Carthage Stone Text (170 BCE)

For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts

Carthage Stone as display at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
Carthage Stone being examined at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Originally, this stone was likely placed in a temple wall. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
  1. Lexicon Used: Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon - 4th Edition 2023. Online at:
  2. Letter Chart Used:  Central Mediterranean Letters
  3. Deity Summary: Ancient Pagan Paradigm

Translation of Carthage Stone Blames Astrology Magic For Drought (170 BCE)

(January 9, 2024) This text is is a debate concerning which class of powers is to blame for  a drought. 

In English (Med Text 13)

  1. (blames astrology powers) We are lacking the wool-stuffing (life network) because of the astrology-powers.  Is not that the same as astrology-magic?  Nothing is being purified  |  Open the irrigation of the life-threads by getting Involved.  Push-away the eagle-vultures.  Nothing of Hu's is manifesting the fertility-fluids.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make chaotic the nourishing of Hu.
  2. (blames life powers) Fertility-fluids are lacking Thu.  The binding (of network links to motion powers) is lacking Thu and the Observer (Su). The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) is being nested.  Yahu (Y') can be shaped by the Observer (Su).  The Revealer is being nested by the enemy.  The Revealer is getting involved with the Reed-Boat.  The Revealer will respect the openings.  |  Nourish the dispersal (of fertility-fluids by the network).
  3. (blames astrology powers) Life-threads should be set by nourishments.  The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can intimidate the motion-powers.  Hu can nourish the life-threads.  The Revealer is getting involved with Thu because Revealer is not being prodded.  Don't starve the weavers (who form the life network).  Network-birds can nourish life-manifestations.  Don't get involved in querying astrology-magic.
  4. (blames life powers) The evening can be involved with the group (network bird flock). We can set the nourishments. We can reveal the nest (network).  Yahu can reveal those nourishments.  The evening is not getting involved with the magical queries.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Activity (motion powers) can catch-the-wind with that. Emanations can be revealed them.    
  5. (blames astrology powers) Activate Hu's setting (of life-network at dusk, setting sun). Repel astrology-magic. Starvation is originating with the emotion-owls.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) is nesting.  Involve the life-threads.  Query the setting.  The threads can be irrigated by Hu's fruit is because of these Reed-Boat (Ayu) powers.
  6. (blames life powers) The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can irrigate the Revealer (Kate/Hekate). Astrological-Activity is because of livers (emotions) being opened.  |  The Weaver (Ayu) is considering revelations (of life forms) involving the patrollers (planets).  Astrology-magic can replace the combing and the astrological-powers (in organizing the network). Scarce are the life-manifestations. Irrigate those Hu-powers.  The life-manifestations are the same.
  7. (blames astrology powers) Fate-Cursed is the revealing of fertility-fluids. The starvation is from paralyzing the nourishments involving the Reed-Boat (Ayu).  The Moon-Eye (Su) can make angry the astrological powers.  No one is observing the involvement.  No-one is considering activity (motion powers) is causing the lack of Ayu.  The lack is being administered by the astrology-powers. The irrigation-system can reveal involvement.  
Carthage and Rome just prior to the first Punic war of 264 BCE. Wikimedia Commons

History of Carthage at This Time

(August 29, 2022) The First Punic War started in Sicily 264 BCE and lasted until 241 BCE with Carthage coming out on the losing side. In the peace treaty Carthage paid large reparations to Rome and Sicily was annexed by Rome. The end of the war sparked a major but unsuccessful revolt within the Carthaginian Empire by mercenary troops and many Carthaginian colonies. This is called the Mercenary War and it lasted until 238 BCE.

Near the end of this chaos and contrary to the peace treaty, the Romans took over the Carthaginian islands of Sardinia and Corsica just off their coast. These continuing tensions led to another war in 218 BCE which led to the Carthaginian general Hannibal crossing the Alps into Italy. But the Carthaginians did not have siege technology needed to take Rome so all they could do was raid the countryside while Rome supplied itself via trade since it now had command of the sea.

Because Rome could not defeat Hannibal’s experienced army, Rome invaded the weakly defended Carthaginian homeland in 204 BC. This led to Hannibal's recall and  his new local army was defeated at the battle of Zama in 202 BC. Carthage then sued for peace and signed a peace treaty in 201 BC which stripped Carthage of most of its colonies and imposed a large indemnity to be paid over 50 years. It also severely restricted the size of its armed forces and prohibited Carthage from attacking anyone else without permission. Carthage ceased to be a military threat. When this indemnity was paid off Rome declared war on Carthage for a third time in 149 BCE and razed Carthage itself in 146 BCE.

