 

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. RiWu Su 10 ŠuPuû
  2. 38 ŠiTu 10
  3. Zi Wa Ya 5

In English

  1. For shepherding Su 10.  For amplifying activity
  2. 38. For the network 10.
  3. For emanation-powers not being cursed 5.

Minoan Linear A text listing supplies for magic crafters
Heraklion Museum tablet 4 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum Tablet 4 

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024)  

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 12)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Qa Qa Ra iQa Ya
  2. La i u 1 Tu 1 Še Si
  3. Ku Tu 1 Ša 1 Tu Qu 1
  4. YâŠa i 1 aBa u
  5. Wa'u 1 A Ša 1 Zu Du
  6. Ku 1

In English

  1. For threadings by threader eagle-vultures not being mixed. 
  2. For the lack of activity-powers from Thu 1. For astrology-magic 1. For the same Su-powers
  3. involving Thu 1. For doing the same 1. For astrology-magic's threading 1.
  4. For those Hu-powers 1. For the desirers of Hu’s
  5. misery 1. For those similar 1. For emanating life-manifestation's
  6. involvement 1.
Minoan Linear A tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for Both Power Classes for Overcoming Drought
Heraklion Museum tablet 3 as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. This Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted (Olmsted personal photo)

Heraklion Museum Tablet 3 

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024) 

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 13)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. u Tu Zu Bu
  2. Pa LiLu Še Ya Qu 5
  3. Ša Si 56 Ša Qa
  4. 27 Ga u Ki u 8
  5. Ki ZīPu 19 iTu Su
  6. Še Zi 5
  7. ē Ta’û 30 Ga

In English

  1. Thu’s astrology-magic is emanating nourishments.
  2. For the Opener's (Ayu) desire not being similar to threading 5.
  3. For making similar the Su-power 56.  For making similar the threaders
  4. 27. For the energizer activity-powers involving Hu 8.
  5. For involving the combing (of the life network) 19.  For hitting Su
  6. similarly to the emanation-powers (light, heat, rain) 5.
  7. For activating the the pasture (starry night sky) 30 energizers.
Linear A text reads left to right. Sign assignments by Olmsted. Minoan Malia Tablet HT 21 (Text Page 38 of Godart, L., and Olivier, J-P (1970). https://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=EtCret&volume_number=21&issue_number=1&ce=cdgbj3h4otm6j6qpia2490ld6elpsapb&sp=74

Malia Tablet HT 21

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024) 

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 14)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Du Bu ȗ 4 Ši
  2. Qi’u 61 Ga 10
  3. 1 Ga 3 DaLû Qi 7 DaLû (vertical GL means letters go together)
  4. Ya 1 Lu

In English

  1. For manifesting the nourishments from Thu  4.  For equalizing
  2. envy 61. For the energizers 11.
  3. For the energizers 4. For water-transport by the thread-powers 7.  For not transporting-water
  4. 1 is lacking.
Minoan Linear A Tablet Listing Ritual Supplies for Life Network Control
Heraklion Museum 1 Minoan Linear A text as it appeared in 2019 in the Heraklion Museum in Crete. The tablet reads left to right. (Olmsted Dec. 16 2021)

Heraklion Museum Text 1 (Minoan Text 15)

(November 25, 2022, Updated December 8, 2024)  

Translation in Akkadian (Minoan Text 14)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold, Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration) 
Letter Chart Used: Bronze Age Rune Chart
  1. Qa Gu Zi i u Ša 10
  2. Wa MiQu 5 E 4 (the line over letter Q means it is a separate word)
  3. Ḫu 2. Pu 3. Šu Tu
  4. 3

In English

  1. For the threaders energizing the emanation-powers of Hu's similar activity  10.
  2. For cursing the undermining 5 not 4. 
  3. For Hu 2. For the openings 3. for equalizing astrology-magic
  4. 3.