Motion Manifestation Hermaphrodite Deity Thu/Athena

Hellenistic Hermaphroditus (Thu) 250 BCE
This statue was originally from Pergamum on the coast of western Asia Minor. It dates to between 200 and 300 BCE and is now at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum inventory number 363 T.  Its name is a simple combination of the Greek god Hermes and goddess Aphrodite. These are the Indo-European planetary deities which we know from their Roman names as Mercury and Venus. In Greek mythology Hermaphroditus was considered to be an offspring of the boundary crosser god Hermes.  
This rather simple name combination hints that this is a late developing name given to an earlier and culturally foreign concept, The Druid culture's Thu.

Thu's Characteristics

(January 5, 2025) Motion powers did not produce life so they can be seen as asexual when the separation into causal (flow and direction) and/or gender roles is not needed. Motion power manifestations don't require either of those.

Thu is the hermaphrodite emotion/motion-power connective and manifestation deity.   Thu is most closely associated with raw emotions, most commonly sex. Thu's cross-gender representation is because its power represents the motion through spatial boundaries. Consequently, Thu's priests (the priest-parents) are most involved in integrating emotion powers with life powers and emotion powers with astrological motion powers.

The Codex Runicus, shown above, was written in 1190 CE during the reign of Danish King Valdemar 1 according to the old Danish writing on its front page. This important book is the last testament of the Druids and the most complete statement of their philosophy which exists.
The Codex Runicus is now a part of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The collection in its entirety consists of approximately 3000 manuscript items, of which 1400 are in Copenhagen.
The collection is named after its founder, the Icelandic philologist and historian Árni Magnússon (Latinised as Arnas Magnæus, in Danish Arne Magnusson). Shortly before his death in 1730 he bequeathed his collection of manuscripts and printed books as well as his fortune to the University of Copenhagen, where he was professor of Danish antiquities.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Thu in the Codex Runicus From the Balkans 1190 CE

(January 5, 2025) The Codex Runicus describes the middle-ground Druid theology in which life powers can be properly associated with the magical motion/emotion powers. The life powers make the connection changes in the life network and the motion powers push the fertility-fluids through those connected threads/channels. This way dominate in Aegean Islands and mainland Europe. Contrast this way with the life power devotion of the Israelites and the magical motion/emotion power devotion of the Minoans and Phoenicians.

A debate between those devoted to the life powers and those devoted to the magical emotion/motion powers often breaks out during a drought when each side seeks to blame the other's powers for the drought. This has been good for history because these arguments have given us most of our archaeological stone texts because each side wants to write down their viewpoint on stone.  

  1. The Revealer (Kate) can be an enemy of emotion-powers (Awen)  :  That-one (Kate) can change the omens from astrology-magic's allocations.  :  Changes  :  by Thu's priest-parents  :  are not from doing astrology-magic.  :    (page 3, verse 9)
  2. The diversions  :  activate the baking (the drought).  :  The weavers (Vates) can manifest-life  :  by restraining Thu's energy.  :  The design,  :  except-for life-manifestations,  :  can be nourished by the astrological-power's pruning.   (page 4, verse 6)
  3. The weavers (Vates priests) can manifest.  :  Thu can instigate.  :  Open involvement.  :   The weavers (Vates) can manifest.  :   Thu lacks eagle-vultures  :  Open Involvement.  :  Nothing is being irrigated.   (page 4, verse 7)
  4. Alu can drive the changes.  :  Form-Manifestations are lacking. :  Form-Revelations can involve attunements (logos).  :  Form-Manifestations can be fooled.  :  Thu can lack Alu.  :  Involve the Instigator (Thu).   (page 4, verse 10)
  5. Form-manifestations from fertility-fluids  :  are lacking astrological-activity. :  Thu is similar to Kate  :  except for the nourishments  :  (and) except for  :  not having astrology-magic (from Su).  :  Change-motion with astrology-magic.  (page 5, verse 6)
  6. Astrology-magic can be ineffective.  :  Activate the astrology-fate-powers.  :  Open involvement.  :  Alu  can drive the changes.  :  Revelations (of fate) will involve the high-powers (Kate/Hekate).  Energy can nourish astrology-magic's manifestations  :  Thu cannot do that.  (page 5, verse 8)
  7. Thu can liberate form-revelations.  :  The boundary-powers can make an enemy of the moon-eye (Su).  :   Free-up the drivers   :  of high-life-powers.  :  Manifest astrology-magic :  (but) don't do astrology-magic  :  for those attunement (logos) nourishments.    (page 7, verse 2)
  8. Reveal the boundary-powers to the Helpmate (Asher).  Form-manifestations can lack high-life-powers.  Manifest astrology-magic.  Don't do astrology-magic to weave the eagle-vultures.  Astrology-magic can nourish Thu.    (page 7, verse 4)
Etruscan tomb of Shields corner paintings showing hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life power god
Corner of the Tomb of Shields near Tarquinia after restoration having two images of the hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life power god. Photo by Domenico-Ventura (2018)
Etruscan tomb of Shields painting showing hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life power god
Close-up of scene 2 showing Thu with female breasts and male genitalia.

