Page 23 Codex Runicus

Page 23 of Codex Runicus.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Translation of Page 23

(August 25, 2024)  Chapter 30 continues its discussion of how the the connective life goddess and crescent moon goddess Ayu interacts with the motion powers. Chapter 31 begins a discussion on how the astrological motion powers are being constrained by the life powers controlling the connections of the life network which divert the flows of the fertility fluids. This interaction between the 2 divine power classes is represented by the sun's companion star (dog star) Sirius.

  1. Thu's enemies  :  can change.  :  Su energizes fertility-fluids  :  The weavers (Vates) can manifest.  :  Manifest the eagle-vultures for redirection (of nourishments in the life network).  :  Activate the fertility-fluids by energizing the activity of the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Manifest the openings.
  2. The lack of activity  :  can divert the boundary's nourishments  :  of motion-changes.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Weavers (Vates) can set  :  the emotional-arousals.  :  Sirius can be replaced  :  with 
  3. the priest-parents.  :  Involve the motion-changes.  :  Thu can liberate  :  Ayu to manifest the changes.  :  Nourish opening the involvement of astrology-magic's activity.  :  Energize the lack causing the drought  :  of manifestations.
  4. Astrology-magic can activate  :  the expulsion  :  of lack.  :  Activate the magic which can activate motion-changes  :  in the sire (Alu).  :;  (Chapter 31) Su's Sirius  :  and (its) liberation  :  can open involvements.  :  
  5. Thu's lack is not from the astrological-powers.  : Thu's lack is being nourished by  :  the earthly-life-power's authorizations.  :  Activity can lack prodding.  :  Manifest astrology-magic.  :  Diversions can make-ineffective  :  astrology-magic.
  6. Shed the motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking nourishments.  :  Thu's lack is not from motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking nourishments.  :  Restrain the motion-channels which emotionally-arouse Sirius. 
  7. Nourish  :  the opening of involvements.  :  Emotional-arousals are being blocked  :  by restraining the authorizations  :  Fighting is not involved.  :  Manifest astrology-magic.  :  Diversions are being ineffective  :  in revealing Alu.  : 
  8. Reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Thu activates those motion-changing-powers.  :  The revelations of involvement do not bless those.  :  Energy can discipline astrology-magic.  :  Astrology-magic changes the boundary.  :
  9. The boundary can manifest the Controllers.  :  Reveal the enemies.  :  Drumming can energize motion-changes.  :  Exposure (of the eagle-vultures) can manifest the Controllers.  :  Don't reveal the zodiac-house's  :  astrology-magic.
  10. Eagle-vultures  :  can be emotionally-aroused  :  by those lacking Thu.  :  Astrology-magic can activate (them).  :  Restrain the eagle-vultures by nourishing astrology-magic liberated by authorizations.  :  Open involvements.  :  Liberate the zodiac-houses. 
  11. Eagle-vultures  :  are a result of lacking Thu.  :  The boundary can change astrology-magic.  :  Water-transport's  :  activity can be disciplined by astrology-magic.  :  Manifest astrology-magic's activity.  :  Emotional-arousals are lacking  :  pasture.  :
  12. Storm-powers can be involved with scarcity.  :  Astrology-magic can shed motion-changes.  :  High-life-powers  can manifest the Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  High-life-powers  can manifest the Controllers.  :  Drumming can energize astrology-magic.  :
  13. The eagle-vultures'  :  exposure can manifest the Controllers.  :  Exposure can manifest the Controllers.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Lack is energizing  :  Thu's enemies.  :  Liberate the nourishments.
  14. The Controllers  :  can reveal Alu.  :  Open involvement  :  Emotion-powers (Awen)  :  can nourish the eagle-vultures opening manifestations of motion-changes.  :  Thu does not motivate lack.  :  Emotional arousals are lacking.

(August 23, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ṭu YaBu  :  TaRu  :  Su Mu Gu  :  UTu Du  :  Du Ru IWu  :  Ṣu Mu Gu Ṣu AWu  :  Du Pu  : (Text 29.23.1)  
  2. Lu Ṣu  :  LaRu ETu  Bu  :  TaRu  :  Tu Ya  :  UTu ReTu  :  TaBu  :  ŠeRu TeNu  : U (Text 29.23.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Thu's enemies  :  can change.  :  Su energizes fertility-fluids  :  The weavers (Vates) can manifest.  :  Manifest the eagle-vultures for redirection (of nourishments in the life network).  :  Activate the fertility-fluids by energizing the activity of the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Manifest the openings.
  2. The lack of activity  :  can divert the boundary's nourishments  :  of motion-changes.  :  Don't do astrology-magic.  :  Weavers (Vates) can set  :  the emotional-arousals.  :  Sirius can be replaced  :  with 

