Past Was Pagan - Introduction To The Pagan Paradigm

Religion is a Defined Life Path.

Everyone has a life path although many just fall into it by either following a socially acceptable authority or just following their emotions and ending up with a chaotic life.  They are like leaves blowing in the wind.

Pagan Culture and Religion 

(November 27, 2023, Updated February 27, 2025) Ancient Druid Akkadian texts cannot be read or translated without first understanding their Pagan cultural core. Significantly, at present, European Paganism is not taught at any university claiming to do ancient research. The only exception is classical philosophy but even that is studied from today's inherited Zoroastrian/Biblical paradigm perspective. The Pagan people of the past not only had a different culture from today but also thought differently because of it. 

A culture is not a religion. Only when a person has a choice of cultural life paths do those life paths become a religion. Different core cultures and religions are characterized by their answers to these three fundamental questions of existence

There is no Wi-fi in the forest but I promise you will find a better connection
Nature generates strong feelings of peace in many people. Such feelings are at the core of Nature Paganism.

Definition of Paganism and Its Varients

(June 9, 2023, Updated February 27, 2025) 

Definition of Paganism 

Pagans today seek to connect to the divine powers guided by ancient European ancestral traditions and concepts. Paganism is a path and not a faith. Paganism is defined by goals instead of by dogmas.

Nature Paganism

A subset of Paganism are the Nature Pagans who mainly seek divine connections via the aide of natural correspondences and seek to live a life coherent with deep natural principles. For whatever reason the universe was created, aligning with its powers brings us into harmony with the divine will. 

Neolithic people had no sacred texts so Nature Paganism is all they knew. That was their culture. 

The core of any perceptheistic/magical spiritual practice are feelings. These feelings are non-material conscious experiences having various levels of emotional energy. Consciousness experiences represent the non-material spiritual realm which is separate from the physical realm. No theory of physics explains consciousness. 

Reconstruction Paganism

Some modern Pagans use surviving ancient texts as their Bible, that is, they use them as their authority on how to be and live as a Pagan. This dogmatic use of the texts is different from using them as inspiration and as a source of ideas. These reconstructionist Pagans tend to be followers of Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, or Celtic texts.

The classic example of lordification is the change in Egyptian deities from animals and symbols, to animals with human heads or humans with animals heads, to fully human with identification done by their hats and what they held in their hands.
Modern symbol of the divine feminine. Lordification suppressed the traits ancient culture associated with the feminine including its deities.

Core Historical Event: Lordification and Downgrading the Divine Feminine

(March 24, 2023, March 4, 2025) The earliest texts show the Druid deities were mainly labels for clusters of divine powers found in nature which were occasionally and optionally be personified. This is  perceptheism. Lordification was the historical process in which the perception of these deities changed from being clusters of powers to being human-like royalty. Deities became “living gods.” Other divine powers were then lumped together as "winds/spirits." 

The cultural pressure towards lordification started with the rise of nation states. Distant kings came to be seen as just as powerful and just as capricious as nature powers. Because rulers tended to be male the important deities also started to become male downgrading the importance of the divine feminine.

Perceptheism makes sense. In the absence of  identifying visual information people are identified by their personality, that is, their unique cluster of powers.  Sumerian and Akkadian even used the noun possessive suffix to represent deity powers. Since a deity cannot be owned they used the noun possessive suffix (the dual-use letter he) to indicate that a deity's powers were meant.  

This perceptheistic principle continued to exist in Greek philosophy. For example, powers such as “wisdom” (“sophia”) could be personified as the goddess “Sophia” or seen as the power of wisdom. Ancient people originally had no division between gods and spirits. 

Lordification advanced at different rates in different parts of the world as centralized, aggressive nation states were formed. It was first seen in Sumeria with its city-states. The Sumerian word for lord and lady was “Nin.” After lordification most deities were called by their royal names. For example Nin.lil meaning "Lord of Breath" was the epithet for the original Mu’ulil (one who sprouts breath, probably equivalent to Druid Su), and meaning "Lady of the Chalice" for the original goddess Erishkigal (Druid Kate or Hekate). The classic example of lordification is found in Egyptian deity art which started out as representing deities as animals, then as people with animal heads, then completely as people.

