GP268 Martebo Sun Picture Stone 1200 CE

Photo from the Gotlands Museum Fornsalen in north Gotland, Sweden by Jürgen Howaldt via Wikimedia Commons at: 

Martebo Picture Runestone GP268

(January 29, 2025) The Martebo runestone was found in the Martebo church yard cemetery. It is made of limestone and measures 98 cm high x 94 cm wide x 13 cm thick. Fredrik Nordin (1903) writes that he found this stone in 1870 in the choir of Martebo Church as part of the floor, visible with the decorated side. In 1902, it was removed from there and brought to a local museum. 

The image seems to be that of the sun which would represent the Druid sun and rainstorm god Hu. Below the sun disk are 2 people on horses holding a spear (lighting) in one hand and a sun disk in the other. These are other representations of Hu. Below them are 2 circles which probably represent the two spiritual powers classes on earth, the life class (left) and the motion/spiritual class (right) with each one surrounded by a sky-shell showing star dots. The sky shell around the life power earth has been broken showing itself as a snake with an open mouth and outward flicking tongue.  

The text says:

  1. ...   Energize involvement and energize the life-manifestation's monitoring. Hu's openings can be nourished by the Woman (Ayu of Selu/Selene).  Activate Hu's revelations of fertility-fluids (rain).  Emanations ...
  2. Angering the attendants (eagle-vultures) will filter the emanations.  Energizing Ayu will purify the cloister (underworld). Anger will pain the emanations.  Free-up the emanations. Astrology-magic will be involved with the Monitor (Su). ....


Gotland Picture Stones. Online at:

(January 29, 2025)

Translation of Line 1 in Akkadian (North Text 58)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Runic letter style is simplified late Danish suggesting a very late date. Letter Chart Used: Northern Lineage
  1. ...   Gu  Ku  U  Gu  Du  ATu.  Ḫu  Pu  Bu  ISu.  Ṣu  Ḫu  Nu  Mu.  Zu ... (North 58.1)

In English

  1. ...   Energize involvement and energize the life-manifestation's monitoring. Hu's openings can be nourished by the Woman (Ayu of Selu/Selene).  Activate Hu's revelations of fertility-fluids (rain).  Emanations ...

(January 29, 2025)

Translation of Line 2 in Akkadian (North Text 58)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.
Runic letter style is simplified late Danish suggesting a very late date. Letter Chart Used: Northern Lineage
  1. AGu  AḪu  NaPu  Zu.  Gu  AYu  ḪsPu  GaGu.  AGu  YaYa  Zu.  IPu  Zu.  Tu  Ku  ATu ... (North 58.2)

In English

  1. Angering the attendants (eagle-vultures) will filter the emanations.  Energizing Ayu will purify the cloister (underworld). Anger will pain the emanations.  Free-up the emanations. Astrology-magic will be involved with the Monitor (Su). ....