(August 24, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. ABu  :  Ku TaRu  :   Ṭu LeBu  :  AYu Du TaRu  :  Bu Pu Ku Tu Ṣu  :  Gu Lu ṢeTu  :  Du (Text 29.23.3)  
  2. Tu Ṣu  :   AṢu  :  Lu  :  Ṣa Mu Gi Ṣu TaRu  :  TuDu  ;:  Su  ŠeRu  :  U LeBu  :  Pu Ku  : (Text 29.23.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. the priest-parents.  :  Involve the motion-changes.  :  Thu can liberate  :  Ayu to manifest the changes.  :  Nourish opening the involvement of astrology-magic's activity.  :  Energize the lack causing the drought  :  of manifestations.
  2. Astrology-magic can activate  :  the expulsion  :  of lack.  :  Activate the fertility-fluid's energy (magic) which can activate the motion-changes  :  of the sire (Alu).  :;  Su's Sirius  :  and liberation  :  can open involvements.  :  

(August 24, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ṭu Lu E IRu  :   Ṭu Lu Bu  :  BeŠu ReBu  :  Ṣu Lu KaYu  :  Du Tu  :  LaRu E  :  Tu (Text 29.23.5)  
  2. EṢu TaRu  :  Ṭu Lu Bu  :  Ṭu Lu E TaRu  :  Ṭu Lu Bu  :  BeLu ReṬu TaBu ŠeRu (Text 29.23.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Thu's lack is not from the astrological-powers.  : Thu's lack is being nourished by  :  the earthly-life-power's authorizations.  :  Activity can lack prodding.  :  Manifest astrology-magic.  :  Diversions can make-ineffective  :  astrology-magic.
  2. Shed the motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking nourishments.  :  Thu's lack is not from motion-changes.  :  Thu is lacking nourishments.  :  Restrain the motion-channels which emotionally-arouse Sirius. 

(August 24, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Bu  :  Pu Ku  :  TaBu eYu  :  BeLu ReBu  :  ṢaLu Ku Ya  :  Du Tu  :  LaRu E  :  Nu  ALu  : (Text 29.23.7)  
  2. Nu AWu  :  Ṭu A TaRu Ṣu  :  Nu Ku A GaSu Ya  :  Gi TuKu Tu  :  Tu EGu TaRu  : (Text 29.23.8)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nourish  :  the opening of involvements.  :  Emotional-arousals are being blocked  :  by restraining the authorizations  :  Fighting is not involved.  :  Manifest astrology-magic.  :  Diversions are being ineffective  :  in revealing Alu.  : 
  2. Reveal the motion-powers (Awen).  :  Thu activates those motion-changing-powers.  :  The revelations of involvement do not bless those.  :  Energy can discipline astrology-magic.  :  Astrology-magic changes the boundary.  :

(August 24, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. ETu Du ARu  :  Nu YaBu  :  TeGu Gu TaRu  :  UPu Du ARu  :  Nu Ya  BeTu  :  Tu (Text 29.23.9)  
  2. Ru  :  TaBu  :  A Lu Ṭu  :  Tu Ṣu  :  BeLu Ru Bu Tu BeLu RaBu  :  Pu Ku  :  LeBu BeTu (Text 29.23.10)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The boundary can manifest the motion-controllers.  :  Reveal the enemies.  :  Drumming can energize the motion-changes.  :  Winds/spirits/souls can manifest the motion-controllers.  :  Don't reveal the zodiac-houses  :  astrology-magic.
  2. Eagle-vultures  :  can be emotionally aroused  :  by those lacking Thu.  :  Astrology-magic can activate (them).  :  Restrain the eagle-vultures by nourishing astrology-magic liberated by authorizations.  :  Open involvements  :  Liberate the zodiac-houses. 

(August 25, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ru  :  A Lu Ṭu  :  EGu TaRu Tu  :  DaLu  :  Ṣu TuKu Tu  :  Du Tu Ṣu  :  TaBu Lu  :  TaWu  : (Text 29.23.11)  
  2. UMu Ku IṢu  :  Tu EṢu TaRu  :  ELu Du ARu  :  ELu Du ARu  : TiGu Gu Tu (Text 29.23.12)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Eagle-vultures  :  are a result of lacking Thu.  :  The boundary can change astrology-magic.  :  Water-transport's  :  activity can be disciplines by astrology-magic.  :  Manifest astrology-magic's activity.  :  Emotional-arousals are lacking  :  pasture.  :
  2. Storm-powers can be involved with scarcity.  :  Astrology-magic can shed motion-changes.  :  High-life-powers  can manifest the motion-controllers (Su, Selene, Thu).  :  High-life-powers  can manifest the motion-controllers.   :  Drumming can energize astrology-magic.  :

(August 25, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.23)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ru  :  WaPu Du ARu  :  WaPu Du ARu  :  Nu AWu  :  Lu Gu  :  Ṭu YaBu  :  LeBu Bu (Text 29.23.13)  
  2. ARu  :   Nu ALu  :  Pu Ku  :  AWu  :  Bu Ru Pu Du TaRu :  Ṭu Lu EDu Ya  :  TaBu Lu (Text 29.23.14)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The eagle-vultures'  :  exposure can manifest the Controllers.  :  Exposure can manifest the Controllers.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Lack is energizing  :  Thu's enemies.  :  Liberate the nourishments.
  2. Motion-Controllers  :  can reveal Alu.  :  Open involvement  :  Emotion-powers (Awen)  :  can nourish the eagle-vultures opening manifestations of motion-changes.  :  Thu does not motivate lack.  :  Emotional arousals are lacking.