Etruscan Tomb of Shields Uses Affection to Illustrate Power Coherency Between Thu and Life-Powers 499 BCE Drought

(Sept. 17, 2022) A corner in the Tomb of Shields at Tarquinia has two images of the hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life-power god. Promoting this coherency between motion and life powers is the main theme of the text. Because Etruscan texts are read right to left the image on the right wall of the corner was meant to be read first. It reads in Akkadian (justification below):

Right Scene (Pro-Thu)

  1. (Life-form) Openings can be elevated by Thu and the Life-Powers. Life-powers can be coherent with affection from the veil (astrological source of Thu's motion powers).
  2. Openings can be elevated by that coherency. Divine anger is being revealed by Ayu.

Left Scene  (Anti-Thu)

  1. [ ] This does not bring the divine. This does not bring children : In a similar way these things have been eliminated : The lack is not from expulsion by the emotion-powers. The lack is not from the veiling of similar astrological-powers. The lack of activity is from eliminating the nourishments (for fertility-fluids). The lack does not bring associations .....
  2. The prodding-sticks (motion-sources) have not brought activity. Alu is lacking that. The Divine is being veiled by the lack. In a similar way these things have been eliminated. Life-Powers are nourished by astrological-powers. Emotions have been made miserable by Yahu's (I'u) eliminations. Those are nourished by activity. Emotions are not the same as motion-powers....
  3. Considerations (focused emotions) do not bring nourishments (fertility-fluids). Anger energizes the Reed-Boat (Ayu). The Controllers (Su, Selu/Selene) nourish activity. Their fertility-fluids nourish the Divine. The combing is not lacking. The combing is from the Reed-Boat : [ ] : The eliminations are lacking wind. That is not dehydrating the nourishments. …. Wind-powers … Is veiling the life-powers
  4. [ ] does not bring nourishments. Coherency is not associating Yahu (E') and the life-powers : None of the fathers (life-priests) [ ]. Coherency can eliminate immobility. Those lack Ayu. [word] nourishes motion-powers. Astrological-Powers ...
  5. Don't nourish Thu. Immobility is from the lack of coherency. It is not from activity (life growth). Life-powers are energized by magic. Hu is being blocked by ...  Yahu (YA). Endurance brings consistency. Life-powers are frustrated by the nest (network).
  6. This is energizing the fertility-fluids for Yahu (IH, YH). Yahu (E') does not bring nourishments. Yahu is devoted to the moon-eye. Magic is drying the same. (network). Openings [ ]. The Reed-Boat (Ayu) does not bring the threads. Magic constrains activity. Impatience does not bring activity. The baking ....
  7. Thu is not nourished by the high-life-powers ....

