Page 17 Codex Runicus

Page 17 of Codex Runicus.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Translation of Page 17

(July 19, 2024) Chapter 20 begins a discussion of how Sirius modulates the motion powers of the night sky, that is, the motion powers of the dark new moon god Su. Chapter 21 starts a discussion on how each power class can be involved with the other.

  1. Activate  :  form-manifestations with the pasture (starry sky).  :  Su can bud astrology-magic.  :  The energy of the white-ones  :  can attune (logos) the energy of the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Thu can liberate the form-revelations  :  Nourish Sirius.
  2. Nourish the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Su's eye's-of-fate (planets and stars)  :  can strip Yahu (YH) of Su's moon-eye.  :  Changes :  can reveal  Alu.  :  Changes  :  don't do astrology-magic.  :  Lack  :  can be caused by their involvement with that.
  3. Should we be gating Thu? :  Thu can attune (logos) nothing.   :   (Chapter 20) Su's conductor (Sirius)  :  can nourish the openings of offerings for astrology-magic.  :  Open involvement.  :  Thu is lacking nothing to astrologically-empower  :  this.   
  4. Channel the changes.  :  Involve the priest-parents in that.  :  The Revealer (Kate) can be an enemy of astrology-magic.  :  The zodiac-houses can be manifested by astrology-magic.  :  Su can inhibit Sirius.  :  Open the involvement of  :  the Revealer.  
  5. The priest-parents  :  can activate astrology-magic with Kate.  :  Its winds/spirits can manifest emotional-coercion.  :  Manifestations can be changed by astrology-magic.  :  Reveal Alu  :  with the energy of the white-ones.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers.  : 
  6. Emotional-arousals  :  can be revealed by priest-parents.  :  Open involvement.  :  The community can activate the changes  :  of Yahu (EA).  :  Thu can attune (logos) Yahu (EA) :  Fate-curses can be gated by astrology-magic's  :  changes.  : 
  7. The winds/spirits/souls can manifest the changes.  :  Open involvements.  :  Attuning (logos) the activity  :  of Su is the same as activating  :  changes.  :  Open involvements.  :  Emotional-arousals can prod the nourishments  :  to reveal this.
  8. Nourishing  :  activity does not help.  :  Attune (logos) the energy of astrology-magic.  :  The pasture (starry night sky) can make-stormy the prodding of activity.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  The winds/spirits/souls can manifest changes.  :   
  9.  Manifestations of astrology-magic can activate  :  state-changes.  :  Settings can activate  :  the emotion-powers.  :  Inhibit  :  the zodiac-houses.  :  Free-up the drivers (personified motion deities)  :  Open involvements.  :  Nourish the scavengers.
  10. The boundary.  :  Not-one emotional-curse by the shepherds is nourishing the moon-eyed-ones.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Activate astrology-magic's prodders.  :  Nourish similar emotional-authorities.   :  Su can open activity.
  11. Changes  :  by Thu can attune (logos) Yahu (EA).  :  No enemies are nourishing astrology-magic.  :   Astrology-magic can nourish  :  the revelations of the priest-parents  ;:   (Chapter 21)  Su can conduct  :   
  12. The winds/spirits/souls to manifest changes.  :  The earthly-life-powers can be authorized by astrology-magic.  :  Manifesting can cause a lack  :  of changes.  :  Manifest astrology-magic's activity  :  for the dispersal and weaving (of the life powers).
  13. Set the activity.  :  Emotion-powers (Awen) :  can harmonize (logos) activity.  :  The Form-Revealer (Asher) can prod the shedding of energy.  :  Expel the emotional-arousals.  :  Reveal Alu's  :  storm-powers.
  14. Involvements can be scarce  :  Form-revelations can get involved with the eyes-of-fate  :  by lacking activity.  :  Nourishments can open the offerings of emotional-arousals.  :  Storm-powers offerings can cause-change.  :  Astrology-magic can be shed. 

(July 14, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Ṣu  :  Du TaWu  :  Su ŠeDu Tu  :  Gi PaṢu  :  LaGu Gi AWu  :  Ṭu LaBu Nu  :  Bu ŠeRu (Text 29.17.1)  
  2. Bu AWu  :  Su IGu  :  NeKu YaHu Su INu  :  TaRu  :  Nu ALu  :  TaRu  :  Tu Ya  :  Lu  :  Ku A (Text 29.17.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activate  :  form-manifestations with the pasture (starry sky).  :  Su can bud astrology-magic.  :  The energy of the white-ones  :  can attune (logos) the energy of the emotion-powers.  :  Thu can liberate the form-revelations  :  Nourish Sirius.
  2. Nourish the emotion-powers.  :  Su's eye's-of-fate (heavenly bodies)  :  can strip Yahu (YH) of Su's moon-eyed-ones.  :  The state-changers (integrators of life powers with  astrological motion powers)  :  can reveal  Alu.  :  The state-changers  :  don't craft astrology-magic.  :  Lack  :  is causing their involvement with that.

