Temple of Athena Boundary Stone From Marathon 490 BCE
Boundary stone (horos) of the temenos of the deity Athena (Druid Thu) at Marathon. Thu is the hermaphrodite motion power connective deity most often associated with emotions.
Photo by Dan Diffendale. On display at Archaeological Museum of Marathon, Greece. Online at https://www.flickr.com/photos/dandiffendale/8237292171/in/photostream/
Photo by Dan Diffendale. On display at Archaeological Museum of Marathon, Greece. Online at https://www.flickr.com/photos/dandiffendale/8237292171/in/photostream/
(September 8, 2023, updated December 18, 2024) The text of this stone is Etruscan in style. The text states the purpose of the temenos.
Temenos was a word Greeks used to describe the sacred area around a temple placed on a hill. It is an Akkadian phrase composed of the words Tu and MeNu meaning "astrology-magic.support." It was a place where interactions with the motion powers of the night sky took place. The deity Athena fits this because Athena literally means "Those Thu powers" (A.Thu.Na) Thu is the Druid hermaphrodite deity representing the motion powers of the connective layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm.
Translation of Text in Akkadian (Med Text 38)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Translation of Text in Akkadian (Med Text 38)
Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is Etruscan.
- A'u Di'u Ṣu
- Tu EMu E Ne'u Ṣu
- Re'u E NaRu RaṢu
In English
In English
- Emotion-powers (Awen) activate the divine-motion-powers
- Astrology-magic's supervision can make ineffective the emotional-effects of activity
- The shepherds (emotion magic crafters) can make ineffective the culling of the life-powers
Previous Translation Attempt
Previous Translation Attempt
This text does not seem to have been translated beyond claims that it is a Greek text.