Life Source God - Alu

Etruscan Orcus Tomb 2, Image 4, Embarrassed God Hu Surrounded by Gods Alu and Su 490 BCE

(April 19, 2024, Updated December 20, 2024)  According to the text, the characters are right to left:

This scene shows an embarrassed god Hu standing between an old Alu on the left and a younger Su on the right. Previously these deities were misidentified as Vanth, Agamemnon, and Tiresias. Each plant in this scene divides the layers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm which are represented by their main life class deities. The left plant has 6 nymphs representing the 6 known planets (eye-of-fate) of the sky shell between Hu and Alu. These planets are: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. (Original photo by Rönnlund, Wikimedia Commons, 2012).

According to the text, the destroyed image behind the god Su should have been the underworld goddess Kate/Hekate. Presumably, Su's text would have been lower down and located in front of Su but that has also been destroyed.

Translation in Akkadian (Text Med 19.4)

(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Nu  IGu  AZu
  2. Šu  INu  Qu  Ya  A  Lu.  Tu  EPu  Ya  A  Zu.  Hu  Lu  Zu
  3. ... [ ]Mu  E  Mu.  Du  UYu  Ya

In English

  1. The Revealer (goddess Kate/Hekate) associates with the Eyes-of-Fate (planets).
  2. Similarly, the Moon-eye (Su) is not threading this lack.  Astrology-magic (from Su) is not drying their emanations (rain).  Hu is lacking emanations.
  3. … .  the can make ineffective the fertility-fluids. Life-Manifestations are not being fated.
Press of a Sumerian cylinder seal dated to around 2200 BCE. Each of the 6 text columns is a label for each of the 6 images.It is now located at the Louvre (AO 22303, Département des Antiquités orientales). It was donated to the museum in 1967 by a collector so it was not found in an archeaological excavation. Online at:

Sumerian Description of Life Source God AN (Alu)

(September 16, 2023) The European Neolithic farmers who became the Druid civilization split off from Mesopotamian culture around 8500 BCE. Consequently, the two cultures have much in common.  The Sumerian name for Alu was An and he is mentioned and illustrated on this Sumerian cylinder seal dated to around 2200 BCE. Her is is kneeling on top of the sky shell and pouring out 3 streams of fertility fluids, one of which is being transferred the chaotic storm horned god for passing on to the earth as rain. The other two streams likely represent ground water and sea water. The text translation is:

  1. AN's ejections are the milk which fills the fertility-fluids for the land.
  2. Fertility-fluids
  3. The cloud's streams are passing-through to the earth
  4. Storage is being filled by the fertility-fluids
  5. Pests are ejected
  6. Serve wisdom

Lexicon used for this translation: About This Early-Sign Sumerian Lexicon  

Bought in Jerusalem in 1970. Present location not reported. Seal is made of red jasper, 10 x 9 x 8 mm.

Israelite Temple Sealing: Lacking These Things Due is to Alu Who Originates Nourishments (Drought 732 or 605 BCE)

(April 1, 2023) Image of of the sky-shell showing openings for fertility-fluids (filtrate). These openings are the "things of Hu."

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.56)

(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Lu  A  Ḫu  Yu  Su (Levant Text 60.56.1) 
  2. Bu  UṢu  ALu (Levant Text 60.56.2) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English. 

  1. Lacking these-things of Hu is not being affected by Su
  2. Nourishments are originating with Alu

Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt

Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows: 

  1. Belonging to Ahiyau
  2. son of Sha'ul


Sun God Tablet found at the Babylonian city of Sippar.
Top image shows the Sun God Tablet found at the Babylonian city of Sippar.  The  bottom image shows that it was found in a box alongside two molds of the top image indicating this image was printed on several tablets. The molds are carved from limestone. The image is about is 29 x 18 cm. 
Babylonian Sun god tablet as it was found in its box
Close-up of Sun god tablet with its image molds
These are now located in the British Museum but the translation provided by them is completely wrong. This can be sensed by the reader because it makes no sense and has a lot of names (translation wildcards). While existing cuneiform translations are fairly good for commercial texts, academic linguist have not been able to take cuneiform translations to the next level of precision by translating to the scholars standard. This is really obvious when translations of religious texts are attempted.
Top two images from
Bottom image from

Sun God Tablet References 850 BCE (Elijah) Drought

(July 3, 2022) The top of the Sun God Tablet shows a complex bas relief. It was printed from one of several limestone molds so it could be copied and sent to several surrounding temples. The tablet and molds were discovered inside an inscribed terracotta chest (BM 91004). The chest is dated to the reign of Nabonidus (Nabu-apla-iddina ca. 888 – 855 BC), three centuries after the Sun God Tablet first appeared. The assemblage was excavated by Hormuzd Rassam in 1881 at Abū Habbah, and proved that site’s identification with ancient Sippar.

The bas relief shows the life source god Anu seated in his house above the sky shell. "Anu" is the Mesopotamian Akkadian word for the life power source power while the Mediterranean word is "Alu." In the text his powers are being blocked by the large sun disk radiating light and rain representing the god Atu. This means  Anu's powers of rain production cannot reach the two mortal ambassadors approaching him. Behind the two mortals is another deity or priest indicated by his snake hat who has his arms raised. 

Anu is holding the masculine/feminine power symbols (Athame and Chalice equivalents). Above the personified Ahu's head are the symbols representing the life powers belonging to his house (class of life powers). They are the moon goddess Inanna (Ishtar), sun god Atu, and manifestation god Ea (Yahu). The text in his house reads:

  1. The confused divine threads are setting out from the stable and are trampling down Anu's afflicted.
  2. Destitute divine threads are trampling down a number of food supply divine fluids

Above the house of Anu is probably the motion powers source god Su whose night sky motion powers are manipulating the threads of the life network by pulling the strings of Atu's network. This manipulation is what is really blocking the rain. The top right corner text reads beside the string puller reads (translation by Olmsted):

  1. Anu is confused, Anu is afflicted. The destitute divine thread connections of Anu to Ea are trampling down the Fathers. 
  2. The divine thread openings appear destitute to Father Anu and pronounce to the divine messengers and the Twins the surrounding food supply affliction.

The Twins mentioned in the text were the charioteers who who pulled the sun across the sky-shell and through the atmosphere. As such they became associated with traveling. In Greek culture they became the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini.  Ea is the earth manifesting power of the life-growth power generated by Anu. The text above the two people and Ea reads:

  1. The oven (domed sky-shell) is starving a number of Anu's divine threads which are afflicting (the remaining) number of threads by forcefully hurrying the divine fluids of our
  2. fertility-fluid priests of the cloister. The afflicted (threads) are confusing the divine threads of the stable hands (magic crafters)
  3. EA? has dried up, Si'u (full moon power) is crushed, the Father's tools are crushed, NUN (water power) has dried up.