Bottom Label

  1. Lacking this divine-power 
  2. the Opener (Ayu) is elevating their coherency.


Domenico-Ventura, C (2018) for FAI - FONDO PER L'AMBIENTE ITALIANO. Online at:
Etruscan tomb of Shields corner painting showing hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life power god
Close-up photo of the restored right wall which unfortunately cuts out the last (leftmost) letter of the top line. This shows the Hermaphrodite Deity Thu sitting beside a generic life-power god identified by his tiara.  They are being affectionate towards each other as mentioned in the text. The god is holding an empty bowl which indicates a lack of food. Letter assignments by author. (Original photo by Domenico-Ventura, 2018)
Etruscan tomb of Shields corner painting showing hermaphrodite deity Thu being affectionate with a life power god
Larger unrestored photo showing scene and last letter of top line. Photo from Mandal (Sept 2018) via FONDO PER L'AMBIENTE ITALIANO)

Right Scene Text Translation: Life-Powers Need Motion Powers for Effectiveness (Text Med 20)

(Sept. 15, 2022) Thu mid-level motion power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm.

Translation in Akkadian

(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Inner vowels inferred)
  1. Pu  ELu  Ṭu  U  Du. Du  APu  N'u  Še (Med 20.1)
  2. Pu  ELu  Še  A.  AGu  D'u  AYu (Med 20.2)

In English

  1. Openings can be elevated by Thu and the Life-Powers. Life-powers are coherent with affection from the veil (astrological source of motion power). 
  2. Openings can be elevated by that coherency. (But now) Divine anger is being revealed by Ayu. 


Mandal, Dattatreya (September 21, 2018) in Realm of History. Restoration complete for the magnificent Etruscan ‘Tomb of the Shields.’ Online at:
Carthage Stone as display at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
Carthage Stone being examined at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Originally, this stone was likely placed in a temple wall. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
  1. Lexicon Used: Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon - 4th Edition 2023. Online at:
  2. Letter Chart Used:  Central Mediterranean Letters
  3. Deity Summary: Ancient Pagan Paradigm

Carthage Stone Blames Astrology Magic From Su For Drought (170 BCE)

(January 9, 2024) This text is is a debate concerning which class of powers is to blame for  a drought. 

In English (Med Text 13)

  1. (blames astrology powers) We are lacking the wool-stuffing (life network) because of the astrology-powers.  Is not that the same as astrology-magic?  Nothing is being purified  |  Open the irrigation of the life-threads by getting Involved.  Push-away the eagle-vultures.  Nothing of Hu's is manifesting the fertility-fluids.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make chaotic the nourishing of Hu.
  2. (blames life powers) Fertility-fluids are lacking Thu.  The binding (of network links to motion powers) is lacking Thu and the Observer (Su). The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) is being nested.  Yahu (Y') can be shaped by the Observer (Su).  The Revealer is being nested by the enemy.  The Revealer is getting involved with the Reed-Boat.  The Revealer will respect the openings.  |  Nourish the dispersal (of fertility-fluids by the network).
  3. (blames astrology powers) Life-threads should be set by nourishments.  The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can intimidate the motion-powers.  Hu can nourish the life-threads.  The Revealer is getting involved with Thu because Revealer is not being prodded.  Don't starve the weavers (who form the life network).  Network-birds can nourish life-manifestations.  Don't get involved in querying astrology-magic.
  4. (blames life powers) The evening can be involved with the group (network bird flock). We can set the nourishments. We can reveal the nest (life-network).  Yahu can reveal those nourishments.  The evening is not getting involved with the magical queries.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Activity (motion powers) can catch-the-wind with that. Emanations can be revealed them.    
  5. (blames astrology powers) Activate Hu's setting (of life-network at dusk, setting sun). Repel astrology-magic. Starvation is originating with the emotion-owls.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) is nesting.  Involve the life-threads.  Query the setting.  The threads can be irrigated by Hu's fruit is because of these Reed-Boat (Ayu) powers.
  6. (blames life powers) The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can irrigate the Revealer (Kate/Hekate). Astrological-Activity is because of livers (emotions) being opened.  |  The Weaver (Ayu) is considering revelations (of life forms) involving the patrollers (planets).  Astrology-magic can replace the combing and the astrological-powers (in organizing the network). Scarce are the life-manifestations. Irrigate those Hu-powers.  The life-manifestations are the same.
  7. (blames astrology powers) Fate-Cursed is the revealing of fertility-fluids. The starvation is from paralyzing the nourishments involving the Reed-Boat (Ayu).  The Moon-Eye (Su) can make angry the astrological powers.  No one is observing the involvement.  No-one is considering activity (motion powers) is causing the lack of Ayu.  The lack is being administered by the astrology-powers. The irrigation-system can reveal involvement.  
Green Hermaphrodite Figurine from Balzi Rossi, Italy

