Possible Druid Zodiac Houses (Norse Tungles)

(January 9, 2025) Image from: http://hullvalley.blogspot.com/2013/04/so-thats-who-it-is-goddess-of-beauty.html

This mosaic came from the largest room in the first house built at a Roman villa near Rudston in East Yorkshire, England. The intact mosaic with its oblong side-panels would have measured 4.67m x 3.2m. It dates to the later 3rd century CE. http://museumcollections.hullcc.gov.uk/collections/subtheme.php?irn=419

At the center of this image is the earth realm with its sky shell surrounding a middle aged goddess Ayu representing dry land and a merman representing the sea. Ayu is shown being tickled by the merman holding some wheat stalks causing her to drop her mirror. Her other hand is holding a rattle or something meant to represent the circle of life. Compare this image of Ayu with the one on the coin below.

Surrounding the earth realm are 12 symbols representing the Druid zodiac houses. It has some similarities to the Greek zodiac. Here the winter tungel  

Silver Drachma Shows Goddess Ayu from Stratonikeia Turkiye - 25 CE

(April 13, 2024, updated January 1, 2025) The goddess on this coin face is Ayu identified by the crescent moon above her head. Coin is 1.58 grams being 16 mm in diameter.

Ths coins should date to between 25 BCE and 25 CE  based on the history of Stratonicea but its letter style is the earlier Aegean Island which existed prior to that Hellenistic era. Consequently, we must assume this choice of lettering was a deliberate ruse to convince people that this coin dated to an earlier time.

Translation in Akkadian (Text Med 62)

(read left to right (Counter-clockwise). Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Ṭu  AGu  YaYa  ABu
  2. KaYu  Qu  ARu

In English

  1. Thu is being angered by the pain of the life-priests.
  2. Prod the life-threads with the Motion-Controllers ( Su, Selene)


Numista Coin Catalog. Online at: https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces152472.html

Reverse Side Of Stratonikeia Silver Drachma Shows Ayu and References Hekate - 25 CE

(April 13, 2024, updated January 1, 2025) The image shows a middle aged Ayu (identified by her wings) reaching out towards the 7-starred Pleiades constellation while holding a wheat stalk over her shoulder. The Pleiades represents the astrology-fate-powers. Stratonikeia had a temple devoted to the triple-road (Latin: Trivia) goddesses which are a reference to the life-power Druid goddesses of Kate/Hekate, Ayu, and Asher.

Translation in Akkadian (Text Med 62)

(read left to right (Counter-clockwise). Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Bu  IRu  A  Ta'u
  2. Nu  IKu  EṢu   

In English

  1. Nourishments for the astrological-fate-powers are a result of the pasture (starry night sky) 
  2. Revelations (of souls by Kate/Hekate) can be irrigated by the shedding.


Numista Coin Catalog. Online at: https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces152472.html