County Wicklow Ogham

Castletimon Ogham Stone, County Wicklow, Ireland

(December 23, 2024) This ogham stone was found laying by the side of the road running inland from Brittas Bay. It was discovered by J. C. Tuomey. It dimensions are: 4' 11" × 1′ 7″ × o' 10". The angle is rounded . The inscription is cut and is quite clear, though worn from people sitting on it.

Translation Using Ballymote Letter Assignments and Druid Akkadian For Ogham Text 40

Read bottom to top clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Top Direction: Up (Sides)
  1. IṬu  AKu.  ATu  ENu  IGu.  AKu  ATu  ENu

In English

  1. Make-sticky the emotion-owls. Monitor the reassignments of the eyes-of-fate (planets). Emotion-owls can monitor the eyes-of-fate.

Previous Ogham Translation Attempt Using Post-Oppression Lettering


No English translation provided


Macalister, R A Stewart. 1945. Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum CelticarumVolume 1, page 51. Online at:

Donard Ogham Stone, County Wicklow, Ireland

(December 23, 2024) This ogham stone was found on a farm called Old Mills, south of the village of Donard. Afterwards removed to the garden of a house (for a time the Civic Guards Barracks) in the village where it still stands. Its dimensions are: 5′ 0″ x 2' 3" x 1' 9".

Translation Using Ballymote Letter Assignments and Druid Akkadian For Ogham Text 41

Read bottom to top clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Top Direction: Sides
  1. Yu  ASu  INu  Ya  |  A  IMu  ASu  IMu  UKu  

In English

  1. Cannot celestial-healing not be loony?  |  Those emotions of celestially-healing are from shuttling emotions.

Previous Ogham Translation Attempt Using Post-Oppression Lettering


No English translation provided.


Macalister, R A Stewart. 1945. Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum CelticarumVolume 1, page 52. Online at:

Boleycarrigeen Ogham Stone, County Wicklow, Ireland

(December 23, 2024) This stone Discovered by Mr. L. Price , D.J. , in the rampart of the ring- fort on this townland called Crossoona.

Translation Using Ballymote Letter Assignments and Druid Akkadian For Ogham Text 42

Read bottom to top clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Top Direction: Sides
  1. U'a  Ta  Ya (These letters are what is reported by the in-person inspection.)

In English

  1. The fate-curse is not from astrology-magic.

Previous Ogham Translation Attempt Using Post-Oppression Lettering

  1. VOTI

No English translation provided


Macalister, R A Stewart. 1945. Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum CelticarumVolume 1, page 54. Online at:

Knickeen Ogham Stone, County Wicklow, Ireland

(December 23, 2024) This stone is an irregularly shaped slab of granite, 7' 6" x 6' o" at top, narrowing downward to 2' 2'. It is marked "The Long Stone" on the Ordnance map. It is now difficult to find, as it is in the heart of a dense plantation recently established by the Forestry Department.

Translation Using Ballymote Letter Assignments and Druid Akkadian For Ogham Text 43

Read bottom to top clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Top Direction: Sides
  1. Ya'u  INu  ISu  AMu

In English

  1. Yahu (Y'), Moon-eye (Su), The Woman (Selu/Selene), Reed-Boat (Ayu)

Comment: This is a list of the more popular Druid deities, 2 gods followed by 2 goddesses. The life-power deities (Yahu, Ayu) are on the outside while the motion power deities (Su, Selene) are on the inside.

Previous Ogham Translation Attempt Using Post-Oppression Lettering

No English translation provided


Macalister, R A Stewart. 1945. Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum CelticarumVolume 1, page 55. Online at: