"Viking" Runestone U-617 from Uppland, Sweden - After 700 CE
This runestone was claimed to have the word "Viking" in it. It doesn't.
(January 9, 2025) This runestone is near the Bro church in Uppland Sweden. Its center image is the letter "T" meaning "astrology-magic." Photo from Wikimedia Commons at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U_617,_Bro_2.jpg
This runestone is generally claimed to be the source of the Old Norse word "vikingr" which was first mentioned in the 1801 "The History of the Anglo-Saxons" by English historian Sharon H. Turner and repeated ever since.
- The name by which the pirates were at first distinguished was Vikingr, which perhaps originally meant kings of the bays. It was in bays that they ambushed, to dart upon the passing voyager. [ Turner, https://archive.org/details/historyanglosax03turngoog ]
But the word "Viking" actually comes from the Old English wicing and Old Frisian wizing appearing almost 300 years earlier. It derives from wic "village, camp" (large temporary camps were a feature of the Viking raids), related to Latin vicus "village, habitation" seen at the end of city names as "wick." (https://www.etymonline.com/word/Viking )
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (North Text 53) (Claimed "Viking" word in Red)
(Line 1 is read right to left. Line 2 is read left to right starting at the top. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliterationLetter Chart: Northern Letter Lineage
- Ku ITu Gi AKu : Ṭu AGu UKu. INu Qu AQu IMu : Nu ANu Qu IMu : Nu A KaRu ADu TaMu : Tu A Ku : Du Tu IMu Tu : Ku Tu ANu : Tu A Tu : Gi IQu : KaTe TaRu Tu : Bu Ru A : Du Tu Nu Ya : Tu A Ku : ReTu INu Tu : NiQu Tu ITu : Du ITu Tu : Tu EQu IWu : TeNu A A : Bu ATu Qu Tu : Nu ITu
- AYu Ku Ya KaTe : ATu ARu Du Ru : UYu Du : KaTe TiQu Ya : Ku A Du : ITu Gi Bu Ya : Tu TeNu : Tu A : Tu A Qu : A Ku : Nu Tu Gi A : Nu ATu : Ṭu TuKu ATu TaMu : ITu RaGu NuNu TaMu : ATu Mu :
In English
- Involve omens with energy from emotion-owls. : Thu (who has emotion owls) can anger the loom-shuttle (the weaving of fate). : The Moon-Eye (Su) can thread the expectations of emotions. : Reveal the considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) which thread emotions. : The revelations of those will reduce the Instigator's (Su) life-curse. : The astrology-magic (from Su) will result in involvement. : Manifest astrology-magic with the emotions astrology-magic. : Involve astrology-magic in the considerations. : Astrology-magic will result in astrology-magic. : Energize the flock (life network editing birds) : Kate/Hekate can change astrology-magic. : Nourish the eagle-vultures with that (her) : Manifestations of astrology-magic are not revealed : Astrology-magic will result in involvement. : Set the Moon-Eye (Su) with astrology-magic. : Pour-out the astrology-magic of omens. : Manifest the omens of astrology-magic. : Astrology-magic can compensate for mis-directions. : Replacements are the result of that. : Nourishing the monitors (owls) will thread astrology-magic. : Reveal the omens.
- Ayu is not getting involved with Kate/Hekate. : Monitor the Controllers (Su, Selene) manifestations for the eagle-vultures. : Fate-Curses can be manifested. : Kate will not be interested. : Involvement can result in manifestations. : Omens do not nourish energy. : Astrology-magic can be replaced. : Astrology-magic makes results. Astrology-magic can result in life-threads. : That results in involvement. : Reveal astrology-magic's energy for that. : Reveal the Monitor (Su). Thu can discipline the Monitor's life-curses. : Omens can falsify the chaos of the life-curses. Monitor the fertility-fluids.
Uppland is a Swedish province just north of Stockholm.
Previous Translation Attempt
(January 9, 2025) The conventional translation is as follows:
kinluk × hulmkis × tutiR × systiR × sukruþaR × auk × þaiRa × kaus × aun × lit × keara × bru × þesi × auk × raisa × stain × þina × eftiR × asur × bunta * sin × sun × hakunaR × iarls × saR × uaR × uikika × uaurþr × miþ × kaeti × kuþ × ialbi × ans × nu × aut × uk × salu
Translation in English
Ginnlög, Holmger's daughter, sister of Sygröd and of Göt, she had this bridge built and this stone erected after Assur, her husband, son of Earl Haakon. He was a national defender against the Vikings with Geter [?]. God now help his spirit and soul
This translation is full of names which is a clue that it is a failed translation. Names are a linguistic cheat because they can cluster any arbitrary set of letters. Also, the letter assignments are completely wrong.