Lordification changed deities into capricious human beings with all the emotional defects of humans. This caused lordified deities to be feared because they could be jealous, petty, and greedy. In order to please a deity in order to get something, priests and rulers had to plead, cajole, beg, and bribe. The ultimate bribe was child sacrifice. The greatest fear was that some deity somewhere would be offended by actions people did not even know tehy were doing. This fear of the deities is why the idea of a savior and easy forgiveness of sins became popular during the classical era.

Map of Persian Achaemenid Empire at its greatest extent(550-330 BCE
Persian Achaemenid Empire at its greatest extant under the rule of Darius I (522 BC–486 BC). It was ended by Alexander the Great in 333 BCE. This empire spread dualism both east and west. In the east this caused the invention of Buddhism. In the west it led to the popularity of the apocalyptic idea in Judaism and split ancient nature philosophy into Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Skepticism. (image from Wikimedia Commons)
Illustration of good versus evil
Dualism consists of two classes of powers at war with each other. One class is good while another is bad or inferior. Dualism is based on the false assumption "good" can be absolutely defined independent of context. Its falseness is demonstrated by the observation that rain on my garden is good while rain on my parade is bad. So is rain inherently good or bad?

Core Historical Event: Rise of Dualism

(March 3, 2025)  While dualism started innocently enough it has become one of the great curses of humanity amplifying the "us versus them" mentality. Dualism was an idea by a Pagan Persian priest called Zoroaster (by the Greeks). He observed that conscious experiences like smells were inherently good or bad. Therefore the divine realm was also inherently good or bad. (this assumption of inherent valuation of conscious experiences was only proved false in modern times by neuroscience). 

Zoroastrianism claimed these two realms were at war with each other until the end times when they would be united once again. Zoroastrianism was adopted as the religion of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BCE) because this ideology ended up supporting empires. Their kings could portray themselves as the good guys fighting the evil other. The resulting empire spread dualism far and wide. This is also why Roman Emperor Constantine (306 to 337 CE) adopted it in its Christian form and why his successors forced it onto the Roman empire.

In the west, idea was inserted into Judaism and from there into Christianity and Islam. In the east it triggered the debates which led to the founding of Buddhism as a dualist religion whose followers seek to escape the imperfect material world. Buddhism in turn led to the counter ideology of Hinduism seen in the Bhagavad Gita which is a statement against the impossibility of defining absolute evil.

Mainstream classical culture also became dualist with its traditional nature based spirituality (Pythagorean, Orcus in classical times) being replaced by Stoicism. The anti-dualist reaction against Stoicism was Epicureanism and Skepticism (305 BCE and after) with its teaching that pleasure is not evil.

Paradigm change cycle
One example of a paradigm change is a scientific revolution like the one in which plate tectonics replaced the idea of a static earth with rising and falling land bridges. Changes in paradigm tend to follow the circular pattern above. This cycle was first described by Thomas Kuhn in his book called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962at

Cultural/Religious Paradigms 

(November 27, 2023, Updated March 3, 2025) Facts must be organized so they can be found when needed. This requires a mental framework or model (that is, a paradigm) for working with acquired facts. If new facts cannot be fitted into a person's existing paradigm they will tend to be ignored. Paradigms can be difficult to change because they are heavily influenced by humanity's cultural psychology, that is, the psychology of identity.

Paradigms can be difficult to change because they bias perception and because they are often selected initially because they satisfy some emotional need. This neediness can make such people appear completely irrational even makes them willing to perform atrocities in defense of their paradigm. This was noticed by German Christian theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was jailed and eventually killed by the Nazis. He wrote this:

“The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison)

 What is real? The only thing which is real is some mechanism of cause and effect.

