Heraklez - Thorn of Hera 450 BCE

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Heraklez in Front Scene Fighting Blocked Openings Causing Drought Producing Sun (550 BCE)

Heraklez Breaking Through Those Blocking the Flow of Life Powers Causing A Drought (450 BCE)

(Updated April 1, 2024)  This 100 years between 550 and 450 BCE was a time when Greek and Latin began to be written probably due to their nationalist wars of survival conducted against their Akkadian speaking neighbors. Both written languages included inner vowels and so were  expressive than Alphabetic Akkadian. 

The big mystery is why they were written in a direction opposite that of Akkadian. Various pottery examples from this time period show that various Akkadian phrases could be seen as names when viewed with those inner vowel languages in the other direction. This practice eventually led to the different writing direction and a whole class of new deities unique to the various mixed Druid/Indo-European cultures (Celtic, Nordic, Latin, Greek, Slavic).

Heraklez (Herakles) during this time period is identified by his wearing of an lion skin instead of carrying it draped on his arm. Lions represented the sun god Hu.  The shield bearing fighters represent blockages in the life network. Notice one blocker has started to retreat. A dying magic crafter (label 5) is shown on the ground with his cone-shaped “wizards cap.”

The translations of the individual labels are justified below. They are:

  1. Hera's thorny agent (Heraklez)
  2. Lack can motivate the fate-cursing of of the filter (life network).
  3. High-life-Powers are emanating starvation.  Shouldn't they be emanating something. Breaking-through the openings (in sky-shell) will not come from frustration.
  4. Emanations frustrate astrology-magic. Yahu reveals emanations. These can be broken-out emanations.
  5. Turn-attentions towards the eagle-vultures.  The Weaver (Ayu) lacks Yahu (Ya'u)

(Louvre 1883 Entry Number MNC 495, Catalog number F 53.1). Letter assignments by Olmsted. 

These Lunar Powers in Back Scene are Causing the Life Blockages Due to a Lack of Control (550 BCE)

 Involving Magical Motion Powers With Life Powers Will End the Drought (450 BCE)

(Updated April 1, 2024) The image on the back side of the Heraklez krater shows a chariot containing the two lunar power deities, the full moon god Su and the cresent moon goddess Ayu. Su is the shield bearer while Ayu  (Artemis, Ishtar, Inanna, Hathor) wearing the dress is the chariot driver. She is controlling three double-headed horses. Each horse represents a layer in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm while the double heads represent the masculine/feminine duality of powers. Above the horses is the omen owl controlled by Su.   

The translations of the individual labels are justified below. Theyare:

  1. Baking has been opened. Omens are revealing that.
  2. [ ] is emanating nothing. Push the emanations
  3. Emotion/motion-powers of the shepherds can prod the fertility-fluids
  4. Involvement does not cause anger. Envy is from eagle-vultures.
  5. Involvement does not cause anger. Envy is not due to fertility-fluids.

Image has been digitally white corrected by author and numbers added. (Louvre 1883)

Greek Pottery Style Timeline

This timeline comes from archaeological excavations in Athens and is assumed to be accurate for the whole surrounding area. This chart was put together by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCASA). https://www.ascsa.edu.gr/

Herakgez (Herakles) Identified on Etruscan Pottery - 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024) This krater was found near the former Etruscan city of Vulci in 1883 on the northern Italian coast.  It is now located at the Louvre Museum and it dates to between 600 and 480 because of its black figure on red pottery style. This date can be further refined based on its linguistic writing direction feature to about 450 BCE because it comes after the Skadi pottery. Not only is the name seen left to right but so it the underlying Akkadian phrase.
The Controllers are the motion powers (Su, Selene, Thu and their owls)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.1.1)

Read left to right in the new Latin/Greek direction
  1. H[E]RA  Ku  GEZu or "HERAKGEZ"

In English

  1. Hera's thorny agent

This phrase became the name of Heraklez. While Hera and Heraklez were on the same side with both being life powers the Greek mythology surrounding Heraklez shows Hera being antagonistic towards Heraklez. The rationale given in the myths is that Heraklez is the illegitimate child of Hera's husband Zeus. https://classicalwisdom.com/mythology/heracles-and-hera/
The Romans incorrectly and imperfectly associated her with their own ancient goddess Juno who was actually equivalent to the Greek goddess Eleuthyia and Druid goddess Kate/Hekate.
The word "Hera" comes from the Akkadian word ḫarû and ḫerû meaning liver. The liver was the source of animal emotions and thus the source of animal motion. The words “horoscope” and “haroscopy” also derive from this. The liver is located on the diaphragm muscles so it links the power of air with the power of life. The /a/ ending indicates the word is an actor, a personified power such as a person.

Text Below Shield-Bearers - 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.1.2)

Read left to right (top to bottom). Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. Lu  EDu  U'u  NaPu.

In English

  1. Lack can motivate the fate-cursing of of the filter (life network).

Text Behind Heraklez - 450 BCE

(April 2, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.1.3)

Read left to right. Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. UYa.  E  Ku  Ya  AZu.  E  Le'u  Ya.  EZu  E

In English

  1. Nothing is fate-cursed.  Nothing is not involved with the associations.  Nothing is not astrologically-empowered.  Lunar-energy (chaotic frustrating energy) is nothing.

Reversed Text Behind the Blocked Openings - 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024) This text, as is usual for texts written opposite that of  the main text, presents the opposite viewpoint in that it supports the astrological motion powers.

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.1.4)

Read right to left. Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. Zu  Tu  Ezu.  Ya'u  Zu  Nu.  A  Ga'u  Zu. 

