Celtic Culture

Halstatt material culture is shown in yellow (1200-400 BCE) and La Tene material culture) is shown in Green (450-50 BCE). These terms are material manifestations which existed within the more widespread religious/language Celtic Culture.
Information from Atlas of the Celtic World, by John Haywood; London Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2001, pp. 30-37.By Dbachmann via Wikimedia Commons at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hallstatt_LaTene.png
This video is by Kings and Generals who always produce good historical documentaries although this video is completely wrong in stating that the Druids never wrote anything down. That they say this just shows how deep and thorough the suppression of Druid culture has been. This video points out that "culture" is not consistently used by historians because it can either mean the religious/language culture or the material culture. The two are not necessarily the same. Most archaeologists use it to mean material culture because that is what they work with. In contrast historical linguists use it to mean the religious/language culture of which material culture is a subset. This confustion is addressed in this video.

Proto Celtic Culture As Known By Latins and Greeks

(Sept 2, 2023, Updated December 25, 2025)  The word "Celtic" (Greek Keltoi) is the Akkadian phrase KL.T (Kalu.Ta) meaning "Constrainers.of Astrology-Magic." Irish ogham texts show this was certainly true. They were big using of astrology magic.

One of the main Celtic material traditions originated out of the salt trading economy of the Halstatt (yellow) and La Tene (green) Cultures (1300- 500 BCE). The Hallstatt culture originated out of the organization required to mine and trade salt from the salt mines near Salzburg and managing the portage between the Danube and Rhine rivers.  

By the time of the Celts were known by the Romans and Greeks most of their deity names were made out of Akkadian phrases. This same phenomena also occurred in the Nordic lands with all Norse being Akkadian phrases. Most of the main Celtic deities involve fertility.  The Druids had the concept of invisible "Platonic" universal object shapes long before the Greeks existed. These invisible shapes had to be revealed and manifested.

Some Celtic deities are:

  1. Belenus - Akkadian BL.N  (Belu.Nu) meaning "Life-Constrainer's.Revelations"  According to Greek texts this deity was the sun. In Druid culture the sun represented the life network which directed the divine fertility fluids to trigger life form openings on earth.
  2. Cernunnos  -  Akkadian ṢR.NN.Na (Ṣeru.NuNu.Nu) meaning Life-power's.Chaos.Revealer.  According to Greek texts this god represented the wild fertility of nature. He was shown as a horned god. In southern areas he was the chaos bull.
  3. Epona - Akkadian EP.N (Epu.Na) meaning Drying's.Revealer. According to Greek texts this deity was a horse goddess. In Indo-European cultures horses were thought to pull the chariot containing the sun across the sky. If the sun came to low then the drought would occur and the land would dry out.
  4. Lugh - Akkadian LG (Lagu) meaning attunement as in spiritual communication and connection. This is the Greek Logos. He represented skill at business and trade.
  5. Meponos - Akkadian M.P.N (Mu.Pu.Na) meaning "Fertility-fluid's.Opening.Revealer." In order for life to be triggered the feminine had to be opened by the masculine. According to Greek texts this deity represented youth.
  6. Morrigan - Akkadian phrase M.RaG.u meaning "The Fertility-fluid's.False-one. " Fertility-fluids were the transport mechanism for bringing the spiritual life powers to earth. This is a Gaelic Irish epithet for Kate/Hekate emphasizing her life absorption power as the soul storage underworld goddess.
  7. Seqana: from Akkadian S.QN (SaQu.Na) meaning "Fabric.Revealer" where fabric is an epithet for the life network which brings life powers to earth.
  8. Taranis: from Akkadian TR.N  (Taru.Na) meaning "Shape.Revealer." From Greek writings he was the chaotic storm form of the Druid sun god Hu. His rain revealed these invisible life forms as it produced fertility.
  9. Toutatis - Akkadian TT.T (TiTu.Tu)  meaning  fruit.magic.  The fruits of the earth needed to be encouraged and promoted by magic. According to Greek texts this deity was a tribal protector.
A lecture by Ronald Hutton who is an expert on British Pagan history. It was recorded on 26 April 2023 at Gresham College, London.

Welsh Language And Bardic Court Tales From 1200-1350 CE

(June 29, 2023, updated October 3, 2024) Linguistic scholar's of the past divided Europe into 3 parts based upon language:

  1. Norse/Germanic
  2. Celtic
  3. Slavonic

Today we know that these language differences arose from each having different mixing ratios of Indo-European with native Neolithic farmer Akkadian. Additionally, the Celtic languages are further divided into Goidelic or Gaelic (Irish, Manx and Scottish) and Brythonic (Welsh, Cornish and Breton). The Brythonic have a bit more Latin influences than Gaelic. English resulted mostly from later Germanic/Norse (Frisian, Anglo-Saxon) being mixed with Norman (Norse, French). Welsh stabilized as a language only after the Romans left Britain.

Some Welsh Spiritual Concepts Derived From Druid Akkadian Phrases

-n is an Akkadian noun suffix indicating that the a person's divine powers are meant instead of the persona. When used by itself it also mean "form revelations." So when /n/ is found on the end of modern words it can often be interpreted both ways unless the word ends in a double /n/ like Rhiannon.