Green Hermaphrodite Figurine from Balzi Rossi, Italy (30,000 BCE?)

Green hermaphrodite figurine from Balzi Rossi, Italy showing crossed arms.

Thu from Near Glastonbury England

This ash wood hermaphrodite figurine was found dropped into a marsh on its head from a trackway crossing the marsh just east of Glastonbury, England. This is the deity Thu. It was found by archaeologists Maurice Bell and John M. Coles.It now resides at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge, England with accession number: 1968.6
Online at:
Hermaphrodite Thu on Oil Flask from Apulia, Italy

Thu on Oil Flask from Apulia, Italy (340 BCE)

This version shows Thu with wings indicating Thu is a connective deity.
From Rhode Island School of Design Museum (RISD). Online at:
(Med Text 34.1) This is probably the earliest Athenian owl coin in existence because it shows the original Alphabetic Akkadian writing direction of left to right. Photo originally from: Roma Numismatics Ltd, Auction XX, Lot 104.
(Med Text 34.2) A rare and early Athenian owl coin type actually has the letter teth (Greek theta) between the A and E instead of an ayin indicating people knew the difference between the letters. So this actually spells Athe meaning "Those Thu powers" after the patron motion power god of Athens, Thu. This type of owl coins was probably only used locally while the more spiritual coin was used internationally. Tetradrachm (22mm, 17.16 grams). Picture online at:
(Med Text 34.1) A slightly later version of the  coin. Photo originally from: Roma Numismatics Ltd, Auction XX, Lot 104.
Athenian coins
owl at the Acropolis museum in Athens
Photo shows a stone sculpture of an Athenian owl at the Acropolis museum in Athens (Olmsted photo 2019)

Archaic Era Athenian Owl Silver Tetradrachms Showing Thu (512-490 BCE

(July 11, 2023) Greek culture resulted from a mixing of Neolithic farmer Druid culture and the culture of the Indo-European invaders. The Greek culture's attempted reconciliation of those two sources combined with trade wealth gave Greek culture its dynamism. Notice the olive branch behind the owl which was the source of Athens' prosperity prior to its silver mine. At this time the owl would have represented the chaotic aspect in the motion powers while the deity Thu represented the orderly aspect. Motion powers were manifested as the winds so they were honored by sailors and commercial traders.

Athena as:  AṬNA  means "Motion-Powers" (plural). The central letter of the top coin (as most later coins) is not a teth (theta) but is instead the Akkadian letter ayin which is a glottal stop sound not used in Indo-European. 

Translation in Akkadian of Letter Ayin Containing Text (Med Text 34.1)

(Read right to left or left to right. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. A'E (Med 34.1)

In English. 

  1.  Motion-Power

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

Translation in Akkadian Of A Rare Theta Letter Containing Text (Med Text 34.2)

(Read left to right. Capital letters on coin. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. A  ṬE (Med 34.2)

In English. 