Assumptions of Reality - How Many Realities?

(March 8, 2025) Ancient Druid culture followed Multiple Place Reality with all change defined in the upper divine levels which is then transferred down to the earthly level. Possible assumptions of reality are: 

1. Unitary Place Reality -  Reality is not divided because it is either:

  1. Atheistic - Only the material realm exists withs it energy changes. Divine realm is an illusion. Conscious sensations are an "emergent" phenomena.
  2. Transcendentalist - Only the spiritual realm exists. Material realm is an illusion. Our minds create our reality and are only constrained by our own cultural conditioning and divine law.

2. Multiple Place Reality - The divine and material realms are different places. This is the paradigm of Judaism, Christianity, Islam. How the the 2 places interact is never explained.

Two ways exist to change the state of this paddle ball. That is, two ways to make it bounce farther. One way is to add more energy to it by paddling harder. The second way is the change the strength or stiffness (physical constant) of the rubber band.

Assumptions of Reality - How Are Causal Events Separated

(March 8, 2025) Pantheism holds that the divine and material realms exist within each other but use different ways to separate causal events (that is, to change state). Therefore, nothing is created or destroyed, all is recycled because nowhere else exists. At death the body and spirit are both recycled. Modern Nature Paganism is pantheism with quality separability. 

  1. Spatial Separability: All events are energy changes separated by space-time differences like material realm, therefore the spiritual realm exists in some higher dimensional space. Physical constants are unchanging.
  2. Quality Separability: All events are physical constant changes separated by quality differences like conscious experiences. In the material realm, each spatial dimension is a quality analogous to a primary color, just using spatial energy mixing rules instead of color mixing rules.

Existence is weird. Why should anything exist when non-existence is simpler?

What is the Purpose of Life? Assumptions of Existence Before Dualism

(March 14, 2025)

What is the Purpose of Life? Assumptions of Existence After Dualism

(March 14, 2025)

Epistemology is one of the 3 main parts of philosophy.

How Much Can We Know? Assumptions About Knowledge (Epistemology)

(March 15, 2025) Related to assumptions about reality are assumptions about how to learn about that reality.  These are:

Imagine these dots represent emotional/spiritual experiences. Many ways exist to cluster them together into various powers classes or deities. The colored separation shown represents just one model. The Druid pantheon is at the core of all later European pantheons (along with Indo-European contributions of the planetary deities and the elementary deities)

Druid Motion Deities With Their Roman Equivalents

  1. Su (Roman Orcus/Orkus) (Greek  Hades, ᾍδης) - The dark moon god Su and the source of astrological motion powers. Orkus is Akkadian AR.KS meaning "Controller of coldness. He came to rule the cold places. The Greek AD.NṢ means "Instigator of astrological-coercion" where "Instigator" is an epithet for Su in Druid Akkadian texts.
  2. Selu/Selene (Roman Vesta) (Greek Selene/Selu) - Celestial light source goddess and goddess of the hearth. In Rome, her main priestesses were the state sponsored Vestal Virgins. Being virgins they had nothing to do with fertility and life powers. Instead they were guardians of fates and fortunes.  Hearth goddesses protected the family against the ill effects of fate. Vesta is the Akkadian phrase US.T meaning "Binders of Astrology-magic." This word is similar to ancient Greek ἑστία (Estia) which is the Akkadian phrase meaning ES.T meaning "Spiritual-fluids of astrology magic." Spiritual fluids were thought to be the gaseous emanations (not expulsions) of stars and fires.
  3. Thu (Roman Minerva) (Greek Athena)-  The mixed gender hermaphrodite deity associated with emotional energy and sex. Minerva is Akkadian MN.RW meaning "supporter of the shepherds" who are emotion magic and astrology magic crafters. These are the original bards whose stories raised various emotions. "Athena" means "those Thu powers" and is often shown cross-dressed with a beardless feminine face in warrior armor. Greek culture (on old pots) shows men wearing beards. The beardless style came about under Etruscan and Roman influences.
  4. Thesu (Roman Genius) - The inner spark deity.  Genius is Akkadian G.N.IS meaning "The energy revealed by women." This is the inner spark of all living things. In time, this role was taken over by Vesta (Selu/Selene) whose inner spark is also the celestial light of the stars. Consequently, this deity is not often mentioned.

