Tiba Syria Stone 350 BCE

Text From Tiba, Syria (Has Silent B) 350 BCE

(February 12, 2024) This stone slab first came to the attention of Europeans when it was seen embedded in a wall of a mosque located at Tiba or Teiba (al-Taiyibah) Syria in 1616 by Peitro della Valle. This was 2 days by caravan northeast of Palmyra.  During the late 1700's, early 1800's it came into the possession of William, 2nd Earl of Bessborough. It was purchased by the British Museum from his estate in 1858. The letter style of its main top text is in the Aegean Island lineage. Its underlying language is Akkadian and not Greek as assumed by earlier historians.

This text is reminding the reader of the differences between the life class of powers and the motion/emotion class, and of the differences between the levels of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This scholarly respect of differences is the main characteristic of the Aegean Island sub-culture as reflected in its lineage of texts.

It says

  1.  Life-manifestations (earthly level) cannot do redirections (of life network threads/channels). High-life-powers (sky) cannot do nourishing.  Astrology-magic (for moving those powers) can activate involvement with the harbor of Ayu (life network)
  2. Revelations (of life forms)  are not being made scarce by the openings (in sky-shell).  Nothing is activated by the Authorities (astrolgical night sky).  Astrology-magic does not affect the liver
  3. Life-Priests can shape those (life-form revelations).  | Those life-forms are not being done. Their emotional-affects are making an enemy of the sky-shell
  4. The pasture (astrological night sky) does not affect the prodding of the eagle-vultures. Yahu (Y') does not affect that (either).  Lack does not affect Thu. Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) are lacking nothing.
  5. The bursting-forth (of waters) can be nourished by life-priests. The eyes-of-fate affect Hu.  The houses (astrological) are not from Hu.  Life-manifestations cannot from that involvement.
  6. Network-Birds (owls) can energize Yahu (E'). The houses reveal Hu.  Involvement can be motion-powered by the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu). Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) can activate involvement.
  7. Nothing is pasturing Yahu (Y').  Don't shift-attention to the radiant-one (sun god Hu).  Emotional-affects don't block it (Hu).


Wright, William (editor) (1875) The Paleographical Society Facsimiles of  Manuscripts and Inscriptions, page 332.  Printed by W. Clowes. Online at: https://archive.org/details/gri_33125010468029/page/n331/mode/2up?view=theater

Tiba was on the original Syrian trade route through the coastal mountains.

(February  11, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style. The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Du  Iu  IWu.  ELu  Iu  Bu.  Tu  Ṣu  Ku  ERu  AYu (Med 54.1)
  2. Nu  IṢu  Ya  Pu.  E  RaBu  Ṣu.  Tu  ḪaRu  Iu (Med 54.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Life-manifestations (earthly level) cannot do redirections. High-life-powers (sky) cannot do nourishing.  Astrology-magic (for moving those powers) can activate involvement with the harbor of Ayu (connecting them via life network)
  2. Revelations (of life forms)  are not being made scarce by the openings (in sky-shell).  Nothing is activated by the Authorities (astrolgical night sky).  Astrology-magic does not affect the liver

(February  11, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style.  The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. ABu  TaRu  A  |  A  DaRu  Iu.  A  Ne'u  YaBu  EBu      (Med 54.3)  Silent B on EBu which introduces diphthongs to writing. It is pronounced Eeeooo.
  2. Ta'u  Yu  KaYu  Ru.  Ya'u  Yu  ALu.  A  Ṭu  ANu  Lu  E (Med 54.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Life-Priests can shape those (revelations).  | Those life-forms are not being done. Their emotional-affects are making an enemy of the sky-shell
  2. The pasture (astrological night sky) does not affect the prodding of the eagle-vultures. Yahu (Y') does not affect that (either).  Lack does not affect Thu. Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) are lacking nothing.

(February  11, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style.  The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that. The new letter "B" is introduced here.

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Ga'u  Bu  ABu.  IGu  Ḫu  Ne'u.  BeTu  Ḫu  E.  Du  E  Ku  A     (Med 54.5)
  2. Pa'u  Gu  E'.  BeTu  Ḫu  Nu.  Ku  AWu  ARu.  ANu  Ṣu  Ku. (Med 54.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The bursting-forth (of waters) can be nourished by life-priests. The eyes-of-fate affect Hu.  The houses (astrological) are not from Hu.  Life-manifestations cannot from that involvement.
  2. Network-Birds (owls) can energize Yahu (E'). The houses reveal Hu.  Involvement can be motion-powered by the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu). Considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) can activate involvement.

(February  12, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style.  The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that. The new letter "B" is introduced here.

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Di'u  UḪu  E.  ENu  Ku  A.  ITu  ḪaNu  Ku.  A  INu  Ḫu. (Med 54.7)
  2. EBu  IDu  IṢu.  Nu  ANu  EṬu.  Ḫu  Ku  ENu. (Med 54.8)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The divine-powers are not from the radiant-one (sun).   The re-assignments (of life thread channel) can be involved with it.  Omens involve intimidation. Those can make-luney Hu.
  2. The sky-shell-powers make-scarce the life-channels.  Revelations can consider darkness.  Hu can be involved with re-assignments

(February  12, 2024)  This is mostly late Aegean Island in style just starting its transition to the Greek style.  The dual use letter Yod (I,Y) is being split apart into its vowel (I) and consonant (Y) forms. This seems to be the earliest evidence for that. The new letter "B" is introduced here.

Translation of Line 9 in Akkadian (Med Text 54)

(read  left to right. Capital letters are on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Ta'u  Ya'u.  EWu  Ya  UḪu.  Ne'u  Bu  A  Ṣe'u  Ya    (Med 54.9)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nothing is pasturing Yahu (Y').  Don't shift-attention to the radiant-one (sun god Hu).  Emotional-affects don't block it.

(February  12, 2024) The bottom of this stone has a text composed of symbols whose letter assignments are unkown at this time.