In English

  1. Emanations frustrate astrology-magic. Yahu reveals emanations. Those can be broken-out emanations.

Reversed Text Above the Magic Crafter 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024) This text, as is usual for texts written opposite that of  the main text, presents the opposite viewpoint in that it supports the astrological motion powers.

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.1.5)

Read right to left when viewed from human figure point of view.). Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. EWu  Ru.  UTu  Ya'u  Lu

In English

  1. Turn-attentions towards the eagle-vultures.  The Weaver (Ayu) lacks Yahu (Ya'u)

The eagle-vultures are the mechanism normally controlled by Ayu which edit the life network. Emotion magic which includes astrology magic can also affect these divine birds. This text is saying the life powers of Ayu are lacking and that killing off the magic crafters will lead to further disaster.

Back Side of Heraklez Pot

Back Text Behind the Omen Bird 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.2.1)

Read right to left when viewed from front of figures (left to right in above image). Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. Za'u  Pu.  ITu  Nu  A

In English

  1. Baking has been opened. Omens are revealing that.

Back Text in Front of the Omen Bird 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.2.2)

Read right to left when viewed from front of figures (left to right in above image). Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. [ ] Zu  E.  Ma'u   Zu

In English

  1. [ ] is emanating nothing. Push the emanations

Text Over the Horses 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.2.3)

Read left to right when viewed from front of figures. Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. AWu  Re'u  Ka'u  Mu

In English

  1. Emotion/motion-powers of the shepherds can prod the fertility-fluids

Text Below the Horses 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.2.4)

Read left to right when viewed from front of figures. Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. Ku  AGu  Ya.  Qi'u  Ru  A

In English

  1. Involvement does not cause anger. Envy is from eagle-vultures.

Text in Front of the Horses 450 BCE

(April 1, 2024)

Translation in Akkadian (Med 23.2.5)

Read left to right when viewed from front of figures. Capital letters on pot. Inner vowels inferred
  1. Ku  AGu  YaQi'u  Mu  E

In English 

  1.  Involvement does not cause anger. Envy is not due to fertility-fluids.

Other Heraklez Pots

Sick Sun with No Snakes (330 BCE)

A later version of the sick sun which the Greeks called a Gorgon. This one is from the north Aegean Island of Thaso and dates to between 400 and 300 BCE. It is the same sick sun as  shown on the shield but with longer teeth and no snakes. Originally the sharp teeth simply represented the sun's rays and only later did they become fangs. This image continued to evolve becoming the Green Man seen on Medieval Cathedrals. It is now at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. (Shakko Creative Commons 2009)

Heraklez Fighting Blocked Openings Caused by Divine Birds (450 BCE)

A different Etruscan krater found in Vulci in 1848 which shows Heraklez fighting the motion powers of the magical birds, specifically, the owls and eagle-vultures. Louvre (1848).

Heraklez Fighting Magical Ibexes (Swans) (400 BCE)

This Etruscan Krater was found in central Italy in 1863 and it shows Heraklez morphing into his classical style with him holding a lion skin instead of wearing it. He is out hunting birds so his weapon is a sling. The letters are too indistinct to read in this photo (Louvre 1863)
In 1546 the Farnese Hercules was found in the ruined Baths of Caracalla in Rome (built 206-216 CE). It is now at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples. It is 10 feet 5 inches high. 
Photo from Wikimedia Commons. Online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herakles_Farnese_MAN_Napoli_Inv6001_n01.jpg
Location of Sikyon in Greece where Lysippos was born.

Farnese Hercules With So Called "Glykon" Inscription, Greece 350 BCE

(January 5, 2024) This statue has a rare combination of Greek and Alphabetic Akkadian texts which was composed during the transition to Greek writing after 499 BCE during the Greco-Persian wars. It is also significant because it mentions Logos (Attunements). Because of this text, it is likely the original statue and not a later Roman copy as assumed. The text reads:

  1. Attunements (Logos) can weave the activity of revelations
  2. Hope for Hu can reveal those Yahu-powered nourishments 
  3. EPOIEI (Greek for "Do it")

This figure of the statue is identified as Hercules because he was leaning on a club having a lion head hanging from the handle. The lion's pelt is also drapped from the handle. Hercules was a fighter and defender of humans for the life powers represented by the sun and storm god Hu, life-network editing goddess Ayu, and life-form manifestation god of Yahu.

It is called "Farnese" after the rich Italian family who were looting the luxurious public Roman Baths built by Roman emperor Caracalla (dedicated in 216 CE) in 1546. His workmen brought this statue from Greece.  It had been broken into 3 main parts during one of the lootings of Rome as the western empire collapsed. The head, torso, and legs had to be reassembled. The right hand is still missing.

It is called "Farnese" after the rich Italian family who were looting the luxurious public Roman Baths built by Roman emperor Caracalla (dedicated in 216 CE) in 1546. His workmen brought this statue from Greece.  It had been broken into 3 main parts during one of the lootings of Rome as the western empire collapsed. The head, torso, and legs had to be reassembled. The right hand is still missing.

The sculptor of the original Weary Hercules was a Greek named Lysippos or one of his school. They were responsible for the change in art style from the Athenian classical style to this more realistic style seen in the Hellenistic age.  Lysippos was born at Sicyon on the northern coast of the Peloponnese around 390 BC This area was always allied with Sparta against Athens so his work tended to be counter-Athenian. He was a worker of bronze in his youth. He taught himself the art of sculpture, later becoming head of a school located at Argos and Sicyon. Commentators noted the coherent balance of his larger than life figures which were leaner than the ideal represented by Polykleitos of the Athenian school. His large statues also had proportionately smaller heads giving them the impression of greater height when looked at. He was famous for his attention to the details of eyelids and toenails.

His pupil, Chares of Lindos, constructed the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World but one which no longer exists.

Other Ancient Copies Include:

