So Called Kilamuwa Inscription Blames Astrological Powers for 850 BCE Elijah Drought
For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts
Translation of Lower Section
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) can get involved in the restraint of the waters. - The Seers can respect that. - Scarcity is being nourished by astrology-magic. - Alu - has to cling to that. - That is not being nourished. - Attunements can reveal - the Supervisors (astrological powers).
- The lack of involvement (of considerations) with fertility-fluids is [word]. Attunements can reveal emotions. - Omens will lack resistance to the Enablers (emotion magic crafters) sowing the fertility-fluids. - Bindings - can constrain the division. - The fate-curses' revelations are not being [defi]cient. - Involve astrology-magic - with life-priests - in order to not be deficient - Involve astrology-magic - with the Reed-boat (Ayu).
- Except for no revelations - Kate's/Hekate's - attendants (owls) - are resisting [word] - the constraining of Hu's emanations. - The Winnower's (eagle-vultures) - activation - is not causing the drought. - The nest is lacking - The Observer (Su) is making difficult the fertility-fluids. Enemies are causing the lack of Hu's emanations. - The Winnowers - as a result of that attunement - are not causing the drought. - The nest (life network) is lacking.
- Swarms of eagle-vultures - are when the nest is lacking. - (Their) Involvement with the troubles - is when the nest is lacking. - Hu is leading - not resisting. - Constrain Hu's emanations. - Kate is being revealed. - Deficiencies can be emotionally-affected by the shepherds (magic crafters) - Magic-crafters do not trigger emotions. - Clinging (of astrology powers) is the enemy.
- The same - can be due to consideration's (focused magical emotions) involvement. - Life-curses can involvement astrology-magic. - The Enablers (magic crafters) can be involved with nourishing the fertility-fluids. - Lacking life-channels can redirect the Supervisor's (heavenly body's) astrology-magic. - The drought is revealing the gossamer-fabric (astrological night sky). - Bindings - can reveal the gossamer-fabric's omens for fertility-fluids. - Nourish the Reed-Boat (Ayu) - Don't make storms - Gating can reveal the [word].
- Are not the expulsions - making scarce the nourishments? - The stuffing (life network) reveals the astrology-magic - Fate-cursed are the emanations of the life-threads. - Make-offerings to the Guider of the emanations (Ayu) - The Enablers (magic crafters) can be involved with nourishing the fertility-fluids. - Those are not lacking involvement with the evening. - Lacking the nest's (network's) eagle-vultures releases - the planets controlling the eagle-vultures.
- Fertility-fluids of Alu's irrigation-system can nourish life-manifestations - Deficient activity-levels do not create-storms for sowing the fertility-fluids. - Is not activity being hit? - The filter (network) can guide of the emanations - Is not activity being hit? - Eagle-vultures are being expelled. - The nest (network) is lacking. - Same for fertility-fluid manifestations. - The expulsions can be fine-tuned by the Seers.
- Fate-cursed (by astrology powers) is the activity being hit. - Eagle-vultures are being expelled. - The nest is lacking Hu's support. - The expulsions - are not from lacking nourishments for fertility-fluids. - The dawn involves nourishments from Alu - The nest is lacking - the zodiac houses.
Translation of Top Section of "Kilamuwa" Text
(January 4, 2024) These runestone is currently located in the Vorderasiatisches (Pergamon) Museum Berlin. The so called Kilamuwa Stele was discovered in Sam'al during the 1888–1902 German Oriental Society expeditions led by Felix von Luschan and Robert Koldewey.
As one can see the name of "Kilamuwa" does not exist in the first line as claimed by the 1911 translation nor anywhere else in the text.
The letter style is like the Jerusalem Stone and Kuttamuwa Text dating to about the same time. The Jerusalem stone's find location is uncertain but it was assumed to have been written around Jerusalem. Hence, this letter style likely is the 850 BCE Non-Phoenician Levant style which support the life powers as opposed to the motion powers.