(January 8, 2024, updated due to corrections in Punic letter assignments)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 13)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Lu  TaḪa  U  Le'u.  Yu  Šu  Tu.  E  ḪaPu  |   Pu  IKu  Qu  Ku.  Ma'u  Ru.  E  Ḫu  Du  Mu.  AMu  NuNu  Bu  Ḫu.  (Med Text 13.1)
  2. Mu  Lu  Ṭu.  KaMu  Lu  Ṭu  U  ADu.  Nu  Ba'u.  Ya'u  TaRu  ADu.  Nu  Ba'u  YaBu.  Nu  AMu  Ku.  Nu  ḪeYa  Pu  |  Bu  NaLu  (Med Text 13.2)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. We are lacking the wool-stuffing (life network) because of the astrology-powers.  Is not that the same as astrology-magic?  Nothing is being purified  |  Open the irrigation of the life-threads by getting Involved.  Push-away the eagle-vultures.  Nothing of Hu's is manifesting the fertility-fluids.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make chaotic the nourishing of Hu.
  2. Fertility-fluids are lacking Thu.  The binding (of network links to motion powers) is lacking Thu and the Observer (Su). The Revealer (Yahu) is being nested.  Yahu (Y') can be shaped by the Observer (Su).  The Revealer is being nested by the enemy.  The Revealer is getting involved with the Reed-Boat.  The Revealer will respect the openings.  |  Nourish the dispersal (of fertility-fluids by the network).

(September 4, 2023, updated due to corrections in Punic letter assignments)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 13)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Qu  ReTu  Bu.  Nu  ḪuNu  AWu.  Ḫu  Bu  Qu.  Nu  Ku  Ṭu.  Nu  A  Ka'u  Ya.  EKu  Ya  UTu.  Pa'u   Bu  Du.  Ku  Ya  QeRu  Tu (Med Text 13.3)
  2. BaDu.  Ku  IQu.  ReTu  Bu.  Nu  Be'u.  YaḪu  Nu  A  BNu.  BaDu  Ka  Ya  QeRu.  Tu  Lu  Ya.  Ṣu  ŠaḪu  U  A.  Zu  Nu  A (Med Text 13.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Life-threads should be set by nourishments.  The Revealer (Yahu) can be intimidated by the motion-powers.  Hu can nourish the life-threads.  The Revealer is getting involved with Thu because Revealer is not being prodded.  Don't starve the weavers (who form the life network).  Network-birds can nourish life-manifestations.  Don't get involved in querying astrology-magic.
  2. The evening can be involved with the group (network bird flock). We can set the nourishments. We can reveal the nest (network).  Yahu can reveal those nourishments.  The evening is not getting involved with the magical queries.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Activity (motion powers) can catch-the-wind with that. Emanations can be revealed them.

(September 4, 2023, updated due to corrections in Punic letter assignments)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 13)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Ṣu  Ḫu  ReTu.  NaṢu  Tu.  EKu  UṢu  AKu.  AMu  Ba'uKu  Qu.  QaRu  ReTu.  QIKu  Ḫu TiTi  U  AMu  A (Med Text 13.5)
  2. AMu  IKu  Nu.  Ṣu  U  aRu  Pu.  |  UKu  ANu  Nu  Ku  UBu.  Tu  TeNu  RaKu  U  Le' u.  IṢu  Du.  IKu  A  Ḫu.  Du  Šu (Med Text 13.6)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activate Hu's setting (of life-network at dusk, setting sun). Repel astrology-magic. Starvation is originating with the emotion-owls.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) is nesting.  Involve the life-threads.  Query the setting.  The threads can be irrigated by Hu's fruit is because of these Reed-Boat (Ayu) powers.
  2. The Reed-Boat's (Ayu) can irrigate the Revealer (Yahu). Astrological-Activity is because of livers (emotions) being opened.  |  The Weaver (Ayu) is considering revelations (of life forms) involving the patrollers (planets).  Astrology-magic can replacing the combing and the astrological-powers (in organizing the network). Scarce are the life-manifestations. Irrigate those Hu-powers.  The life-manifestations are the same.

(September 4, 2023, updated due to corrections in Punic letter assignments)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 13)

(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. U'a  Nu  Mu.  EKu  ḪaMu  Bu  Ku  AMu.  INu  AGu  Tu.  E  ADu  Ku.  E  ANu  Ṣa  Lu  AYu.   Lu  LeYu  La'u.  IKu  Nu  Ku (Med Text 13.7)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. (blames astrology powers) Fate-Cursed is the revealing of fertility-fluids. The starvation is from paralyzing the nourishments involving the Reed-Boat (Ayu).  The Moon-Eye (Su) can make angry the astrological powers.  No one is observing the involvement.  No-one is considering activity (motion powers) is causing the lack of Ayu.  The lack is being administered by the astrology-powers. The irrigation-system can reveal involvement.