  1.  This is a Thu-Power

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

Replacing the letter ayin with theta as shown in the next lower coin changes the translation to the phrase "Those Thu Powers."  The hermaphrodite deity Thu was the connective motion power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Yet this change of translation does not change the underlying meaning. Both translations emphasize honoring the motion powers. 

The letter he (E/H) found on the end of both texts is an Akkadian grammatical ending on deity or spirit indicating it represents a power and not a persona.

A good introducltion to the Athenian owl coins. Just look past their lack of linguistic expertise and resultant lack of knowledge of the ancient world.

Calf Bearer Inscription from the archaic era Athenian acropolis
Proof that the letter represented by the circle and dot on Athenian coins is not a theta is provided by the contemporary Calf Bearer Inscription from the archaic era Athenian acropolis. Both the letters ayin and teth (theta) are shown. The letter ayin has the central dot while teth (theta) has a cross. 
The text reads in Alphabetic Akkadian “[Hu’s] fertility-fluids are nesting which is eliminating the openings, Fertility-fluids are going dark which is starving the Supervisor (Ayu or Athena). Astrological owls …..” (Olmsted January 14, 2021)
Found during the En Gedi excavations of 1963, Stratum V. Now at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem (Number IAA 67-498). Seal is made from limestone and has a handle with a hole in it, 47 x 40 x 35 mm with handle.

Ein Gedi: Lack of Yahu Due to Interference From Thu of The Astrological Powers (605 BCE Drought)

(April 21, 2023) This is not a sealing but the actual limestone artifact found during the archaeological excavation off En Gedi, Israel. Based on its writing direction and larger size it was not used as a seal but instead was used as some sort of decorative element. The deity Thu is the hermaphrodite connective deity of the motion powers while the full moon god Su is the source power.

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.172)

(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Ṭu  Bu  Ṣu (Levant Text 60.172.1) 
  2.  Lu  Nu  (image of typical 3-room house) (Levant Text 60.172.2) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English 

  1. Thu is nourishing activity
  2. Avoid the Revealer (Kate/Hekate) of the Houses (Zodiac)

Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt

Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows: 

  1.  Ṭobshillem /Ṭobshalem

(Names are not a translation because they can cluster any arbitrary set of letters)


Ein Gedi is a location on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea where ground water comes out from the side of a cliff and fall down towards the Dead Sea. It consists of several waterfalls and pools. See
bronze plaque of Cortona with letter assignments
This bronze plaque of Cortona was found in a ditch. It was found at località La Fratta, 2.8 km west of Cortona, Italy on September 14, 1840 (Modona 1977). The town of Cortana is located on the upper regions of the Tiber River 550 BCE is about the time the area was taken over by the Romans.  It is now displayed at the Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona. Image from van de Meer (2011). Letter assignments by Olmsted.

Etruscan Cortona Plaque Blaming Chaotic Emotions For Hiding the Intentions of the Enemy (Rome) 550 BCE

(August 17, 2022, Updated January 5, 2025) Based on letter "N" this dates to shortly after the composition of the golden Pyrgi foils putting it around 550 BCE. Compared to the Pyrgi foils, the letter the letters P, E, and I have been simplified. The letters P and E have one horizontal line removed while the I has its top and bottom horizontal lines removed.

Translation in Akkadian (Text Med 25)

(read right to left, verbs are italic-bold)
Letter Chart: Aegean Island Lineage
  1. Ṭu  APu  Nu  A  :  Gi  UMu  Nu  Ya[B] (Med 25.1)
  2. INu  MuBu  E  Ilu  :  A  Ṭu  Gu  YaBu (Med 25.2)
  3. Mu  Alu  Ṭu  Nu (Med 25.3)

In English

  1. Thu is veiling these revelations (of fate) : Stormy emotion-energy  will not reveal the ene[my]
  2. The Moon-Eye (Su) is mobilizing none of the high-powers  :  Those Thu-powers are energizing the enemy
  3. Fertility-fluids of Alu reveal Thu


van de Meer, Bouke (2011) The Etruscan Bronze Lamp of Cortona, its Cosmic Program and its Attached Inscription. Online at:
Modona, A. Neppi (1977) Cortona etrusca e romana nella storia e nell’arte, Firenze, p. 125-134.