Both sections of the text on this runestone blame a drought on the astrological motion powers. It starts out warning that the its powers should be respected.
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) are involved. - (Their) Involvement is due to deficiency. - The seers - should be respected.
- Fertility-fluids are lacking - Involvement will energize the Seers. - Alu - is not being affected by not being observed. - The planets are lacking openings.
- Involvement will reveal goodness. Gaining attention is nourishing [word]. - The network-birds are lacking - and chaos - causes anger. - Ayu is causing that. - The planets are lacking. - [word] and is tinkering with - the attendants (owls)
- Activate Alu. - The planets are lacking. - Network-birds are lacking and considerations [a few destroyed words]. Planets [words] Magic-crafters can activate the emotional-affects for the Splitter (Ayu).
- Nourishments are lacking. - Openings for [word] are lacking. - The High-Power's openings have been fate-cursed by the Supervisors (astrological night sky). - Involve the Revealer (Yahu). - The zodiac houses are not affected by life-priests. - Nourish the fertility-fluids. Discipline astrology-magic. - Fertility-fluids can be bound - by those life-powers.
- Emotional-Release - is weaving the lack of activity is without Hu. - The channels [2 or 3 missing words] - and is involved with astrology-magic - Nourish the life-channels. - Fertility-fluids are deficient. - Bind the astrology-magics activity. - Emotion-owls can lack astrology-magic.
- Winds can reveal [2 words] expulsions. - The veil can be spit-off. - Life-channels - and those life-manifestations. powers are being shepherded by the administration's (astrological powers) counter-balancing involvement. - Eagle-vultures can be revealed by emotions - The Originator (Alu) should be involved with eagle-vultures.
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) are involved. - Alu is not. - Counter-balancing can involve expulsions of eagle-vultures. - Alu's fertility-fluids [word] foreshadow the revelations (of life forms). - The Gossamer-fabric (astrological night sky) - and [word] are seen. - Give offerings to the Weaver (Ayu).
Kilamuwa Online Sources
(December 12, 2023)
Interactive photo at museum sited which was used to aid in letter identification:*&objIdx=0
Online at:
The Find Site of Sam'al (Zincirli)
(December 9, 2023) The Assyrian's (c. 700 BC) called this site Sam'al which probably derives from the Akkadian word meaning "Where dehydration is Lacking." from Ṣamā’u.Lu (SM'.L) based on this city's location in the Syrian valley. The Syrian valley east of the Nur Mountains is unique in that it does not have a central navigable river. It is fertile land crisscrossed by small streams which eventually empty into the Orontes river to the south in Lebanon. That these texts speak of draught shows the severity of the 850 BCE Elijah drought.
The Ceyhan river's economic region is split by the Amanu's Mountians which today are called the Nur Mountains. One of the two main passes through the mountains is located just west of Zincirli (Ancient Sam'al). The other if further south across from the coastal city of Iskenderunand is called the Belen Pass.
The site of Sam'al was occupied in the Early Bronze Age III/IV (c. 2700–2100 BC), and Middle Bronze Age II (c. 2000-1550 BC) when it was sacked, probably by Hittite king Hattusili I.
The site covers an area of about 40 hectares. It was visited by archaeologist Osman Hamdi Bey in 1882. In 1883 three German travelers collected and took photographs there. It was excavated in 1888, 1890, 1891, 1894 and 1902 during expeditions led by Felix von Luschan and Robert Koldewey. Each of the expeditions was supported by the German Orient Committee, except for the fourth (1894), which was financed with monies from the Rudolf-Virchow-Stiftung and private donors.
They found a walled heavily fortified teardrop-shaped citadel accessed by the outer citadel gate, which was surrounded by the as yet unexcavated town and a further enormous 2.5 kilometer long double fortification wall with three gates (most notably the southern city gate) and 100 bastions. Finds from the excavations are held in the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin and the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. The Louvre holds a carved orthostat and two sphinx protomes and some minor sculptures are held at museums in Adana and Gaziantep. During the 1902 excavation at Zincirli Höyük the Kilamuwa Stela (Zincirli 65) was found.