The Indo-European additions to the Druid pantheon were the planetary motion powers which modify the motion power class (Planets are ordered from fastest to slowest.):

  1. Mercury - childhood energy (fastest planet)
  2. Venus - young love
  3. Mars - youthful strength and aggression
  4. Jupiter - middle aged wisdom and rule
  5. Saturn - old age, death, harvest (slowest planet)

And the elemental powers which modify the life power class:

  1. Vulcan or Vul-Gin (fire, south) (Vedic Agni or A-Gin, Greek Hephaestus) [Proto-Indo-European Gina]
  2. Neptune or Nept-Un (water including sea water. Does not include flowing water) (Vedic Varuna or Var-Un) [Proto-Indo-European Una]
  3. Terra (ground, earth, north) (Vedic Mitra or Mi-Terra) [Proto-Indo-European Terra]
  4. Liber or Lib-Era (air, storms, liberty, east) (Vedic Indra or Ind-Era) [Proto-Indo-European Era]

Perceptheism Can Divide Up Spiritual Powers/Energies in Many Ways

(March 4, 2025) Ancient Druid culture was perceptheistic. No separation was made between spirits and deities. Perceived spiritual powers observed in nature can be divided up many different ways depending on the goals of the people involved. The Druid pantheon was a classification system which worked best for early agricultural cultures. It was gender balanced with the power clusters (deities) representing observed changes on earth. These were divided into 2 large classes of 3 layers each (source of the sacred number 3)consisting of the life power class and the motion/emotion power class. This scheme is called the Ancient Pagan Paradigm.

The ancient Druid goddess triad (most popular goddesses) represented the powers of death and rebirth (underworld goddess Kate/Hekate), life guidance and wisdom (crescent moon goddess Ayu), and the inner emotional spark of life (celestial light goddess Selu/Selene).. In contrast the Druid god triad represented the powers of creation (god Alu), order and security (god Hu), and fate/time (dark new moon god Su).

Classical Equivalents to Druid Deities.

Marcus Varro (116-27 BCE) has an important deity list in his book entitled Antiquitates rerum humanarum et divinarum (Histories of Human and Divine Things). He was born in or near Reate (now Rieti) in Lazio, Italy into a family thought to be of equestrian rank. He ended up owning a large farm in the Reatine plain which was reported to be near Lago di Ripasottile.  

His important passage about early Roman deities is quoted by Augustine in "de ciu. Dei, VII, 2." This is the earliest complete list that we have on the main Roman deities:  

Druid Masculine Life-Growth Deities With Classical Equivalents

Druid Feminine Life/Fertility Deities With Classical Equivalents

Zoroastrian Gathas definition

Dualism in Zoroastrianism

(July 3, 2022, updated March 17, 2025) Dualism within its conscious feeling context is first detected in the earliest Zoroastrian scriptures (Yasnas) known as the Gathas where Spenta Manyu (community supporter) is at odds with the Angra Manyu meaning “Anger supporter.” Anger is a conscious feeling. Also notice the perceptheism here in which divine powers are personified. 