Piacenza Liver Right Inner Section 5 (500 BCE)

Translation in Akkadian (Celt Text 1.6.5)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels)
  1. ŠeLu  NeZu  
  2. Ṭu  PaSu

In English

  1. Selu (Selene) is emptying
  2. Thu of light
Right Side of Hathor Sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim
Right Side of Hathor Sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim. This red sandstone hand-held sphinx was found on the floor just outside the Sopdu temple at Serabit el-Khadim by Sir Flanders Petrie in 1905. It has inscriptions inscribed on the base on each side which have never been translated. Image from Butin 1932.

Right Side of Serabit el-Khadim Hathor Sphinx Found at Serabit el-Khadim

(August 5, 2022) This graffito is  pro-magic.

Text in Akkadian (right to left)

  1. [  ]  Ṭu  Zu  DaḪû  AMu

In English

  1.  [missing words?]  Thu's emanations can pressure the Reed-Boat (Ayu, Hathor)

Thu is the hermaphrodite connective motion power deity. The elimination of motion power aid tends to inhibit the flow of fertility fluids through the life network thus emotionally pressuring Hathor who is the connective life goddess who edits the network connections. The "Reed-Boat" is an epithet for the crescent moon and represents these connective life goddesses.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs

A Hathor ideogram is located on the statuette’s shoulder. It consists of the falcon of Horus inside a house. The feminine power is represented by a house for a masculine power.

Below the Hathor ideogram is the Egyptian hieroglyphic phrase which reads:

  • many honors to her

The Egyptian signs with their letters are:

  1. reed - yod (I)
  2. reed - yod (Y)
  3. plow - mem (M)
  4. 3 dots (meaning "many"),
  5.  rising and setting sun - teth (Ṭ)
  6. sling - a different teth (Ṭ)

The root Egyptian word here is IM meaning "to honor" (Faulkner 1962). The letter combination teth, teth is a feminine pronoun suffix meaning "her."

The god Horus was the Egyptian connective life-growth power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. As such he was represented by the falcon which moved the visible sun as it flew on wings though the region between the earth plane and the watery inner surface of the sky-shell. Spiritual powers ascended into the divine realm by hopping a ride on the sun when on the morning horizon. Horus as the visible sun motion represented good order in contrast to the hidden sun form represented by the chaotic storm bull, Seth. 


Butin, Romain F. (1928) The Seribit Inscriptions: II. The Decipherment and Significance of the Inscriptions. Harvard Theological Review. Vol 21 No. 1 pp. 9-67 
Butin, Romain F. (1932) The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions. Harvard Theological Review. Vol 25 No. 2 pp. 130-203
Faulkner, R.O. (1962) A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Griffith Institute, Oxford
Wind iimage
No ancient images of Aether seem to exist.

Greek Deity Aether (Indo-European Equivalent to Thu)

(July 3, 2022) Ancient Greek author Hesiod says this in his story of creation which seems to derive from Indo-European tradition and not Akkadian (lines 120 to 140):

In truth at first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth, the ever-sure foundation of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-pathed Earth, [120] and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them. 
From Chaos came forth Erebus (dark underdome space) and black Night; but of Night were born Aether (skydome space and atmosphere) and Day,  whom she conceived and bore from union in love with Erebus . 
And Earth first bore starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth long hills, graceful haunts  of the goddess Nymphs who dwell amongst the glens of the hills. 
She bore also the fruitless deep with his raging swell, Pontus, without sweet union of love. But afterwards she lay with Heaven and bore deep-swirling Oceanus, Coeus and Crius and Hyperion and Iapetus,  Theia and Rhea, Themis and Mnemosyne and gold-crowned Phoebe and lovely Tethys. After them was born Cronos the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children, and he hated his lusty sire.