In August 2006, the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago together with the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies of the University of Tübingen began a new long-term excavation project at the site of Zincirli under the directorship of David Schloen and Virginia Herrmann. Eleven seasons of excavation were conducted ending in 2017. Finds included the Kuttamuwa stele found in 2008.
The German excavations on the citadel recovered large numbers of relief-carved orthostats, along with inscriptions in Aramaic, Phoenician, and Akkadian. These are on exhibit in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, and Istanbul. Also found was the notable Victory stele of Neo-Assyrian ruler Esarhaddon celebrating his victory over Egyptian pharaoh Taharqa in 671 BC.
(December 9, 2023) Images are the large round dark new moon representing the motion source god Su and the winged sun disk representing the life connecting god Hu. Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - ANu Ku - Ku LeMu U - BaRu - ḪiYa (Lev 64.1)
- Mu Lu - Ku Gu BaRu - 'Lu - Ya ADu Ya - UBu Lu Pu (Lev 64.2)
In English
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) are involved. - (Their) Involvement is due to deficiency. - The seers - should be respected.
- Fertility-fluids are lacking - Involvement will energize the Seers. - Alu - is not being affected by not being observed. - The planets are lacking openings.
(December 9, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - Ku Nu BaNu. EWu Bu ? - Pa'u Lu - U NuNu - AGu - AYu A - UBu Lu - '? U KuNu - AḪu (Lev 64.3)
- Ṣu ALu - UBu Lu - Pa'u Lu U AN ?K? M UBu ??? MGu Ṣu Ne'u LT (Lev 64.4)
In English
- Involvement will reveal goodness. Gaining attention is nourishing [word]. - The network-birds are lacking - and chaos - causes anger. - Ayu is causing that. - The planets are lacking. - [word] and is tinkering with - the attendants (owls)
- Activate Alu. - The planets are lacking. - Network-birds are lacking and considerations [a few destroyed words]. Planets [words] Magic-crafters can activate the emotional-affects for the Splitter (Ayu).
(December 10, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - Bu Lu - P ?' Lu. - ELu Pu UYu EMu - Ku Nu - BeTu ABe Yu. - Bu Mu. TuKu Tu - Mu KaMu - A Du (Lev 64.5)
- RaMu - UKu Lu Ṣu Lu Ḫu - ID ? L? M - U Ku Tu - Bu IDu - Mu LeMu - KaMu Tu Ṣu - AKu Lu Tu (Lev 64.6)
In English
- Nourishments are lacking. - Openings for [word] are lacking. - The High-Power's openings have been fate-cursed by the Supervisors (astrological night sky). - Involve the Revealer (Yahu). - The zodiac houses are not affected by life-priests. - Nourish the fertility-fluids. Discipline astrology-magic. - Fertility-fluids can be bound - by those life-powers.
- Emotional-Release - is weaving the lack of activity is without Hu. - The channels [2 or 3 missing words] - and is involved with astrology-magic - Nourish the life-channels. - Fertility-fluids are deficient. - Bind the astrology-magics activity. - Emotion-owls can lack astrology-magic.
(December 10, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - ZiQu Nu U?? AṢ - APu LeTu - IDu - U A Du Re'u LeYu MuLu Ku - Ru Nu IMu - UṢu Ku Ru (Lev 64.7)
- ANu Ku - ' Lu Ya - MuLu Ku AṢu Ru - ' Lu Mu ? ITu Nu - BiṢu - U ? BaRu - BiSu UTu (Lev 64.8)
In English
- Winds can reveal [2 words] expulsions. - The veil can be spit-off. - Life-channels - and those life-manifestations. powers are being shepherded by the administration's (astrological powers) counter-balancing involvement. - Eagle-vultures can be revealed by emotions - The Originator (Alu) should be involved with eagle-vultures.
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) are getting involved. - Alu is not. - Counter-balancing can involve expulsions of eagle-vultures. - Alu's fertility-fluids [word] foreshadow the revelations (of life forms). - The Gossamer-fabric (astrological night sky) - and [word] are seen. - Give offerings to the Weaver (Ayu).
Lower Section
(December 10, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - ANu Ku KaLu MaWu - BaRu ḪeYa A - IṢu Bu Tu - ' Lu - KiSu A - A Bu Ya - LeGu Nu - EMu (Lev 64.9)
- Lu KaMu ?. LeGu Nu IMu - ITu Lu WaNu MaṢu KaBu Mu - KaMu - KaLu BaMu - WA Nu [L]M Ya - Ku Tu - ABu - U LeMu Ya - Ku Tu - AMu (Lev 64.10)
In English
- Considerations (focused magical emotions) can get involved in the restraint of the waters. - The Seers can respect that. - Scarcity is being nourished by astrology-magic. - Alu - has to cling to that. - That is not being nourished. - Attunements can reveal - the Supervisors (astrological powers).
- The lack of involvement (of considerations) with fertility-fluids is [word]. Attunements can reveal emotions. - Omens will lack resistance to the Enablers (emotion magic crafters) sowing the fertility-fluids. - Bindings - can constrain the division. - The fate-curses' revelations are not being [defi]cient. - Involve astrology-magic - with life-priests - in order to not be deficient - Involve astrology-magic - with the Reed-boat (Ayu).
(December 11, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - ULu Nu Ya - KaTe - AḪu - UM ? - BaLu Ḫu Zu - PaNu - Ṣu - ṢeT Ya. - Ba'u Lu - 'Du RaQu Mu. YaBu Lu Ḫu Zu - PaNu - A LeGu - ṢeTu Ya - Ba'u Lu (Lev 64.11)
- BaQu Ru - U Ba'u Lu. - Ku SaGu - U Ba'u L. - Ḫu RaŠu - WaMu Ya - BaLu Ḫu Zu - KaTe Nu - LeMu Ne'u ReYu - UDu YaMu Ya - KiSu YaBu (Lev 64.12)
In English
- Except for no revelations - Kate's - attendants (owls) - are resisting [word] - the constraining of Hu's emanations. - The Winnower's (eagle-vultures) - activation - is not causing the drought. - The nest is lacking - The Observer (Su) is making difficult the fertility-fluids. Enemies are causing the lack of Hu's emanations. - The Winnowers - as a result of that attunement - are not causing the drought. - The nest (life network) is lacking.
- Swarms of eagle-vultures - are when the nest is lacking. - (Their) Involvement with the troubles - is when the nest is lacking. - Hu is leading - not resisting. - Constrain Hu's emanations. - Kate is being revealed. - Deficiencies can be emotionally-affected by the shepherds (magic crafters) - Magic-crafters do not trigger emotions. - Clinging (of astrology powers) is the enemy.
(December 12, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - Šu - U ANu K - TaMu Ku Tu - MaṢu Ku Bu Mu - Lu IDu IWu EMu Tu - ṢeTu Nu BiṢu - KaMu - Nu BiṢu ITu Mu - Bu AMu - UMu Ya - BiBu Nu ? (Lev 64.13)
- Yu AṢu - IṢu Bu - TaḪu Tu Nu - UYu Zu Qu - BiSi GeRu Zu - MaṢu Ku Bu Mu - A Lu Ya Ku BaDu - Lu Ba'u Ru RaMu - UBu 'Ru Ru (Lev 64.14)
In English
- The same - can be due to consideration's (focused magical emotions) involvement. - Life-curses can involvement astrology-magic. - The Enablers (magic crafters) can be involved with nourishing the fertility-fluids. - Lacking life-channels can redirect the Supervisor's (heavenly body's) astrology-magic. - The drought is revealing the gossamer-fabric (astrological night sky). - Bindings - can reveal the gossamer-fabric's omens for fertility-fluids. - Nourish the Reed-Boat (Ayu) - Don't make storms - Gating can reveal the [word].
- Are not the expulsions - making scarce the nourishments? - The stuffing (life network) reveals the astrology-magic - Fate-cursed are the emanations of the life-threads. - Make-offerings to the Guider of the emanations (Ayu) - The Enablers (magic crafters) can be involved with nourishing the fertility-fluids. - Those are not lacking involvement with the evening. - Lacking the nest's (network's) eagle-vultures releases - the planets controlling the eagle-vultures.
(December 12, 2023) Dots on the stele are phrase dividers.
Translation of Lines 15 and 16 in Akkadian (Lev Text 64)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Vowels are italic bold) - Mu ALu IKu Bu Du - LeMu Ṣu KaBu Mu UMu Ya - Yu Ṣu ḪiTu - ESu GeRu Zu - Yu Ṣu ḪiTu - Ru AṢu - Ba'u Lu - Šu Mu Du - AṢu LaGu BaRu (Lev 64.15)
- UYu Ṣu ḪiTu - Ru AṢu - Ba'u Lu Ḫu MaNu - AṢu - Lu B M E - URu Ku Bu ALu - Ba'u Lu - BeTu (Lev 64.16)
In English
- Fertility-fluids of Alu's irrigation-system can nourish life-manifestations - Deficient activity-levels do not create-storms for sowing the fertility-fluids. - Is not activity being hit? - The filter (network) can guide of the emanations - Is not activity being hit? - Eagle-vultures are being expelled. - The nest (network) is lacking. - Same for fertility-fluid manifestations. - The expulsions can be fine-tuned by the Seers.
- Fate-cursed (by astrology powers) is the activity being hit. - Eagle-vultures are being expelled. - The nest is lacking Hu's support. - The expulsions - are not from lacking nourishments for fertility-fluids. - The dawn involves nourishments from Alu - The nest is lacking - the zodiac houses.
Previous Translation Attempt
The first Bible based fake history translation was done in 1911 and it has not changed much since then. The following fake translation is from 1982:
"I am Kilamuwa, the son of King Chaya.
King Gabar reigned over Ya'diya but achieved nothing.
Then came Bamah, and he achieved nothing. Then there was my father Chaya, but he accomplished nothing. Then there was my brother
Sha'il, but he also accomplished nothing. But I Kilamuwa, the son of TML,[13] what I accomplished
not (even) their predecessors accomplished. My father’s house was in the midst of powerful kings,
and each put forth his hand to eat it; but I was in the hand(s) of the kings like a fire that consumes
the beard or like a fire that consumes the hand. The king of the Danunians overpowered me, but I
hired against him the king of Assyria. He gave me a maid for the price of a sheep, and a man for the price of a garment.
I, Kilamuwa, the son of Chaya, sat upon my father’s throne. In face of the former
kings the MSHKBM used to whimper like dogs. But I – to some I was a father, and to some I was a mother, and to some I was a brother. Him who had never seen the face of a sheep I made owner of a flock; him who had never seen the face of an ox, I made owner of a herd, and owner of silver and owner of gold; and him who had never seen linen from his youth, in my days they covered
with byssus. I grasped the MSHKBM by the hand, and they behaved (towards me) like an orphan towards (his) mother. Now, if any of my sons.who shall sit in my place does harm to this inscription, may the MSHKBM not honour the B’RRM, not the B’RRM" honour the MSHKBM! And if anyone smashes this inscription, may Baal-Tzemed who belongs to Gabar smash his head, and may Baal-Hammon who belongs to BMH and Rakkabel, lord of the dynasty, smash his head!
John C. L. Gibson (1982) in Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. Vol. III. Phoenician Inscriptions, Including Inscriptions in the Mixed Dialect of Arslan Tash. pp. xx, 187, 8 pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1982.