View of plaque after crack repair. Now at the Louvre (number AO 2204):
View of plaque after crack repair. Now at the Louvre (number AO 2204)
Aramaic Text From Palmyra, Syria Is Against Astrology Magic But For Emotion Magic - 100 CE
Aramaic Text From Palmyra, Syria Is Against Astrology Magic But For Emotion Magic - 100 CE
(March 11, 2024) This. It says:
- Hu is not activating the drying. Neglect wind-power's activation. Resist astrology-magic. The Originator (Su) has been revealed.
- Nourishments energize the dawn. The dawn can involve astrology-magic. Activity can divert the openings. Activate the dawn and harmony.
- Hu can be opened. Astrology magic can be energized. Emotion-owls are the enemy of astrology-magic. Hu is similar to life-manifestations. Motion-Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu and owls) do not affect the high-power's fluid-channels.
- Except for seeding the patrollers (planets), the Tiller (Mercury) also astrologically-empowers the eagle-vultures. Emotion-owls cannot foreshadow the impressions.
- Redirect the the nourishments. Astrology-magic can emotion-power the nourishments. The patrollers (planets) are tilling the setting (of the life network at dusk). The astrological-powers are veiling Yahu (E')
- The tilling is fate-cursed by Su. Considerations (focused magical emotions) can open Hu. Emotion-owls can become the nourishments. The patrollers are tilling for the eagle-vultures.
- Astrology-magic does not affect Hu's openings. Astrology-magic can open Su for tilling the eagle-vultures. Those can confuse the nourishments.
Previous Translation Attempt Accepted by the Louvre
Previous Translation Attempt Accepted by the Louvre
"Alas, Samsigeram son of Nurbel, procurator. He has built this tomb: let no one open this vault to him forever. Otherwise, let him never have offspring or benefactor: it will be unjustifiable forever for him who opens it, and he will not be satisfied with bread and water
(March 10, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 2204. Letter assignments by Olmsted.
Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
- Ḫu Ṣu Ya EPu. EGu UPu Ṣu. UNu Tu. UṢu Nu (Lev 76.1)
- Bu URu Gu. URu TuKu Tu. Ṣu LaRu Pu. Ṣu URu U LuṬu (Lev 76.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
In English
- Hu is not activating the drying. Neglect wind-power's activation. Resist astrology-magic. The Originator (Su) has been revealed.
- Nourishments energize the dawn. The dawn can involve astrology-magic. Activity can divert the openings. Activate the dawn and harmony.
(March 10, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 2204. Letter assignments by Olmsted.
Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
- Ḫu Pu. Tu Gu. AKu Tu YaBu. Ḫu Šu Du. ARu Yu ELu ReTu (Lev 76.3)
- ULu KuBe UBu, IPu Ru IRu. AKu TaRu Ya ṬeRu (Lev 76.4)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
In English
- Hu can be opened. Astrology magic can be energized. Emotion-owls are the enemy of astrology-magic. Hu is similar to life-manifestations. Motion-Controllers (Su, Selene, Thu and owls) do not affect the high-power's fluid-channels.
- Except for seeding the patrollers (planets), the Tiller (Mercury) also astrologically-empowers the eagle-vultures. Emotion-owls cannot foreshadow the impressions.
(March 10, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 2204. Letter assignments by Olmsted.
Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
- IWu Bu. Tu AWu Bu. UBu IPu RiTu. IRu APu E'u (Lev 76.5)
- IPu Su WA. ANu Pu Ḫu. AKu A Bu. UBu IPu Ru (Lev 76.6)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
In English
- Redirect the the nourishments. Astrology-magic can emotion-power the nourishments. The patrollers (planets) are tilling the setting (of the life network at dusk). The astrological-powers are veiling Yahu (E')
- The tilling is fate-cursed by Su. Considerations (focused magical emotions) can open Hu. Emotion-owls can become the nourishments. The patrollers are tilling for the eagle-vultures.
(March 10, 2024) Now at the Louvre Museum, number AO 2204. Letter assignments by Olmsted.
Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) Translation in Akkadian (Lev 76)
- Tu Yu Ḫu Pu. Tu Pu Su IPu Ru. A EŠu Bu (Lev 76.7)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
In English
- Astrology-magic does not affect Hu's openings. Astrology-magic can open Su for tilling the eagle-vultures. Those can confuse the nourishments.