(Yasna 30, verses 4-5) Once those two Manyus join battle, a man adopts life or non-life, the way of existence that will be his at the last; that of the wrongful - the worst kind, but for the righteous one - Vohu Manah [Good Support]. 5 Of those two manyus, the Angra Manyu chooses to do the worst things. The Spenta Manyu chooses Right, he who clothes himself in adamant (“the hardest stones”); as do those also who committedly please the Lord with genuine actions, Ahura Mazda. (West 2010)

Yet Zoroaster did not really like the consequences of his dualism because it meant splitting the Divine realm into Good and Evil halves at war with each other. Thus he came up with the end times idea which would reunite the two halves into an eternal whole:​

(Yasna 43, verse 6) At that bend (the end times) where thou comest with Thy Spenta Manyu, mindful in dominion, there, with Vohu Manah [Good Support], by whose actions the flock prospers with Asha [Rightful Order], Armati [Honor] announces to them the verdicts of Thy wisdom which no one deceives. (West 2010)

Because Zoroastrianism was lordified it separated divine powers into spirits and personified gods and goddesses. The spirits of nature, the daevas now became evil because they could not discern between Good and Evil. The religious culture of Zoroaster was fully lordified with the result that Divine powers were now thought of as impersonal spirits instead of as deity which could be optionally personified. This word became “devils” in English. As shown below, all those who follow Evil powers (druj) were to be killed and those doing the killing will be favored by lord Mazda.

(Yasna 30, verse 6) Between these two (Good and Evil) the very Daevas fail to discriminate rightly, because of delusion comes over them as the deliberate when they choose worst thought; they scurry together to the violence with which mortals blight the world. (West 2010)
(Yasna 31, verse 18) Let none of you listen to the wrongful one’s [the druj, the evil spirits] prescripts and teachings, for he will give house or manor or district or region into chaos and ruin; so cut them down with the axe. (West 2010)
(Yasna 33, verse 2) He that does evil to the wrongful one, whether by word or thought; or hands or instructs his comrade in goodness, such men will be prompt to His will, in Ahura Mazda’s favor. (West 2010)
At the apocalyptic end times the evil will be punished because those in the service of Good Thoughts will be given the power to deliver the evil into the power of the Good:
(Yasna 30, verse 8). And when the requital [that is, the end times] comes for their misdeeds, for Thee, Ahura Mazda, together with Vohu Manah [Right Support] will be found dominion to proclaim to those, Lord, who deliver Wrong into the hands of Right. (West 2010)

Yet Good thoughts can also lead to the kingdom (dominion) of God (Ahura Mazda) on earth. Jesus seems to adopted this idea without the dualism:

(Yasna 31, verse 6) It will go best for him who knows and speaks my truth, the prescript of health, right, and continuing life, what he increases for Him through Vohu Manah [Good Support, that is dominion for Ahura Mazda. (West 2010)​

References ​

West, M.L. (2010) The Hymns of Zoroaster. I.B. Tauris and Co. London & New York ​
The faith-based religious model common today based upon secondary source sacred texts is not the only possible model. The other way is a path based model sourced by feelings, constrained by community nature knowledge and given context by ancestral traditions.

Defining a Community Knowledge Source: Ancient Druidry's Knowledge Came From Nature and Tradition (Sacred Texts Did Not Exist)

(November 27, 2023)  In the ancient past before the rise of books and institutional authorities, nature and cultural tradition were the only source of community knowledge. While gaining a good model of nature is a challenge, nature itself is the only possible source of community knowledge which is internally consistent. If it wasn't self-consistent, the universe would crash like a computer.

 Community knowledge is the facts a community is expected to believe in order to insure their mutual prosperity and survival. Not believing in germ theory and acting upon that knowledge puts many in the community at risk of early death. Humans do not exist in isolation from others so a community has the right to expect its members to care about the truths of the physical world.

Other sources of community knowledge beside nature have been charismatic gurus, institutional traditions, or leaders and sacred texts claiming divine inspiration or secret ancient or alien knowledge. These differing sources never agree with each other which results in endless conflict and drama because truth cannot be agreed upon. The only potentially peaceful religions are nature based religions.

In contrast to community knowledge, personal spiritual knowledge is knowledge about your own emotional reactions. It is knowledge that only you can really know. You cannot expect others to feel the same or to use the same mental model which works for you emotionally. This is why Nature Religion is perceptheistic encouraging any divine conception which works best for each individual. All personal knowledge is equally valid as long as it does not contradict community knowledge.