County Meath Ogham

Castlekeeran Ogham Stone, County Meath, Ireland

(December 23, 2024) This stone was found during the digging a grave in the old cemetery of St. Ciaran's, about three miles from Kells. It is now set up as a headstone over a modern grave. Dimensions: 2′ 2″ × 1′ 4″ × 0' 7". The 3 lowest letters are hidden in the earth at the bottom of each line. They are here given on the authority of Rhys.

Translation Using Ballymote Letter Assignments and Druid Akkadian For Ogham Text 38

Read bottom to top clockwise. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Top Direction: Sides
  1. Ka'u  Tu  A  Ṭu.  Nu  IMu  ASuYu  MaWu  Ka'uYu  Pu  U  Ṭu  WaNu  Ya

In English

  1. The prodding of astrology-magic can be the result of Thu. The revelations of emotions can be celestially-healed. Should not the waters then be expelled?  Will not the openings and Thu not resist?

Previous Ogham Translation Attempt Using Post-Oppression Lettering


No English translation provided.


Macalister, R A Stewart. 1945. Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum CelticarumVolume 1, page 46. Online at: