U448 Harg Griffin Picture Stone 900 CE

Harg Runestone Translation

(January 31, 2025) This text is promoting the use of astrology magic in preference to human emotion magic for bringing fertility to the land.

The image on this stone is of a winged griffin. Based on the text the griffin seems to have derived from the emotion owls which edit the flow-rate of the fertility-fluids through the life network. Griffins are the astrological emotion owls in contrast to the normal emotion owls (like the Athenian owl) used by emotion magic. As such they should be contrasted with the eagle-vultures which edit the network's shape by cutting its links.

Below the griffin is an armless man on a long necked creature. The creature is staring back as the life network. The man seems to have the forked tongue of a snake indicating he has the powers of life and death. This would have to be the dark moon god Su responsible for astrological omens.

Translation of Line 1 in Akkadian (North Text 60)

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Runic letter style is late Swedish. Letter Chart Used: Northern Lineage
  1. AG  |  Tu  AKu  |  Bu  Ya  ASu  Tu.  |  Gi  IQu  A  |  ReTu  INu  Tu.  |  NiQu  Tu  ITu  |  Tu  EQu  IMu  |  Du  ARu  NiQu  Tu  ITu  |  ETu  Du  ARu (North 60.1) 

In English

  1. Anger  |  at astrology-magic's emotion-owls  |  will not nourish the Celestial-Healer's (Selu/Selene) astrology-magic.  |  Energizing the flock will result in  |  setting the Moon-Eye's (Su) astrology-magic.  |  Pour-out astrology-magic's omens.  |  Astrology-magic can functionally-replace emotions.  |  Manifesting the Controllers (Su and Selu/Selene)  will pour-out the astrology-magic's omens.  |  The boundary-powers will manifest the Controllers. 

Year 2000 Harg Runestone U448

This runestone is from Odensala (Odens fighters) in Uppland Parish , Sweden

Photo from from year 2000 by Uwezi via Wikimedia Commons at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Upplands_runinskrifter_448.jpg

Year 1911 Harg Runestone U448

Photo from year 1911 by Photograph by Erik Brate and posted by the Swedish heritage board: https://app.raa.se/open/arkivsok/document?uri=https:%2F%2Fpub.raa.se%2Fdokumentation%2F36415203-3fa5-4353-b106-08baa965ae9e