Sumerian Core Cuneiform
(December 28, 2024)
Image: A sign which typically represents the star Sirius across cultures.
Definition: Divinity, divine-powers, divine realm, divine -ones. Sirius is the sun's companion star and was seen as the intermediary between the life powers and the motion power classes. As such it came to represent both classes as the divinity. Sumerian texts call AN "harvest-chief" and "plant-grower."
X26 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: Divine powers within a realm, in this case the earth-realm.
Meaning: moon
EŠ4 (multiple such sounds claim to have been identified)
Image: rope, thread
- thread, rope; measuring tape. As a unit of measure = 10 nindan rods = 20 reeds = 120 cubits = the side of 1 square iku in area .
Image: horizontal lines giving a sense of motion
Definitions: (noun) fluid, water, (verb) to move towards, to flow
Image: Single line
Definitions: one, unique, alone
Image: Two things together but not bound
Definition: couple, pair (noun) to pair up (verb)
Image: crossed lines
Definition: an inherent paired couple such as a brother, sister, sibling, relative
Image: half line
Definition: part-of. This could be interest on a loan, a fractional cost like rent, fractional yield of a field
Image: square, rectangle
Definition: room, plot of land
Image: square with a cross partly filling the space (a room in the process of being divided, that is, the cross is growing)
Definition: to disturb, to agitate
Image: square with 2 vertical lines. (a room with a growing pair of something)
Definition: household, family
Image: section of land with reduced (cut-down) grain. Notice the grain stalks run end to end.
Definition: flour
X22 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: Room or plot of land split in half
Definition: separation (noun), to separate (verb)
- (Adj) separated: SX 6.4
Image: Tied bundle of grain stalks
Definition: bound things (noun) to bind, to tie (verb)
Image: side view of a metal mold
Definition: Copper or any castable metal like bronze, gold, silver
Image: open square (hollow piece of wood or horn)
Definition: musical instrument, music, song
AB2, ḪI (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: an empty basket
Definition: a space
Image: Front view of a goat or sheep head (notice straight horns)
Definition: leaper, goat, sheep (noun) to leap (verb)
Image: Front view of cow head (notice angled horns)
Definition: Female cow
Image: Front view of a drooling bull head - rounded version from Sippar foundation stone (2450 BCE)
Definition: bull, chaotic rain storm deity (noun), to rush around (verb) - Drooling is a sign the bull is stressed and excitable (or has eaten something irritating). Such bulls represented the chaotic power of a thunder storm which brought rains.
Image: Female sign, Vulva
Definition: narrow-passage, narrow-thing (noun) to narrow, to thin (verb)
Image: Female sign (SAL) ruling over room with two growing people
Definition: (noun) queen, mistress, proprietress, lady, homemaker
Image: an irregular square
Definition: city, town, village
Image: top of a grain stalk
Definition 1: grain
Definition 2: a small length measure, barleycorn = 1/6 finger = 1/30 cubit = 1.67 centimeter in Presarg.-OB period; as a surface area measure = 432 square linear barleycorns = 12 square fingers; as a volume measure = 1/180 gín = 1/3 gín-tur = 1 2/3 sìla = 360 cubic fingers = 1/10800 sar = approx. 1.667 liters; 1/180 of a gín or shekel of silver = ca. 0.0463 grams
X9 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: plowed ground - from Sippar stone
Definition: field, fishing-ground, any land which produces food
- (Noun) ground: SX 6.4
- (Noun) fishing-ground: SS 1.
Image: squatting person
Definition: offspring, progeny (noun), to make, to birth
Image: Side view of legs with back foot high representing walking
Definitions: (verb) to walk, to go
LAḪ4 (multiple such sounds claim to have been identified)
Image: Side view of legs with front foot high representing running
Definition: to plunder, to capture, to bring back
Image: Side view of a falling person or person on hans and knees
Definition: (noun) submission, (verb) to bow down, to submit, to succumb.
Image: Side view of grain stalks confined within a space
Definitions: earth, place, area, (noun) where, wherever (preposition)
Image: grain stalks growing out of its space
Definition: storeroom (noun), to store, to accumulate (verb)
Image: storage pot with pointed base for loading onto boats
Definition: mold, to form (noun) to mold, to form (verb)
X14 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: a filled storage pot
Definition: filling, to fill, to make full
Image: Storage pot grouping its content (grains, fluids, fruits)
Definition: group of companions, mixed-things (noun), to mix, to accompany (verb)
Image: storage pot showing an inner box at the top which probably represents the inner spirit.
Definition: (noun) self, a living person, he, she, that one
Noun possessive suffix: Indicates object is owned by someone. When applied to a deity then the deity's underlying power is meant.
Image: The single vertical line represents heat. This drawing then is of a mix of things in a cooking pot being heated, merged, and transformed. In Akkadian this means "emanations" as in the heat, light, and rain from the sun and clouds.
Definition: wisdom, knowledge (noun) to learn, to teach, to know, to cook
AḪ, LAḪ (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: Space containing a mixture of things with some things being heated
Definition: dry, to dry
Image: cooking pot over an oven
Definition: cooking, cooking place, kitchen
?13 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: strings or threads on a loom - from Sippar Stone
Definition: (unknown)
SIG10, SIG11 (sound assignment uncertain)
Image: fish net or a piece of cloth
Definition: net, cloth
Image: Threads on a loom being formed into cloth. This was an analogy to how divine powers came down to earth by first being distributed by the life network.
Definition: messages, omens, messenger, diviner (noun)
LU2 (multiple such sounds claim to have been identified)
Image: Man
Definition: man, male, someone
Image: Person with arm behind back
Definition: liar, deceiver (noun) to deceive (verb)
Image: Side view of oil lamp filled with oil. Left image is later version. Picture of 2100 BCE Sumerian oil lamp in center (Met Museum at:
Definition: to set down, to put in place (verb)
Image: Side view of a cloth toga
Definition: flax, linen clothing