(July 14, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Yu BiBu Tu  :  Ṭu LaGu E  :;  Su  ŠeRu  Bu Pu BeSu Tu  :  Pu Ku  :  Ṭu Lu E IRu  :  A (Text 29.17.3)  
  2. IDu TaRu  :  Ku ABu Tu  :  Nu YaBu Tu  :  BeTu Du Tu  :  Su ŠaṢu ŠeRu  :  Pu Ku  :  Nu (Text 29.17.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Should we be gating Thu? :  Thu can harmonize (logos) nothing.  :  Su's Sirius  :   can nourish the opening of offerings for astrology-magic.  :  Open involvement.  :  Thu is lacking nothing for astrology-empowering  :  that.   
  2. Channel the state-changes.  :  Involve the priest-parents in that  :  The Revealer (Asher) can be an enemy of astrology-magic.  :  The zodiac-houses can be manifested by astrology-magic.  :  Su can inhibit Sirius.  :  Open the involvement of  :  the Form-Revealer.  

(July 17, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. ABu  :  Ṣe Tu KaTe  :  UPu Du PaRu  :  Du TaRu Tu  :  Nu ALu  :  Gi PeṢu  :  Nu AWu  : (Text 29.17.5)  
  2. TaBu  :  Nu ABu  :  Pu Ku  :  SaPu Ṣu TaRu  :  EA  :  Ṭu LaGu EA  :  UYu BiBu Tu  :  TaRu  : (Text 29.17.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The priest-parents  :  can activate astrology-magic with Kate/Hekate.  :  Its winds/spirits can manifest emotional-coercion.  :  Manifestations can be state-changed by astrology-magic  :  Reveal Alu  :  by energizing the white-ones.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers.  : 
  2. Emotional-arousals  :  can be revealed by priest-parents.  :  Open involvement.  :  The community can activate the state-changes  :  of Yahu (EA)  :  Thu can attune (logos) Yahu (EA) :  Fate-curses can be gated by astrology-magic's  :  state-changers.  : 

(July 17, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. UPu Du TaRu  :  Pu Ku  :  LaGu Ṣu  :  Su Šu Ṣu  :  TaRu  :  Pu Ku  :  TaBu KaYu Bu  :  Nu A (Text 29.17.7)  
  2. Bu  :  Ṣa LuKa Ya  :  LaGu Gi Tu  :  TaWu UMu KaYu Ṣu  :  Nu AWu  :  UPu Du TaRu  : (Text 29.17.8)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. The winds/spirits can manifest the state-changes.  :  Open involvements.  :  Harmonizing (logos) the activity  :  of Su is the same as activating  :  the state-changes.  :  Open involvements.  :  Emotional-arousals can prod the nourishments  :  to reveal this.
  2. Nourishing  :  activity does not help.  :  Attune (logos) the energy of astrology-magic.  :  The pasture (starry night sky) can make-stormy the prodding of activity.  :  Reveal the emotion-powers.  :  The winds/spirits can manifest the state-changes.  :  

(July 18, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. Du Tu Ṣu  :  TaRu  :  ReTu Ṣu  :  AWu  :  KaŠu  :  BeTu  :  IPu ReDu  :  Pu Ku  :  Bu  PiGu (Text 29.17.9)  
  2. ETu  :  E TuDu ReYu Bu INu  :   IPu ReDu  :  Ṣu Tu KaYu  :  Bu Šu RaBu  :  Su Pu Ṣu (Text 29.17.10)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1.  Manifestations of astrology-magic can activate  :  state-changes.  :  Settings can activate  :  the emotion-powers.  :  Inhibit  :  the zodiac-houses.  :  Free-up the drivers (personified motion deities)  :  Open involvements.  :  Nourish the scavengers.
  2. The boundary.  :  Not-one emotional-curse by the shepherds is nourishing the moon-eyed-ones.  :  Free-up the drivers.  :  Activate astrology-magic's prodders.  :  Nourish similar emotional-authorities.   :  Su can open activity.

(July 18, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. TaRu  :  Ṭu LaGu EA  :  E YaBu Bu Tu  :  Tu Bu  :  Nu ABu  :;  Su ŠeRu  :   (Text 29.17.11)  
  2. UPu Du TaRu  :  BeŠu RaBu Tu  :  Du Lu  :  TaRu  :  Du Tu Ṣu  :  NaLu U UTu  : (Text 29.17.12)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Changes  :  by Thu can attune (logos) Yahu (EA).  :  No enemies are nourishing astrology-magic.  :   Astrology-magic can nourish  :  the revelations of the priest-parents  ;:   (Chapter 21)  Su can conduct  :      
  2. The winds/spirits can manifest the state-changes.  :  The earthly-life-powers can be emotionally-authorized by astrology-magic.  :  Form-manifestations can lack  :  state-changes.  :  Manifest astrology-magic's activity.  :  for dispersal and weaving (of the life powers).

(July 18, 2024) The colons seem to be word and phrase dividers placed into the text wherever needed.

Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Rune Text 29.17)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. The colons in the text are word separators) 
  1. ReTu  Ṣu  :  AWu  :  LaGu  Ṣu  :  Nu KaYu EṢu Gi  :  AṢu TaBu  :  Nu ALu  :  UMu (Text 29.17.13)  
  2. Ku IṢu  :  Nu Ku IGu  :  Lu Ṣu  :  Bu Pu BeSu TaBu  :  UMu BeSu TaRu  :  Tu EṢu (Text 29.17.14)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Set the activity.  :  Emotion-powers  :  can harmonize (logos) the activity.  :  The Revealer (Asher) can prod the shedding of energy.  :  Expel the emotional-arousals.  :  Reveal Alu's  :  storm-powers.
  2. Involvements can be scarce  :  Form-revelations can get involved with the eyes-of-fate  :  by lacking of activity.  :  Nourishments can open the offerings of emotional-arousals.  :  Storm-powers offerings can cause-change.  :  Astrology-magic can be shed.