Quantum Network is Fundamental for Material Realm

(September 3, 2022) The material realm is defined by having events separated by space-time distances. In contrast, the spiritual realm is defined by having events separated by quality distances. A quality is a conscious sensation or a fundamental conserved quality of matter like charge and angular momentum. The spiritual and physical classes of qualities are very likely linked at a deep level.

Spatial Cube defined by a network
Underlying all spaces is a regular network. A spatial  network is defined by rules indicating how each point should connects to its adjacent points. Change the connectivity rules and the dimension of the space changes. Putting a few additional random connections in the above lattice will create a fractional dimensional space like a 3.4 dimensional space.

Space Itself is Formed from a Bi-Directional Network

(July 7, 2022) Space itself is best seen as being the average background noise of the quantum network. Space is not fundamental for two reasons. The first is because it can be defined as being a regularly connected network. Networks can even define fractional spaces and higher dimensional spaces. The second is that it will change in order to keep events consistent as shown by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. 

The creation of the universe probably should not be seen as the  creation of something from nothing but as the sudden crystallization of part of the underlying randomly connected divine network into a regular spatial network. As the universe expands most of its spatial network is gradually returned to its randomly connected state.

Don Lincoln of Fermilab near Chicago provides an introduction to wave interference and particles.

Quantum Mechanical Network is Assembled from Quantum Wave Interference

Networks as causal connections were a part of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm of the Neolithic farmers. The idea that things can only interact if they are connected is as valid now as was then. Yet the modern quantum mechanical network which guides matter is not hierarchical going from divine source to the material realm but instead is self-assembled on the fly using the divine realm as its eternal substrate. The quantum mechanical wave functions assemble the space-time network by wave interference.

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This network assembly idea gained traction with the work of Richard Feynman on Quantum Electrodynamics after World War 2. His "Sum over Paths" formulation of quantum mechanics became the standard after he used it to developed Quantum Electodynamics (for an easy and non-mathematical introduction see Feynman, 1985). In this approach all possible pathways of light are considered and only those which don't cancel out provide the most probable network paths along which a casual event will occur. Physicist, Michio Kaku puts the significance of Feynman's pathing approach this way and the parenthesis are his:

The power of Feynman's "sum over paths" is that today, when we formulate GUT theories, inflation, even string theory, we use Feynman's "path integral" point of view. This method is now taught in every graduate school in the world and is by far the most powerful and convenient way of formulating the quantum theory. ... (When I first learned of Feynman's point of view as a graduate student, it changed my entire mental picture of the universe. Intellectually, I understood the abstract mathematics of the quantum theory and general relativity, but it was the idea that I am in some sense sniffing out paths that take me to Mars or the distant stars even as I walk across the room that altered my worldview). (Kaku, page 164)


Feynman, R.P. (1985) QED - The Strange Theory of Light and Matter; Princeton University Press
Kaku, Michio (2005) Parallel Worlds - A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos. Random Hous
Don Lincoln of Fermilab near Chicago describes an experiment showing how distant events can affect the structure of the universe.

Underlying Quantum Network can Change Instantaneously Across the Whole Universe

(July 7, 2022) Studies of quantum entanglement show that the structure of the quantum network and its provided event constraints in one location of the universe can change instantaneously based upon changes in another part of the universe. 

Quantum mechanical field waves partly exist outside of space-time as evidenced by their use of imaginary numbers in their equations to represent a temporary hidden dimension. These waves thus are not limited to the speed of light limitation. These wave fields don't become real again until their end result is mathematically squared removing any reference to that hidden dimension.

Example of mapping closure error
A closer error in land surveying means some distance or angle measurements were done incorrectly. This conclusion can be drawn because spatial networks conserve coordinate consistency.

Space-Time Continuum is Flexible and Will Change to Keep Events Consistent

(July 7, 2022) Another example of how space is not fundamental is its changeability according to Einstein's General Relativity Theory.

The benefit of a purely spatial network compared to non-spatial network is its consistency of coordinates. In two dimensional mapping this is called closure. If all the distance and angle measurements do not end in the same place then some error exists in the measurements (see illustration).

This sort of closure becomes more complex once time is added. Spatial coordinates become space-time events. In order to keep event coordination time will slows down for objects traveling  near the speed of light in a vacuum and in strong gravitational fields. Space will also shrinks in the direction of motion in objects near the speed of light as well.

Continuum properties from curve y = 1/x
The curve defined by y = 1/x provides a good example of the properties of a continuum because it is symmetrical around point (x=1, y=1).  If a curve is thought to consist of a number of finite points then as many points exist between 0 and 1 and between 1 and infinity. This contradiction means we cannot think of continuums as composed of such points. Instead points are markers extracted as needed from the continuum. A point can always be extracted from between any two other points. In physics numbers are just labeled points extracted from a continuum having values greater than and lessor than other points. This is why mathematics works so well in  describing reality.

Properties of the Continuum is Why Mathematics Describes the Universe

(July 7, 2022) Mathematics is able to describe causal systems like the universe because numbers are just labels for points extracted from the time-space continuum (see illustration). Their major property of these points is that they are greater than or lessor than other points. This is why mathematics is the language of physics. It is not the big mystery as some have made it out to be as shown in the following quote from the main textbook used in my introductory class on quantum mechanics:​

The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve (by physicist Eugene P. Wigner in the Richard Courant Lectures, New York University - 1959 as reproduced in French - 1978)