Golden Praeneste Fibula From 499 BCE Drought Was Written In Akkadian

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Praeneste Fibula. It is now located at the Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography, Rome, Italy
Photo by Pax:Vobiscum via Wikimedia Commons. Online at:

Palestrina is a region just east of Rome.

Praeneste Fibula (Brooch) 499 BCE Drought

(December 22, 2023) Letter style is mostly Aegean Island with Etruscan letters D and P. The mixing of letter styles in border areas is not unusual. Many have claimed this style is Old Latin simply based on the fact it was found near Rome but any inspection of the text shows that is not the case.  The letter style and subject matter of this text is actually Druid.

This text is saying that emotion magic can overcome the astrological fate curse on manifesting life forms by the life powers of Hu and Yahu.  It reads in Alphabetic Akkadian:

  • Activity emanates those revelations (of life forms) from Yahu  :  Energy can activate motivations  :  The openings of Hu are becoming ineffective  :  The Openings of Hu are motivated by emotion-owls  :   Revelations can resist the fate-cursing of the nest (network)

At a meeting of the German Institute in Rome on January 7, 1886, Wolfgang Helbig described an engraved gold fibula or dress pin found at Palestrina, ancient Praeneste, in 1871. Helbig had a good reputation in the archaeological community and had been second secretary (assistant director) of the Institute since 1865.

But Helbig hadn't told the Institute audience all he knew. He said a friend owned it, and that friend was Francesco Martinetti, a seller of antiquities, faker, and smuggler. And there were signs that something was wrong with Helbig's tale. The fibula was later said to be from the Bernardini Tomb, which was excavated in 1876. That contradicted Helbig's story, but he didn't challenge it. The few who raised questions about the fibula, such as archaeologist Giovanni Pinza in 1905, were ignored. 

So, controversy has long existed on whether this text is forged due to the circumstances of it discovery. Based on this translation it is definitely is authentic.

Its Authenticity is also confirmed by the latest physical tests done in 2011 also show the metal is old. In 2011, new scientific evidence was presented by the research team of Edilberto Formigli and Daniela Ferro, whose optical, physical and chemical analyses allowed them to take into consideration smaller scrapes on the surface of the object.  These showed the existence of micro-crystallization of the gold surface: a natural phenomenon that could have taken place only in the course of centuries after the fusion.


Who Made the Praeneste Fibula? (2009) Archaeology Magazine. Online at:

Daniele Federico Maras (2011) Scientists declare the Fibula Prenestina and its inscription to be genuine “beyond any reasonable doubt” Online at:

(December 22, 2023, Updated December 11, 2024)  Letter style is mostly Aegean Island with Etruscan letters D and P. Double Dots are phrase dividers.

Translation of Line 1 in Akkadian (Med Text 46)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) 
  1. Ṣu  ANu  I'u  Zu  :  Gi  Ṣi  EDu  :  Pu  Ḫu  E  :  Pu  Ḫu  AKu  EDu  :  Nu  WaNu  WA  Ba'u (Med 46.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activity emanates considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) for Yahu/Yahweh  :  Energy can activate motivations  :  The openings of Hu have become ineffective  :  The openings of Hu are motivated by emotion-owls  :   Revelations can resist the fate-cursing of the nest (network)  

Previous Translation Attempt in Latin


"Manios made me for Numasios"

Firstly, the letter assignments are completely wrong. Secondly, names are not a translation because they can cluster any arbitrary set of letters.